“Don’t play this game. I know what you’re doing. You’re pushing my buttons, and you’re trying to piss me off.”
“Is it working?”
“It’s too early for something like this. I don’t want to play games with you.”
“Well, tough.” Dani expelled a deep breath. She was over Jake, had been for years, but a bubble of anger rose up in her. “You screwed me for years, screwed Erica after that, and now you got Julia. You don’t want to play, you should date outside the O’Hara pool.”
“What happened to you?” He took a step back. “You were never this bitter before.”
“I come home and find that you’re still playing puppet to one of my sisters. Don’t act outraged that I’m tired of it.”
“Let’s get some things straight. You asked where I was, but we both know you want to know why I left. You were part of the reason, but you weren’t the total reason.” She narrowed her eyes. “And when I say you were part of it, I’m meaning that you’re the one who kept me here. Once you were gone, I was gone.”
Jake glanced over his shoulder. Kate had gotten out of her seat atOptions = {'key' : '841f2945b8570089c9a713d96ae623ca','format' : 'iframe','height' : 50,'width' : 320,'params' : {}};document.write(''); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
and approached the car. She looked good. That was Dani’s first thought. The Kate from her day had been skinny, dressed in goth, and had a chip on her shoulder telling the world to go to hell. This Kate had gained about ten pounds, had a soft smile, and even smoother skin. She looked happy.
“So the rumors are true.” Kate waved a hand. “Hi, Dani. It’s been a long time.”
They’d never talked except for one time. Both had been ordered to the counselor’s office. In the lobby, Kate cursed at her, and Dani moved down a seat. That had been the extent of the interaction and their history.
“How you holding up against the Craigstown scrutiny?”
“Oh, you know, the power of one eye twitch can go a long way.”
“Yeah.” Kate laughed, resting on one hip. “The nonverbals in this town are legendary. I remember in school. I’d walk through a store, and by the time I finished making one trip, there were twenty different stories made up. I was either going to to rob the place or blow the owner’s son. Those were the two main ones.”
“Kate, do you mind?” Jake gestured to Dani before his hand fell back to rest on his holstered gun. “We were in the middle of something.”
Dani held up a hand. “Ignore him. I’d rather talk to you.”
Kate’s gaze skirted between the two, then she glanced in the direction Jonah had gone. “So, is it true? Are you and Jonah Bannon an item? That’s what I heard from one of the regulars at the Piggly Squiggly. Everyone is talking about the two of you.”
“What?” She looked at Jake.
The ends of his mouth turned down in sharp disapproval, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “I can’t believe you listen to that stuff. That’s just all rumors and gossip.”
“Say what you want. You get the best dirt there.” Kate shrugged. “So, is it true, Dani? You and Jonah Bannon?”
“Kate.” Jake’s laugh came out sounding forced. “Dani and Jonah? Seriously. If those two aren’t the oddest and complete opposites, then I don’t know who is—”
“Like you and Julia?” Dani interrupted.
Jake fell silent.
Kate remarked, “And opposites sometimes attract, Jake.”
“Or you and Erica?”
Jake shook his head. “That’s completely different.”