“What are you doing, baby?” I shout.
“Stay back, Riley, please,” she cries. “I don’t know where to put it.”
“What the fuck?” I croak out.
“It’s everything negative in this town. It’s all the bad energy. I wanted it gone. I wanted everyone safe. And I didn’t realize it’d all come at me like this. We only had a small pot. I fucked up and I don’t know what to do.”
Blue sparks flit around her body as she holds her hands high, the cloud of negative shit churning in the sky above her.
“Send it into the water, baby. Behind Ty’s house. Send it there,” I tell her.
“But there are people up there,” she cries.
“Bad guys that wanted to shoot us,” I tell her. “It’s okay, Rikki. Send it there.”
“And my fucking sister!” Jase shouts.
“I didn’t mean it, Jase,” my woman cries. “I thought I protected her. She’s part of the pack. In my spell I protected people in the pack.”
“Then set everything into the water and Sherry’ll be okay,” I tell her.
She swallows hard.
“Set everything into the water, baby,” I say.
Jase paces, still holding that machine gun. “I’m gonna shoot that fucker as soon as my sister is clear,” he warns.
“Rikki, set it in the water,” I repeat.
She nods, then moves her arms and points beyond Ty’s yard and the funnel cloud moves slowly that way.
Everything in the sky then freefalls into a rain of debris, including screaming men who fall into the lake with a thunderous splash that sends a massive wave away from Ty’s house.
We all watch, and it looks to me like Sherry and the asshole who is wrapped around her fall further away from the debris field. He pulled her into the mess because he had ahold of her and my woman’s protection spell meant that because he was holding Sherry, he’s likely gonna survive this.
My mate drops her hands and her lip trembles as I rush to her.
She falls into my arms.
“Jessie?” she asks.
“Got her. She’s with Joel.”
She bursts into tears.
I lower us to the grass and hold her in my arms, purring as she weeps.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
She nods with tears on her cheeks. I use the pads of my thumbs to wipe them away and kiss her softly.
“It’s okay, Rikki,” I say. “It’s all gonna be okay.”
“More purring,” she whispers and tucks her head under my chin.
I’m in my bed, holding my mate, purring for her. It’s late. So late it’s almost early.
Quite a night, and her family is once again camped out in my house. Jessie regained consciousness not long after I left her with Joel. She seems fine. She’d gone outside for air and the asshole came up behind her and chloroformed her.
Stacy and Grey tracked her little cousin not far from Drowsy Hollow. He’s sixteen and he was recruited into Wyatt’s army. He was scared. Clearly not a bad kid by the fact he wasn’t carried off with all the bad shit. He spilled the beans on everything.
Meadows was running low on potions. He had enough of the magic potion to mask himself and the witch he planned to take so he had his boys wait outside of town and got them to eat catnip.
Tonight’s plan came together after he kayaked across the lake after seeing Mason bringing people over on his boat from the cottages on the other side and made his plan from there. He landed at Ty’s and skulked around in shadows, seeing a lot of the town heading to the town hall, so he was in communication with his lead beta on cell. Wyatt planted an explosive device at Ty’s house with a timer. He did the same at the town hall, managing to avoid our cameras by coming in not via the four corners where we have cameras but through town because he snuck in via the back way. He bullshitted about having someone else hide, likely doing that on the fly after Grey was able to use magic to get his knife away from him.
My mate was distraught, thinking her negativity-gathering spell caused the explosion in the town hall because of pulling Aviva Starling’s body. But when the explosion happened, which was started by Wyatt, it created a hole directly over the cell Aviva’s body was in.
The reception hall was empty during the explosion. Most were downstairs. Right after my mate left, disobeying my order for her to stay, her aunt moved Grey’s mate and the other sister into the library where they were performing a protection spell over the people in the town hall. We had no injuries on our end.
My mate pleaded with Jase and his father to believe that she included Sherry in her pack protection spell. We all knew that though Sherry was absolutely one of the most negative people around, that she was swept up into that field of negativity because Wyatt Meadows refused to let go of her when he got carried up into the sky.