She wanted him on top of her. She wanted to feel his weight. She wanted to feel every inch of him.
It wasn’t long before his kiss deepened, and she was writhing, gasping, and begging until he slid inside. She woke later, and felt his searching lips and fingers on her once again.
Jonah was gone when she woke again.
It was nine in the morning, and she’d been a no-show two nights ago. It was time to find Mae. She had an apology to issue. The bar was almost empty when she entered, but the restaurant side was bustling. Mae was knelt down behind a stack of boxes on the bar counter.
“Hey, ho.”
Mae popped out. “Did you just call me a whore? And after you not showing up the other night? I thought you were coming to help out.”
Dani grimaced. “Sorry about that. Some stuff happened.” She indicated Barney and a few of Mae’s regulars. “And I was making a lame joke. You kinda have six dwarves who sit in your bar, and you take care of the seventh back at your cabin.” She pointed to herself. “Me. You take care of all of us.”
Mae frowned. “You’re not a dwarf.” She nodded to the others. “Neither are they, but I’ll take the Snow White reference. It’s a compliment compared to what I used to be called.” She eyed her. “Where’d this good mood come from?”
“I have surrendered to the chaos in my life.”
She made the decision last night. Her life was a mess. She was going to embrace it, and she ended up embracing Jonah right after. That was a sign, right?
Mae barked out a laugh. “That just means you have a life.” She slapped a hand to her hip and sashayed a two-step. “Folk like me are supposed to have ‘messes’ for lives, but I don’t. I got no life except my favorite niece, this bar, and that restaurant. Sometimes I think this business got a better life of its own than mine.” She narrowed her eyes, studying her niece a bit longer. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have a glow. You’re glowing.” The ends of her mouth tipped down. “Why?”
Subject change. Dani reached for one of the boxes. “Can I help with anything here? What are you doing anyway?”
“No.” Mae slapped away Dani’s hand. She pulled some of the towels out from the first box. “I’m not letting you turn yourself into an unpaid volunteer who works here full-time. If you work, you get paid. My rules.”
“Then pay me or consider this in exchange for the cabin’s rent.”
Mae cursed. “That cabin is yours. It’s been yours for a long while. You’re just never around to be told that. You’re not working for rent. I pay well for my staff.”
“Fine. Pay me. Put me to work. I’ve got nothing to do right now.”
Mae was putting the towels under the counter, but stopped. She leaned against the counter and cocked her face to the side. Her arm rested on top of the box. “You know.” She gave Dani a knowing look. “I came by the cabin the other night. Real late that night. Wanted to check on you, since you didn’t show.”
Her aunt knew. And she knew that her aunt knew, so now Mae knew that she knew that her aunt knew. Still. Dani rolled her shoulders back. She was going to do a Mae. She was going to try and bullshit her way out of this one. “Yeah?” Her tone was casual. “I was up. You could’ve come in for a drink.”
Mae snorted. “Stop lying.” She grabbed hold of more towels from inside the box. “I know what you were doing last night. Don’t think I didn’t notice when you changed the subject five seconds ago either.”
Dani held her breath. It was out. “And?”
“And what?” Mae shook her head. “And nothing. About time you got underneath that man. He’s like a stallion, just asking to be ridden. Besides, have you forgotten who I am? Sex is healthy. I know that more than others.” Mae paused, and her face softened. “Just watch out, though. I might not know what you went through, but I know you went through something. If your heart’s vulnerable, guard it wisely.”
And Dani was melting on the inside. “Aunt Mae.” She placed her hand on the bar.
Mae covered it with hers, giving it a light squeeze. “You know I love you. I trust you, just couldn’t take seeing you hurt even more.”
“I’m the runner, remember?” It was meant as a joke.
Mae barked out another laugh. “True. Of the two of you, you’re the runner. I said my piece. I’m done. Consider the Aunt’s Obligation fulfilled. As long as you’re being smart, have all the sex you want.” Her voice picked up at the end, carrying through the bar.
Dani cursed silently, catching movement from the corner of her eye. The other dwarves looked over. “Thanks, Aunt Mae.”
Mae shrugged, picking up the boxes from the counter. “What do you expect? You’re in the town whore’s bar?” She winked, then nodded toward the restaurant side. “Your sister’s over there, along with her hoity-toity friends. Save yourself. Every O’Hara for themselves.” She laughed, dipping into the back.
Dani stayed back.