“I’m happy to do that, mate.”
“Aww. You’re the best. What time is it, Mr. Wolf?”
“Dunno. Two, three? Why?”
“No. What time is it, Mr. Wolf?”
“Time to knot my mate?” he guesses.
“I guess you don’t know that game,” I say. “You’re supposed to tell me how many o’clocks it is and then I take that many steps.”
“And then when I’m super close, or not, you decide as you’re Mr. Wolf, and then I ask what time it is again, and you say Dinnertime! And then you chase me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” I nod.
“I could eat some dinner,” he tells me, looking at me with carnal intention.
“Bon Appetit,” I invite and throw my skirt up, giggling.
“What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” I ask.
He puts his knee to the bed, and I hear hissing.
“No room for me?” he asks, looking down at the bed.
There are two cats hissing again to give him his answer. Petunia is the ringleader, and she doesn’t want him here.
“Little witch? Wanna get your pets outta here? Unless they wanna be catapulted outta the room?”
I laugh. “You wouldn’t.
“No?” he asks, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
“Petunia and Penny, that’s not very friendly,” I tell them. “Penny just hisses when Toonie does. She’s not cranky like Miss Cranky Pants.”
“Don’t care who, what, or why, just want them gone so I can fuck you, baby.”
“How does the catapult work?” I ask.
He looks surprised.
“I’m joking. Don’t throw my cats. I’ll get testy.”
He snickers as I get up and scoop one into each arm, then I carry them down the hall, put them in the guestroom bed with Oscar. I go back to Riley’s room, shutting the door behind me.
“I had so much fun tonight,” I say, putting a knee to the bottom of the bed.
“Good,” he replies, leaning back and watching me crawl to him.
“Your pack is great.”
“I know.”
“Your dad is so nice. Your mom? She is awesome.”
He laughs. “Evidently awesome enough to plan to go into business with forty-five seconds after she got here?”
I nod. “Yup. I would rock owning a nursery. A nursery and so much more.”
“I bet you would, lookin’ at all the plants here. You probably won’t still need me to build you a greenhouse out back, then?” he asks.
“Duh. Of course I will,” I reply.
He chuckles. “Get up here, woman.” He opens his arms reaches for me, and I finish the climb up Mount Riley.
“I’m here,” I announce. “But I wasn’t gonna come all the way up here. Don’t you want a blowjob?”
He gives me a sexually charged look. “The answer to that question will always be yes, mate. So no need to ask.”
“Girls complain about doing that, but I think it’s fun.” I shrug.
“You’re a little drunk there, mate. And fuckin’ perfect for me.”
“A little drunk, yes. I’d say Cicely makes a strong Long Island Iced Tea, but I’m also a lightweight.”
“Apparently,” he observes.
Then again, I drank three glasses of the wine Mason’s mom brought, too.
“But it’s good that I’m a lightweight and I’m a little drunk because it means I’ll be able to sleep tonight instead of worrying about this meeting tomorrow. What did Aunt Mimi say to you?”
“Don’t worry about all that, babe. I’ve got this thing. I’m gonna handle it. Don’t sweat it, okay?”
“Riley,” I get choked up. “I don’t want them to do anything else to punish us. Please don’t be all alpha badass with them. Please just… don’t do anything that’ll-”
“Darlin’, they’re not gonna fuck with us anymore. They’re gonna answer for their sins and if I don’t like their answers, we’re done dealing with them. If I find avenues to complain about what they did to the other people on the council they gotta answer to, I’ll do that. If we deem our pack just isn’t gonna deal with them anymore, that might be what we do.”
“But our coven’s work…”
“Don’t you worry about it. Let’s see what they say, and we’ll go from there. I’m not gonna have a kneejerk reaction, baby. I’m gonna hear them out and then we’ll go from there. Okay?”
“Okay. I’m a little scared of my powers now, Riley.”
“Why, baby?” He cradles my face. I snuggle in and lay on him.
“I always felt like I was working within the balance. Give and take. Give more than I take. Do everything with good intentions. Bank energy and goodwill so I have it when I need it. Share it where it’s needed and warranted to help others. But when those guys tried to take me and I connected with the earth and sent my request to the roots of the weeping willow, it felt like I didn’t have to ask. It felt like… like… there was no need for balance. Like all the energy was just mine for the taking. And then the anger I felt when that other guy was hurting you? It was a little scary. Felt so much energy when we got here yesterday, and I put my hands in the dirt. I can just use it up. As much as I want. But that’s weird. It goes against everything I’ve been taught.”