“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Dani started to move away, but Mae caught her elbow and kept her in place. “You will not run from me, not from this. There are a lot of things that you aren’t aware of. Before you pass your judgment on me and run, you best be hearing all the facts before you judge me.”
Dani stared at her. The two stared at the other. Neither looked away, but it was too much for her. Dani pulled away again. “This isn’t a trial. This was a lie you kept from me.”
“You don’t run.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” But that wasn’t true. It’d been there in the back of her mind, but it wasn’t strong. There were more reasons to stay than run.
Pain flashed in Mae’s eyes. “Fine. I’ll tell you.”
“I’ll tell you everything.”
Dani saw who else was in the Grill then. Jake. Kate. Aiden. She ignored all of them, and walked away. Just outside, she stopped short because Boone and another man were studying her Mustang.
She said, “It’s mine.”
She guessed this was Boone’s brother. They looked similar. Both were tall and lean with the elder Quandry outweighing the Boone by twenty pounds. Those pounds had been lost in mourning, and Dani stood there, plain as day, as the catalyst for that weight loss. An emotion flickered in Boone before he masked it and straightened stiffly. He slid his hands into his custom-made suit pants. His brother arched an eyebrow, raking Dani up and down.
He held out his hand. “Drew Quandry.” He gestured to her car. “You got a nice vehicle. A classic.”
“I’m aware.” She was tense, ready for another fight, for another onslaught of emotion that never seemed to stay away for very long.
“Drew,” Boone spoke up.
Dani tensed again at his wary voice.
Drew turned and frowned in surprise at his little brother. “What?”
Boone sighed. “This is Dani.”
Drew jerked back to her, new comprehension in his eyes.
“This is my ex-fiancé.”
“Oh.” Drew reared back. He raked his brother with worried eyes, then turned to Dani. Sudden suspicion, and anger sparked there.
“I haven’t told anyone else.” Boone spoke to his brother, but he watched Dani. “I don’t know what you’ve said…” He trailed off, letting her answer.
She did. “Two people.”
Drew Quandry was silent. He watched the two exes a moment before saying, “You broke my little brother’s heart.”
“And you’re sleeping with our enemy.”
A lump formed in her throat. She heard his condescension. “I don’t know how that’s any of your business.” Dani made sure she was looking right at Drew when she spoke. It was Boone’s business, but not his brother’s. “And with all due respect, your brother’s relationship is with me and him. Not you. And you don’t know a thing about me except that I left your brother.”
“You walked out on him when he was celebrating your engagement.” Drew narrowed his eyes. “I know that, too. And I know that you’re the reason my brother’s half the man he used to be.”
Dani studied Boone. “Is that true?” she asked softly. “Are you half the man you used to be because of me?”