I nod, knowing agony is twisting in my features.
“And you’ve hurt because of it?”
“Every single fucking day.” My voice cracks on the word day.
She says nothing, but she looks like she’s trying to empathize with the weight of that.
“Thank you for breakfast. For getting me out of view for a while. It’s really good, but I really should get back. I need to be where he can find me if he wants to.”
“If he wants to find you, he’ll find you. So long as you’re not using magic to hide yourself again.”
“I’m done hiding.”
“Please don’t rush back to your van to sit by yourself. Come to the library with me. I’d like to ask you some questions.”
“I can’t divulge anything, Bailey. I’m sorry.”
“Not about magic, more about our early family trees that we don’t have records for. I’m wondering if your coven might.”
“We do. We have records of every birth and death up until the last thirty-odd years at least. After that, we haven’t been involved in the same way.”
“That information would be a big help.”
“I’ll have a look at what you’ve got, and I can ask my sisters if those records can be sent to fill in some gaps.”
“Awesome,” she says and sips her coffee. “Greyson wants information too,” she adds. “He’s busy, obviously, with his mating or I’m sure he’d be here to ask them himself.”
“I’ll be here until further notice,” I say. “And Greyson now knows how to reach me and my sisters after that.”
I sip my orange juice and then put my napkin down. “Please thank your mother for me. It was delicious. It’s just that my belly isn’t cooperative at the moment.”
“I understand. She will, too.”
Everything about Riley made me melt from the minute I saw him. But meeting these people, his people here so far? I’m now like a vat of liquified butter. To be part of this community? I’ve barely scratched the surface of seeing what this village has to offer, but between the flora, the fauna, the tight-knit community and family-atmosphere so far?
I know that not only have I obliterated my chance at a life with Riley, I’ve also fucked up the opportunity to have that life here. With all that I feel this is. The pack mentality I’ve craved my entire life.
When I finally saw Drowsy Hollow again on my eighteenth birthday, I felt drawn to that area.
But the nearby village of Arcana Falls? It actually feels like home.
I don’t excel alone. I’ve always called myself a pack animal, long before I knew about shifters and their pack mentality. And I’ve long suspected that this is likely part of why Riley and I were considered a match.
We’re in the town hall for a meeting called by pack alphas. When shit’s going down, it’s our habit to keep everyone informed. But with the shitstorm of the past eighteen or so hours, several non-council alphas put in the request for a meeting. The only council alpha not here is Greyson as he hasn’t emerged from his house since he took his mate home last night. Nobody has talked to him, but his scent floods the village.
Though that’s in my nose, it’s not as strong as the little witch’s scent. It’s getting stronger by the minute, it seems, and to say it’s fucking with me is an understatement.
Ty has quickly fit in despite his short time with us so far. Right now he’s standing up with Mason while the rest of us are seated in a soundproof meeting room in the basement, near the holding cells.
Ty and Mase have just updated everyone with all they know so far about the Drowsy Hollow Diner waitress who poisoned pack members. We only know that she then shot Tyson while under some sort of scent cloak. It wore off and Grey identified her as his. Her true scent lingers down here in the basement, likely due to her adrenalin spikes once Grey identified her before taking her home.
That he hasn’t surfaced yet is the norm, particularly since he mated her this morning. The only men asking questions about Grey’s wisdom right now are unmated ones.
Mase and Ty along with Lorenzo from the retired council are doing their best to drive the message home that they have no idea what it’s like to be in Greyson’s shoes because they haven’t met their fated mate. It doesn’t matter who she is or what she’s done, he’d need to claim her.
And I know they’re also saying that for my benefit.
Bruce, retired council alpha, fifth in birth order, just suggested someone go over there and make sure she hasn’t murdered him.
“Our council link with Grey feels intact,” Jase reasons.
“It does,” Joel confirms.
I can’t say I feel it; my senses are all clouded by my proximity to the witch.
“We should check anyway,” I state.