“Um… not sure I can make it tomorrow.”
“Me, Ives, and Bailey will be there so come if you can. If not, we’ll do lunch in a couple days.”
“Okay,” I squeak. Tomorrow is my birthday. And my family is still here. I’m not sure what the plans are but now isn’t the time to say that.
She walks off down the walking trail back toward town and Mason smiles at her back as she departs.
“Why here?” Riley asks Mason. “Got a big ole forest either side of your house.”
“Filled her in on what I knew about you two. She was curious about the area, so we took a drive. The extracurriculars were unexpected.”
“Ah,” Riley says. “Though not really, right? Because the mood can strike anywhere.”
“And it does,” Mason says with a wink.
“You guys are worse than women,” I tease.
This gets me sexy chuckles times two.
“Should you walk back up that trail naked, Mason?” I ask. “What if there are hikers?”
“I’ll smell ‘em before they see me,” he says, touching his nose.
“Ah,” I say.
Mason sobers. “Another reason I’m here… wanted to recon the area a little bit ahead of the magic witch circle.”
“Good thinkin’.” Riley nods. “Same.”
“Lemme know when you’re on your way back here. We’ll meet by the water tower. See you guys later,” Mason says and then he shifts into a giant pure white wolf and trots in the direction Amie went.
“I guess they’re not entertaining my family at their house,” I say.
Riley shakes his head. “Forgot to tell you he texted and said they’d gone back to the apartment in The Hollow for your aunt to rest and gather their stuff for this thing tonight. Not sure about this, babe. I’m gonna stick close.”
“You can’t be, Riley. Witches only.”
“I’m your protector. How far away do I need to be? Because that’s as far away as I will be.”
“Okay,” I say, leaning into him with a smile.
“Don’t know what the fuck is funny.” He frowns.
“It’s not funny. Okay, it is a little. I like how protective you are.” I wrap my arms around him.
“Good, cause this is who I am. Don’t ask the SCC witches how far away I gotta be. Ask your aunt so the others don’t know me and the boys are nearby.”
“They might know anyway.”
“Even still.”
“Okay, pooky.” I snuggle into his chest.
“Tell me that one won’t stick.”
“Pooky?” I ask.
His expression sours.
“I think it might stick actually. It feels right.”
“The fuck it does,” he denies.
“Aw, pooky… don’t be surly.”
“Pick another nickname. Or keep cyclin’ through ‘em. I don’t wanna be pooky.”
“I think you are definitely my pooky.”
“I think you’re bustin’ my chops, little witch, and that’ll earn you a spanking.”
I clap my hands. “Yay!”
He shoots me a sexually charged look as he throws me over his shoulder and whacks my rump.
I giggle.
He carries me for about a mile like that before setting me on my feet by his truck.
Love is shining in his eyes as he opens the door for me.
“Love you, pooky,” I say.
He shakes his head. “Get in the truck, wicked witch.”
I laugh.
“Just because you don’t need to ask permission for energy, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask anyway. Just because you don’t need to build goodwill to bank, doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea to do it anyway,” Aunt Mimi says.
I’m taking her words to heart. Yes, I will learn and study some more. And I will continue to strive for balance. I can’t imagine being careless with magic.
“Have you ever heard of powers like the ones they say I have?” I ask.
Aunt Mimi is a history buff and a well of knowledge on the history of witches. She could teach if she wanted to.
Auntie nods. “A couple times. One of Aviva’s ancestors is one example. She went mad with it and self-destructed. It sounded like she didn’t have a support system. That’s not the case with you.”
No, it’s not. I have an incredible support system. Both with my family and now with Riley’s pack. A smile spreads across my face.
Aunt Mimi says, “I think Aviva and Lucinda were coming from the right place even if we don’t like the way it transpired. I might have chosen the same punishment for you back then if I were in their shoes. Lyrica agreed. Humble pie is an effective tool in many situations. But we hated this for you. We both did. Because we know your soul, girl. She would’ve loved to be here for today to see you have what you want, to see you responsibly coming into your full potential. She was very proud of you. As am I.”
“Even though I was a brat who barely listened?”
“Even with that.”
I choke up.
Aunt Mimi gives me her signature don’t you start look.
Aunt Lyrica was angry when I got punished. She never seemed angry at me, though.
“Auntie… all these years, all you’ve done for us…”