I’ve been through too much to not get my happily-ever-after. So have Tyson and Ivy. I can’t let the evil energy take anything else from us. No!
While I focus, I see Tyson carrying Ivy out the front door and about ten seconds later I see Lincoln directly behind them and hear Bailey sigh with relief.
The pot begins bubbling hard and then something flies through the air, making us duck.
A box has landed in the pot, it’s half hanging out.
“Shit,” I say. “Aviva’s wand.”
It was pulled from the cave under the falls. That was covered by my intention. I was too panicked, too broad in my request.
Tyson is running in our direction with Ivy, and I focus my energy on the house. I see more smoke and an orange glow from one of the rooms.
I accept offered energy from the water behind the house as I see Ivy staring at the house with a devastated look in her eyes. As soon as they’re outside the gates, a giant wave from behind the house crests over the rooftop and douses that section of the house.
“What the-” Tyson stares behind himself and then looks at me with shock.
Ivy bursts into tears. “Set me down, Ty,” she requests.
And when he does, she comes closer, “Thank you, Erica, thank you for saving our house.”
“Wait there, please,” Ronnie calls out as we continue focusing with our hands joined.
Bailey pulls Ivy close. “They can’t have their circle breached.”
“Too much. Oh no,” Dani screams as an explosion sounds from somewhere beyond us and we see what looks like a big cloud of debris flying in our direction.
“What the fuck?” Ty shouts.
There’s a massive pile of stuff coming at us through the night sky.
I feel the earth, trees and the water imploring me to request help. It’s the strangest sensation.
“It’s coming for us. For the pot?” Dani shouts.
Did I do that? Did I fuck up this badly?
Danica wanted bad energy from Tyson’s house to go into the pot, to make sure they could get out despite smoke or fire, to help them get to safety. We could’ve then carefully neutralized any supernaturally remaining negativity, but I focused on all the negativity around us, having no idea how much negative energy there really was. How much stuff would come at us. There’s so much coming at us, aiming for that pot, that I need to find a way to direct it elsewhere. Where nobody will get hurt.
“What is all that?” Bailey asks, aghast.
I break our circle and lift my hands up and point into the sky as I do my best to quickly communicate, get permission, make sure I’m not about to cause more harm than good. But I don’t know how long it’ll take to get the answers I need so in my haste I make a decision and hope it’ll somehow work.
I’m running for my mate and really do not fuckin’ like what I’m seeing. The air feels wrong, thick, and the moon looks wrong. I don’t know what the fuck is happening here.
I feel like I’m running underwater but that’s because I’m chasing a field of debris that’s moving across the night sky.
There was an explosion in the town hall. One corner of the barn was blown out, and Grey ran for the building, for his mate and the pack members we left there while I handed Jessie to Joel and asked him to check on Rikki’s family. I kept running, knowing my mate’s scent wasn’t there, knowing she was deeper into the village, meaning she didn’t listen, didn’t stay put.
I’m suspecting the field of debris in the sky is heading to wherever she is. Suspecting she’s the one that yanked those assholes up into the sky. To save us. My beautiful Rikki.
Jase is chasing to get to his sister while I follow my nose toward Erica. I know this wreckage is at least partly what was blown out of the town hall but also the people being carried through the sky who are ahead of it. And their weapons.
I see the woman I love in front of the open gates to Savage House with Ty, Linc, and some of the girls about twenty feet away from her. And what I’m seeing tweaks me even further because Rikki’s hair is flying in multiple directions and she’s holding her hands up, reaching for the sky. As I slow, shifting to human form, I see she’s holding what looks like a tornado above herself, holding it in the sky. The rest of the debris is sucked into it. It’s twirling slowly, directly above her. If she wasn’t doing whatever she’s doing right now, it’d fall all over the place. All over the people here, all over Savage House. On top of her.
“Fuck,” I cuss, looking at barnboard pieces, men, guns, Wyatt still holding onto a screaming Sherry, and fuckin’ Aviva Starling’s nude corpse. They’re all part of this slow-turning tornado in the sky above my mate.