With Jessie conscious, the phones started working and we called Mase who got his boat out on the lake with a light. Andy Quinn got out on another boat, and they retrieved two dead betas and one injured, who is now in one of the two undamaged cells under the town hall.

And they retrieved the corpse of Aviva Starling as well as her wand.

A few of the men tracked Sherry’s scent and the faint scent of Wyatt Meadows in the Sleepy Cove resort. Lucas Meadows, who’s at Grey’s place now with Grey and Stacy, confirmed they all stayed in a cabin there last night and came from their village in two cars. Wyatt left with Sherry in one of them.

Jase and Linc took off to track them and will keep us in the loop.

Aviva’s ancestor’s wand is back in the niche under Arcana Falls. Aviva’s body is back in the basement of the town hall.

We’ll assess whether the barn can be fixed or if we’ll tear it down and build something new.

Ty’s house is damaged in the bedrooms section from the bomb that went off there. He and Ivy went to stay at Mason’s place.

“My family is going home in the morning,” my mate’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Yeah, baby. Get some sleep. It’s nearly morning.”

“You’re gonna have to make up with Toonie in the morning, Mr. Wolf.”

I snicker. Two of the cats are on the bed with us. The third hasn’t come out. I know she’s hiding under the bed in the spare room.

I’ve established dominance. She doesn’t like it, but too bad.

“I think if you feed her a can of salmon, she’ll forgive you,” Rikki adds.

I scoff. “The minute your family is out of here, first thing that happens is you get a spanking for disregarding my directions tonight.”

She stiffens. “You already said I saved the day.”

Yeah, there’s that. Because who knows how that shit would’ve gone down with us facing off with four men with machine guns who’d planted two bombs.

“I’m gonna talk to Lucinda and Aunt Mimi though about figuring out how to manage this extra magic. It’s definitely easy to lose control of it. I thought I fucked up badly.”

“You didn’t,” I assure. “Things could’ve really gone south in a lotta ways tonight, little witch. Damage was minimal considering what coulda happened. They could’ve turned on us with those machine guns. It felt like it might go south, but they were suddenly sucked up into the sky at the right moment. People could’ve been hurt in the town hall. All of Ty’s house could’ve gone up in smoke. Ivy with it. It didn’t.”

“Yeah,” she says softly, snuggling into me.

“But you’re still getting punished,” I tell her. “After your family leaves, I’ll spank you and I’m gonna make you come over and over for the rest of the day to punish you for not listening to me.”

“Poor me,” she fake complains, walking her fingers up my chest.

“Poor you, indeed. “Cuz I’m gonna work hard, baby, hard.”

“Work hard?” she asks. “Fixing the town hall and Ty’s house? Guess my greenhouse might have to wait a little.”

“Yeah. Maybe a little. Also gonna work hard to plant my first pup in your belly,” I tell her. And then I growl.

“I love it when you growl,” she tells me.

“Me, too,” I say. “So I can catch my favorite scent. You… wet for me.”

“It’s my favorite scent, too, Riley,” she says, throwing one leg over mine and sitting up, rubbing her hot, wet pussy over my hard cock. “Because when you growl, my body responds. And when my body responds, I know what’s coming next.”

Addicted to her own juices. My little witch.

“Time for my favorite taste,” I say, flipping her to her back. Two cats jump out of the bed as I spread her thighs wide.

“The only thing that tastes better than you, Riley, is when I taste me on you,” she tells me.

“Wicked little witch,” I say, then while I taste her, I decide to try my newfound talent, the half-shift, because I know for a fact that my wolf’s tongue is much longer and thicker than my human tongue.

My mate lets out a throaty sound that absolutely will wake the whole house, so I pull back to human and order, “Bite the pillow, baby, because you’re about to feed your Mr. Wolf his dinner.”



I wave my family off after what felt like the second longest night of my life. The first longest? The night I knew how badly I fucked up by casting that love spell.

As soon as we know things are sorted here with the Silver Hills situation, I’ll go visit my family. Bring Riley.

As soon as their SUV is out of sight, I find myself thrown over my mate’s shoulder. I giggle as he carries me into the house.