Everyone drinks to my family. Even Graydon Blackwood, who has a dark expression but raises his glass anyway.

And the rest of the evening is spent with a chunk of the Arcana Falls pack. And they know how to have fun. They eat heartily, laugh unreservedly, and show one another love and care while making me and my family feel welcome.

After we eat and have dessert and before we get back into the boozing, Riley calls everyone’s attention.

“Okay, listen up. Tomorrow, we’ve got this meeting. They’ll be here around noon. I want the council there. The Youngs. Graydon, if you could talk to the other retired council members and give them the option. It’s not a necessity, but any of you that want to come, it’d be appreciated to have a strong showing of alpha pack members.”

“I’ll be there,” Graydon says. “So will Lorenzo. I’ll talk to the others.”

“I’ll talk to my pop,” Jase puts in. “I’m sure he’ll wanna be there.”

“Appreciated. Let’s not worry about this for the rest of the night. Let’s enjoy our evening. Tomorrow, I’ll say my piece and hear what they have to say for themselves. From there, if any decisions need to be made that affect our pack, the current council will meet before anything is decided. If whatever happens has to do with just me and my mate, me and Erica will deal.”

“We’re with you,” Tyson agrees heartily. “Whatever you need, brother.”

I watch as Tyson throws his arms around Riley, and they embrace.

Riley looks at me with fire in his gaze. “What they did to you, to us… it was cruel and reprehensible. I don’t know what the fuck they’ll say about it, but I’m not going to hold back.”

“They’ve got far-reaching powers, baby, so please be careful,” I implore. “We have to tread carefully.”

“I still don’t know what happened,” Bailey says.

“Neither do we,” Ivy speaks up, gesturing between herself and her sister.”

“I’ll fill you guys in,” I say.

“I’d like to speak to you,” Aunt Mimi says, rising, her eyes on Riley. “And you.” She looks at Greyson.

Greyson’s father looks annoyed as they walk by. I catch Grey give his dad an unhappy look before he follows.

Riley drops a kiss on my neck before he cocks an arm so Auntie can hold onto him while he escorts her into the house. Greyson follows. I watch Graydon stare at the house with concern in his eyes.

And then I give a succinct but brief explanation of what happened and why. Bailey, Cicely, Ivy, and Amie are all aghast with horror. Riley’s pack brothers all look pissed off.

Lucy excuses herself, looking upset on my behalf. She says she’s going inside to clean up and make more coffee. Two of my sisters slip in with her to help and ask Bailey to follow.

I try to get the mood to bounce back to something more jovial and feel like I’m falling flat until Mason’s parents show up with a crate filled with bottles of wine and moonshine. This finally changes the mood. Mason’s mom Skye is a hoot and promises to shop in my and Lucy’s future garden center. She also asks to set up a wine and moonshine rack on consignment with us and we’re even more excited about the possibilities. Cicely tells me she makes candles and handmade soap and wants to know if she can put some in our garden center on consignment, too.

“This is going to be amazing,” I squeal and pour more of Skye Quinn’s honey wine.


It’s almost two in the morning by the time the last of everyone has left and I’m on top of the world. Because I have Riley. I have Riley, and I’m here, and he’s not going to toss me to the curb.

My family gets along with everyone, and the way things are going, they’ll be treated like extended pack members. I couldn’t be happier. Amie, Ivy, Cicely, and Bailey are acting like they’re my four new best friends and my heart is full.

My sisters took Aunt Mimi home so she could get some sleep and then came back. All were tipsy except for Dani, who chose to be the designated driver. Jase was flirting with her some more and I saw Bailey watching them, looking a little crushed. I’m glad my sister was sober and didn’t pay Jase much mind.

I’m a little tipsy and wearing a perma-smile as I fall into bed.

Riley comes in a minute later, shucking his clothes off and dropping them into the hamper.

“Aw! You use a hamper!” I give him a melty look.

His eyes bounce between me and the wicker hamper and then his brows go up. He’s confused.

“I don’t have to pick your clothes up off the floor. God, you’re perfect!”

He laughs.

“I don’t always use the hamper,” I admit. “You might have to pick up my clothes occasionally.”