She nods and squeezing my hand back, I know it’s not just lip service. She believes me. She has faith in me. And it means a fuck of a lot. I drop a kiss on her hand and then let go so I can get out. “Stay here. I’ll open your door.”

Mitch, around my father’s age, gets out looking like he typically looks, though he’s dressed a little nicer in a solid black button down with new-looking jeans instead of his usual flannel over a t-shirt and worn denim.

The back passenger side door opens and a striking woman in, probably, her forties gets out and looks around. She has short, dark hair, dark eyes, expertly applied make-up, and is dressed in a designer black power suit and high heels with red soles.

The front passenger door opens and an older woman, maybe in her upper sixties gets out. She’s plump, more bohemian than power suit, wearing a long skirt and a colorful blouse. She has her long, salt and pepper hair in a braided ponytail.

I open the door for my mate, take her hand and we approach, coming to a stop ten feet away.

“Lucinda Alexander, Riley Savage.” Mitch gestures to the power suit wearing woman who gives me a once-over without expression. “And Aviva Starling,” he gestures to the bohemian one who smiles warmly.

I fold my arms over my chest. “I’d say welcome to Arcana Falls, ladies, but not sure I’m feeling all that friendly given how you fucked our lives.”

“Hello,” my mate croaks.

“Erica,” Aviva Starling greets and holds her hands out.

“Miss Young,” the other woman returns formally.

“Mrs. Savage,” I correct.”

Lucinda Alexander doesn’t react.

My mate steps up and accepts the outstretched hands.

I grind my teeth.

“Oh my,” Aviva Starling says with wonder and her eyes cut to Lucinda who raises a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Oh my,” she repeats.

She lets go of my mate and I grab Rikki’s hand, not liking that this woman read her by touch.

Inside, there are chairs set up for the group that’s here for support. As we cross the threshold into the addition that holds our meeting rooms and the library, which leads to the barn space where we usually have pack events, I see Jase moving ahead of us, likely to corral the group. By the time we’re inside I see everyone is sitting down. My mother and Aunt Cat have left but they set the space up for us earlier. They put all the seating in a wide circle, which my father told me in a text message he and my mother decided on intentionally.

Nobody is sitting at the head or the foot of a table. Nobody will be up on a podium looking down at anyone else. To the side of the circle, which is full other than five empty chairs, two at one side, three to the other side of the circle, is a table with refreshments.

“A crowd?” Lucinda observes, looking annoyed.

“My mate’s family and some of mine.”

She says nothing.

“Hello all,” Aviva greets.

“Everyone,” Mitch greets.

“Feel free to help yourself to refreshments and then we can talk,” I invite.

“I don’t need refreshments ahead of this,” Lucinda says.

Aviva moves to the table and selects a bottle of juice and a muffin before sitting down in an empty chair. “How is everyone!” she greets happily before taking a hearty bite of muffin.

Nobody answers.

Lucinda rolls her eyes and looks at the room with boredom.

Mitch takes a seat.

The room is silent, but you could cut the animosity with a knife.

“Mimi,” Aviva greets. “How have you been?”

“Aviva.” Mimi returns the greeting with an unreadable expression but doesn’t answer the question.

Aviva opens her juice and takes a sip.

I look at Mitch. “Let’s get this done then.”

Mitch nods, then speaks, “Good morning. I was asked to sit on the committee for SCC treaty infractions by Erica Young against Riley Savage seven years back. I was one of the committee members chosen because I’m a wolf shifter. When a code of conduct infraction is up for debate by the Supernatural Council Collective, there are typically supernaturals from multiple groups. Two from the group of the accused, as well as two from other groups including wherever possible the group of the other party.”

I pipe up. “Clearly not all parties involved, though, right? Because you’re calling it an infraction by Erica Young against me, yet nobody called me to attend any trial or meeting.”

“I realize this, Riley, but there’s a reason for that and we will get into it. As I was saying, there was a committee to hear the issue as well as to discuss consequences. The other committee members were the two witches here today, along with Sergei Voitenko, a vampire elder. I invited Sergei to come today, but he couldn’t fit this into his schedule. Lucinda happened to be here in the country, and Aviva got on the first available flight from Eastern Europe after my call. I was staying with Eddy, visiting with his pack in Washington, still, so didn’t have a long journey to make back here.”