Rikki looks shocked.
Grey stares at Aviva and Lucinda with a glacial expression.
Clearly, Greyson and I need a catch-up.
“Your niece would’ve made a mess and if you were being impartial in this situation like you should be, you’d know it,” Lucinda states.
Mimi’s mouth opens but my mate speaks instead, and she does it sounding broken.
“I would’ve.”
“Baby,” I say, hating that tone in her voice.
My mate looks at me. “I would’ve made a mess, Riley. A royal one.”
I shake my head. I hate seeing her vulnerable like this in front of her peers. I see them as predators and as a predator myself, I don’t want her to show an ounce of weakness to these enemies. But here she is in all her beauty and vulnerability. I’m her protector and they’re not going to get between us again.
“Riley, as a witch I’ve always been very aware of how much energy and goodwill I have stored. Until the other day at the cabin, I knew things changed with my abilities, but I didn’t know why. I didn’t notice until then that I’ve now got access to this vault filled with energy. It’s endless, Riley. It’s in me and it’s around me. And that’s a little terrifying.”
“Which is why Mimi was to tell us when you were about to reveal yourself to him,” Aviva says. “We interfered where we needed to, based on our gifts. We did what we needed to do just like your coven does what you’re compelled to do, due to your visions and your desire to do good works. You have your work; we have ours. Your work is to do with people and other supernaturals. Ours is to do with supernaturals at your level. The only way to keep the balance was to make sure that this powerful young witch knew the price of her power. You now know it, don’t you, Erica Young?”
“Savage,” I correct.
My mate smiles shakily at me and then looks at Aviva. “I do. You’re right.”
“Bullshit,” I clip.
“No Riley,” my beautiful mate says with her heart on her sleeve. “I was always so impatient. I never looked before crossing the street. I just ran out going after whatever shiny thing I had my eye on. When I found out I was a witch, I broke the rules like crazy and dabbled with potions and spells before I was allowed to. I couldn’t wait. I didn’t… I wasn’t mature enough. After what happened with us, after seeing what damage I could do with my bad habits of waving my wand before thinking things through, I took more time. More effort. I made sure to look both ways, to dot my i’s and cross my t’s. I became very careful and methodical so I wouldn’t make mistakes. So I wouldn’t cause any more unnecessary hurt. I’m so sorry that my personality flaws meant they had to-”
“No. Stop right there. Not true. You do not have personality flaws, baby. That’s bullshit.” I’m furious. I’m absolutely fuckin’ furious. I’m ready to rip shit up.
“I had a lot of growing up to do. And I think I’ve done that, but I also think I do want some additional training,” she says. “This new access I have? It’s… it’s big. I’m not entirely sure how to use it. And I don’t want to hurt anyone or mess anything up.”
Lucinda says, “She gets it.”
Aviva nods. “She does.”
“It was explained to me,” Mitch speaks up, “And I’m bound by the guidelines of the supernatural council so I couldn’t say anything. But I knew that of all shifters I knew that weren’t of my own pack, there was no better pack for this witch to be fated to than this one, Savage. You’re a strong, family-minded man who puts your pack above all. The only thing you’d put above your pack is your mate. And if you had to work for it, if you had to deal with some shit to make sure your pack and your mate were where they’re meant to be, you’d do it. Even if it takes you a while to come around due to your anger at your loved one feeling pain.”
I glare at him. Not sure how this fucker thinks he knows me this well. He’s friends with my father, was good friends with Tiberius and a few of the other council alphas in that generation but he hasn’t spent a shit-ton of time with me. Then again, he’s not wrong. The only thing more important than my pack to me is my mate. This quickly. I know it with everything I am that she’s my top priority.
Aviva speaks up again. “We asked to spend the night because it’s a lunar eclipse event this evening and as you know, Erica, it’s a big night for many covens. This would be a wonderful location to experience that. Together, we could have a really lovely experience, if we are permitted to perform some enrichment and good-will rituals with you. We can also help you flex your new muscles safely inside a circle, which I’m told you haven’t really done yet.” There’s almost a question in Aviva’s statement.