He seems to either get my meaning or decide himself as I watch his expression clear.

Aviva speaks up again. “We do what we can with the information given to us. That’s what the Youngs did to help with the matings of the first two. You wolf shifters don’t understand it because you haven’t lived it yet, but Riley, you will see times when these witches have to spend hours, even days working through problem-solving tactics to do their work. It doesn’t always just happen in a snap.”

I see agreement in the eyes of the sisters as the woman continues to plead her case. “We had to do what we had to do to ensure Erica Young was ready for what was coming to her. We spent many hours weighing all the variables before a decision was made. I can see that Mimi Young did what she felt she needed to do by withholding information to give you two time to heal the breach, and-”

“The breach caused by your fuckin’ asinine decisions,” I snap.

Lucinda and Aviva exchange looks.

Lucinda speaks. “We won’t deliver any punishments to you Mimi, for your part here. We know your time is limited and you’ll want to spend what’s left helping alpha four… Greyson… learn to wield his powers as well as hand the chain of command over for your coven.”

“What?” Vivica asks.

“Time is short. Mine comes to an end soon,” Mimi states. “Very soon. Within the next year I’ll begin to decline. But I haven’t announced who will take over for me as head of this coven.”

My mate and her sisters all react. Vivica and Jessica both drop their heads. Danica and Veronica grasp one another’s hands. I can feel my mate’s sheer terror at the idea of losing the matriarch of their family. Her teacher. The mother-figure she’s had since she was twelve.

I squeeze her hand.

“The ceremony tonight could bring you extra years with quality of life,” Lucinda offers.

“But from that magic, you’d both take some of mine,” Rikki speaks.

Aviva has the decency to look contrite. Lucinda says nothing.

“A coven trifecta in a place like this on a night like tonight could buy each of you more time,” Rikki says. “Any witch over the age of fifty. And if I train with you, you’ll have further access to my magic and that could mean more power for you. More goodwill banked on your end. A lot of it if my well is endless.”

They say nothing for a long minute. Nobody does.

“It costs you nothing to share,” Aviva finally answers. “You have an infinite amount of it at your disposal. Adding what you have to your sisters’ individual gifts? Very powerful indeed. Couple it with Danica’s healing strengths along with energy from the Starling and Alexander covens and it might buy Mimi five more good years, even. And will do good things for all three covens along with strengthening your bond with the supernatural council collective, which is never a bad idea. You may have an endless amount of energy at your disposal, but remember that there may come a time when you need advice, when you need goodwill that comes from relationships rather than magic. Having friends on the SCC is a good idea.”

Rikki says nothing. I can feel emotions surging inside her and can tell she’s processing information.

I pipe up. “My mate and I need time to talk. We rented a three-bedroom cottage for you across the lake. Mason can take you so you can rest in the meantime.”

“Your father invited me to stay with him and your mother,” Mitch advises.

“Our council here would prefer you host the witches, Mitch,” I say to him carefully.

“And I have to say,” my father speaks up, “Not feeling too hospitable, Mitch, finding out you knew all this for seven years and kept it from me.”

Mitch looks unsurprised at my dad’s reaction. Good, because he needs to take some responsibility here. Not hang out and golf, fish, or shoot the shit with his old buddies. He was just here and did plenty of that then.

“Wait,” Rikki says. “What if I say no? What if I say no to tonight and no to the training? Are there repercussions?”

I growl and all eyes hit me. “You don’t need to be afraid of these people, baby,” I tell her. “I’ve got you. And furthermore, you’re more powerful than they are.”

I know by their expressions that I’m right. She is far more powerful than they are. I suspect she could crush them without flexing a muscle.

“Not quite, Riley Savage,” Lucinda calls out, eyes sharp.

“Excuse me?”

“She’d have to flex a few muscles to take us out.”

“Lucinda reads minds,” Rikki whispers.

I hide nothing, I send all my animosity toward this bitch.

She smiles in response with a look that says she thinks I’m cute or some shit and lifts one shoulder in a shrug, then she examines her nails.