The cat takes one look at me and hisses.

“Hey, moondoggy!” she greets, excitedly reaching for me.

“Moondoggy?” I hear Jase ask behind me.

The other redhead who I already know is Jessica plucks the cat up and coos to him as I lean in and kiss my woman.

“Welcome to Arcana Falls, Young family,” I greet.

I get smiles and hellos from all around the table, except from the old lady.

“Ms. Young. Nice to see you again.”

She looks me over, her bright white hair in a tight bun. She’s wearing a green and black gauzy dress that’s buttoned up to her throat. A black pedicure peeks out from her Birkenstocks.

“My apologies for my behavior last time we met, ma’am,” I tack on.

She extends her hand. I take it. She holds on and looks over at a curvy brunette dressed in denim coveralls beside her. That one reaches out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Moondoggy. I’m Veronica. People who love me call me Ronnie.”

I let go of the aunt to take her hand and she smiles, staring at it.

“Fuck sakes,” Rikki mutters and our eyes meet. She looks annoyed at the obviousness of what’s just happened.

The brunette wants to get information from me by touch; the aunt’s glance told her to do it.

“Hey Ronnie. You’re the one who can read people when you touch them or their belongings, right?”

“And yet you didn’t hesitate before accepting my hand. That’s a good sign.” She smiles at my mate who is beaming and then releases my hand.

“Riley, Ronnie’s paying a compliment when she’s touchy feely, even if it doesn’t seem like it.” My mate then gestures to the other brunette sitting beside her. “Vivica, our oldest sister.”

“Shut your pie hole with that O-word,” Vivica, who can’t be much older than my mate grumbles.

She’s the brunette I saw with the redhead at the bar that night. She and Veronica are so close in appearance, they could be twins. Vivica has longer hair and is slimmer than Veronica. Veronica wears glasses, too.

“And Jessie, who I think you met.” Rikki gestures to the other redhead.

“Riley,” she greets.

I kiss the cheek of Ronnie and then Vivica before I move to Jessie. I take her hand and kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Jessie,” I squeeze her hand. “You know what for.” I give her a look loaded with meaning.

She gives me a big smile and then gives Rikki an even bigger one.

“And that’s Danica.” Rikki gestures to a blonde who is looking me over with scrutiny.

“We’ve met,” I say. “Like I said to your aunt, I apologize for how I behaved the day we met.”

I reach for her hand, but Jase gets between us.

“I’m Jason Creed,” Jase leans over and grabs Danica’s hand before I get the chance. “Nice to meet you.”

Fuckin’ Jase.

“Nice to meet all of you. I’m Joel,” Joel says. “Need us to unload that van?”

“Thank you, Joel, but it’s done.” My mate waves her hand. “Sisters are used to doin’ it for themselves.”

“Next time leave it for me, little witch,” I say, approaching Danica and dropping a kiss on her cheek. I then move to Mimi and do the same. And if I’m not mistaken, Mimi thaws just slightly. “Nice to see all of you ladies. Welcome to mine and Erica’s home. You’re very welcome here. Any time.”

My mate looks at me like she looked at my wolf after she realized he wasn’t gonna eat her. Like she’s melting.

The cat in Ronnie’s lap hisses again.

“Who’s cat is this?” I ask, reaching out, thinking it might need to sniff me.

The cat quickly darts a paw out and rips its claws across the top of my hand instead, drawing blood.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

The cat hisses again.

I look toward the aunt. “Apologies, ma’am.”

She shrugs. “No need to apologize for a word unless there are bad intentions behind it.”

“This is Petunia. She’s mine,” Rikki says. “Very naughty, little Miss Toonie! Penny is my tabby and Oscar is my ginger. They’re inside exploring.”

“Penny and Oscar?” I parrot.

“My other two kitties,” my mate says. “You want coffee, Hot Tamale?” She gets to her feet, “I’ll brew another pot. Unless you want tea instead? How about you guys?” She looks to Jase and Joel.

“Coffee sounds good,” Joel says.

“Yeah,” Jase chimes in.

“Coffee, darlin’,” I say. “Follow you in so I can talk to you for a sec.” I reach for her hand, and she takes it and rises, then follows me inside.

“Nice dress,” I say.

It’s low cut, the back is mostly straps, and it’s white with pink, red, green, and blue flowers all over it. Her feet are bare. I reach for her and tug the elastic out of her hair.

She rolls her eyes but doesn’t say anything as I run my fingers through her curls and press her against the wall inside the door.

“Three cats?” I ask, tossing the elastic to the counter. I kiss her.