Page 45 of Home Tears

She must’ve made a sound in distress or awe because Jonah moved and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her against his chest, propping his chin on her shoulder. Both stared at the picture.

He breathed next to her ear. “She was beautiful.”

Her eyes sparked intelligence. A heart-shaped face surrounded perfectly plush lips. Slender shoulders showed strength and fragility. She’d been graced with the same almond-colored eyes as Dani, and her hair was almost a silvery brunette.

Dani was her mother’s reincarnation.

A ragged breath escaped her. “I don’t remember her like this.” She traced a finger over the picture, over her mother’s eyes. “She looks sad.” But her mother had been sad, Dani realized. She just hadn’t realized it at the time. “She was always so alive. Her eyes were warm, loving. She laughed. Erica had the same laugh.”

A lone tear slid down. Dani wished for her sister, she wished with all her strength. To hear that laugh, just one last time.

“We gotta go,” Jonah suddenly said. “Did you want to snap a picture of it on your phone? Or—”

“No.” There was no question. She wanted the real deal. A copy wouldn’t do it. “It’s going with us.”

“Okay.” He moved around her, put Erica’s photo back, and closed the picture frame. His hand found hers. “Come on. A car’s coming. If we go now, we can be on the road before they turn in.”

Dani followed, in a daze.

Jonah replaced the key. He pulled Dani to the car. Without turning the lights on, he drove around the house, and down the driveway. They turned onto the road. He waited a good distance before switching on the lights. Just then, another car pulled over a hill, slowed, and turned into the driveway.

Julia hadn’t stayed at Mae’s Grill long. Dani didn’t really care. She had what she wanted. They drove in silence until Dani looked up. He drove them to the cabin. “No Mae’s Grill tonight?”

Jonah turned off the engine. “Figured you’d want to put that somewhere safe.”


He added, “Didn’t know if you were up to the crowd anyway.”


She’d forgotten about him. Then again, that’d been the reason for their burglary mission, but there’d be questions if they didn’t go. Hell, there’d be questions if they did go. Dani had a sudden wish to hear Kate’s laugh and Aiden’s shriek as they mercilessly teased Robbie or Stilts. Dani wanted to hear Kate rate the sleaziness of the girls who propositioned Jonah. Which reminded her…

“Do you really just have to stand in a bar and get hit on? I mean, I’ve seen it, but really? Like you stand there and here come the pick-ups?”

A sheepish look came over him. He cleared his throat, tugging at his shirt’s collar. “Uh, well…yeah, I guess. I mean…I don’t sleep around, and I don’t take those girls home. I’m not a manwhore, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“You really don’t even have to work for it?”

He laughed. “Trust me. There are some girls I have to put in overtime.” His gaze fell to her lips, staying there. “Where did these questions come from?”

“That girl was grinding her entire body on you.”

His eyes flicked to hers. A cocky grin appeared. “You noticed, huh?”

Her eyebrows rose. “Was I supposed to?”

He shrugged, his grin widening. “Nice to know you noticed, but I’ve found it’s easier to let the girls do their thing and think they’ll get what they want. Hawk or Carl would’ve hit on her eventually, and she’d get tired of me, and start liking the attention from them. She was one of those girls who gets more aggressive if you put ‘em off, you know?”

“Right.” She mocked in disbelief. “That was her not being aggressive.”

“I don’t think I want to have this conversation anymore.”

“Why?” Her voice was mocking.

“Because.” He gripped the back of his neck. “Not with you.”

She’d never seen the infamous Jonah Bannon uncomfortable and self-conscious. It was a sight to behold. She was grinning so hard now.