“We had them made from a three-hundred-year-old local tulip tree that was lost,” Jessie shares, giving one more sweep across hers before setting her little broom to the side.
Aviva sets quartz crystals around the perimeter of the cauldron, carefully balancing each crystal on the rim before she opens a small vial and dumps clear oil into the cauldron.
“The one that made it into the newspapers when it fell on Halloween?” Aviva asks.
“Yes,” Jessie states.
“The same tree I cast the Riley love spell under,” I say.
“Ah yes,” Aviva says softly.
Ronnie, Jess, and Dani came out here after it happened with a saw and their implements. We had some of the sawdust added to her remains when Aunt Lyrica was cremated. That tree was very special and is now the site of a rather large pumpkin patch each autumn. Now that I live nearby I’ll be sure to harvest some this year.
Lucinda sees me looking at the bejeweled knife in her hand.
“My wand,” she explains. “My spouse is a vampire. It doubles as a tool that can prevent supernatural attacks.”
“Oh my,” I reply. Some witches use wands, others use a knife; it’s all preference. “Handy.”
My wand is a simple willow one.
“I’ve had a few run-ins,” Lucinda adds. “Not everyone is thrilled with the idea of a witch being mated to a vampire.”
I resist the urge to ask questions. “People should mind their own business,” I say instead.
Aviva laughs. “You would know.”
I tip my head to the side and say nothing.
“Too soon,” Aviva adds.
Aviva’s wand is a tapered dark spindle with crystals embedded in the leatherbound hilt. It looks old.
She sees me looking at it but says nothing. Wands are very personal for some witches.
“Begin when you’re each ready,” Aviva suggests. “Meditate with intention while the moon cleanses our tools, and then when it feels right, is it agreeable if I speak?” She removes her clothes and carefully folds them, setting them in a pile behind herself.
“Agreeable to me,” Lucinda advises, “though we’re all skilled enough here, I doubt you need to give us this level of direction.”
Lucinda is already set up and cross-legged, in a meditative pose, wearing a more casual white linen suit now. She left her Louboutins behind and wore cream ballet flats, which are now outside our circle with the shoes of everyone else, save me who left my flipflops on the bus.
Some witches prefer to practice magic in the nude. Lucinda likely chose her white outfit with intent, white chosen to symbolize openness and willingness in the circle tonight. I chose to wear the earthtone patchwork dress that I wore the day they spirited me out of here, feeling like things are coming full circle. I wore a tank top underneath tonight, and behind it is where my protection charm is hidden. Jessica has hers wrapped inside her headband. Ronnie’s is in her pocket while Dani has hers wrapped around her ankle with several other anklets. Vivi wears a tangle of charm bracelets and necklaces so hers is either on her wrist or around her neck.
“Habit from teaching,” Aviva explains cheerily.
“Do you have a large coven?” Ronnie asks.
Aunt Mimi leans over Danica, speaking into Jessica’s ear.
“Everything okay?” Lucinda asks.
“Yes, fine,” Jessie replies. “Low blood sugar.” She pulls a wrapped mint from her pocket, opens the wrapper and pops it into her mouth.
She looks pale.
“Sure you’re all right, Jess?” I ask.
She nods. “Think so.”
“Would you like a bottle of water?” Aviva asks. “I have several. They’ve just come out of a cooler.” She gestures behind herself.
“Yes, please. Thank you,” Jessie nods.
“And yes, I do have a large coven, Veronica,” Aviva says, opening a water and passing it to my sister. “I lead my coven, which has members on four continents. But teaching has always come naturally. I hold workshops to teach inexperienced witches of other covens. I teach lone witches as well. Also those who would like to level up. I felt the call to teach even before I felt the call to our craft.”
“You teach in Albania?” I ask. “Where you invited me? Because I’m interested.”
“That’s right,” Aviva says. “We can discuss that later.”
“Maybe we could all go,” Vivica suggests.
“That would be lovely,” Aviva replies, though she’s still looking at me. “Shall we begin?”
“Of course,” I reply as we all move into our preferred meditation poses, which come from personal preferences. I gather the length of my dress, bunching it between my legs to cover my underwear. I bend my knees, planting my fingers and toes into the grass. I focus on my surroundings, feeling the energy of the environment. Listening for nature sounds, which I still do not hear. Welcoming positivity.
Other than the lack of sounds, almost everything feels harmonious right now. My eyes find Jessie’s. She’s feeling something, and I don’t know what. But I know she’d tell us if it didn’t feel like we should perform this circle. Jessica wouldn’t just let it go and I’m certain neither would Aunt Mimi.