“Don’t stop. Keep going,” I demand, pulling her right hand down and pushing it back between her legs. I watch her fingers, eyes darting up to take in the look on her gorgeous face as she whimpers, then she’s crying out louder. Music to my ears. My mate has a beautiful voice.

My phone rings. I can see the screen from here.

Mitchell Blakely calling.

Fury takes over and without calculation, I grab it.

“Mitch,” I clip.

Her face changes and she looks horrified, covering her mouth. My knot is still going so although her hand covers her mouth it doesn’t do much to tamp down her reaction.

“So, you’ve mated, I take it,” Mitch says in his thick Scottish brogue.

My knot halts. “I’m inside her right now,” I snap. “And you’ve got some goddamn explaining to do.”

She jerks in shock, looking angry with me. She’s about to get off me, but I stop her by grabbing an ass cheek.

She leans over and bites my neck. And it’s hot as fuck, rather than punishing.

“Sorry, baby,” I whisper, squeezing her ass.

“We’ll need to meet then,” Mitch replies, sounding business-like. “Prepare for me and some other guests. I’ll be in touch with details on our arrival. The next few days, I’d imagine. ”

“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” I snap.

“No, Riley. I’m not.”

“Unbelievable. You sound mighty blasé for the shit you’ve put us through. Get your ass here, then,” I say.

“Keep a tight leash on her until then, Riley,” Mitch advises.

“Excuse me? You wanna lose your fuckin’ teeth?”

“After mating you, we ascertained her powers would be amplified. Significantly. Be careful, Riley. If the other witches are correct, she could be dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” My eyes search her face.

My mate can obviously hear him because she looks baffled.

“Dangerous, Riley. Lots to update you about. I’ll be in touch. Just ask her to be careful. Safe. Not to wield any powers without some guidance from the SCC. Please? Tell her it’s an order.”

“I’ll make that request,” I say.

“No, Riley. Give that as an order to your mate. From us and from you. Exert the mate bond if you must. I’m not jokin’, lad. It’s important. Please tell her so.”

“I’m not about to blindly agree to anything without a meeting and an explanation about why things have gone down the way they have. I’m not very fuckin’ happy. In fact, call me the polar opposite of happy right now because you and whoever else made this decision caused a shitload of unnecessary pain to my woman, not to mention me.”

“The SCC witches deemed it necessary, my friend.”

“I’d take your word for it, but I happen to have zero trust and a whole lot of animosity right now so get your ass here as soon as possible so we can hash this out.”

“Do not forget who you’re talking to, Savage. I realize who you are and how powerful your pack is, but do not forget that the council that oversees all supernaturals is involved here and it’s advisable for you to hold your temper in check. I’m on your side. I’m one of you and believe me, if anyone fucked with my mate the way we fucked with yours, I’d be just as livid.”

“Yet you were part of it.”

“There are reasons, Riley. I didn’t agree with their approach until they took the time to explain why they had to be so harsh.”

“Not sure any of your reasons can possibly justify what was done, but I’ll listen to what you have to say. I’m making no promises of future cooperation after this. The SCC crossed the goddamn line.”

“Need I remind you I sided with you guys after that cock up that just happened with Mason Quinn and his mate’s ex-fiancé?”

“Seven years I thought she was fuckin’ dead!” I shout.

“I know,” he says softly.

“Seven years she felt so guilty she’s practically unrecognizable.”

She jolts, looking devastated.

I keep going. “I’m freshly mated after seven years of fuckin’ grieving my mate who wasn’t actually dead, so maybe you all oughta tread carefully with me right now. I know who I’m talking to. I know who I am and what I stand for, and this was cruel. You’re a bunch of cruel and heartless bastards and as her mate, it’s on me to straighten shit out.”

“I can see this conversation isn’t going to go anyplace productive until you get all the details, so let me get off the phone here so I can make some calls and gather resources. We’ll come see you. I’m not holding anything you say against you, Riley, but please be reasonable with the other council members. They’re not all as understanding as I am.”

Incensed, all I manage is, “Bye.” I end the call and toss the phone.

She’s got pain in her eyes. And awe, if I’m not mistaken.

She opens her mouth.

“No point,” I cut her off. “We’ll see what they say.”