Page 100 of Home Tears

Dani hugged her back. “Where’s Kate?”

“Doing police-type work. She and Jake both took off right away.”

Robbie said, “She was supposed to look for coffee while she was at it. I hope she brings some back for us.”

“Maybe us, but probably not you.”

Robbie didn’t ask for any explanation. He didn’t need one. “I broke up with Lori tonight. That’s why I wasn’t at the party.”

Aiden tilted her head to the side. “You should’ve done it before tonight.”

Bubba promptly hit him on the back of his head.

“Hey!” Robbie rubbed behind his head.

“There’s a reason why you were named Baboon,” Aiden pointed out.

“For my hot ass?”

“For being an ass.”

Dani caught sight of Jake with Julia and took a deep breath. “I’ll be right back.”

“May the force be with you,” Aiden remarked.

“No doubt,” Dani murmured underneath her breath, but she put on a brave face as they turned and watched her approach. She asked Jake, “Did you win?”

“There wasn’t a winner. We were waiting for Jonah to come back, and,” he gazed around, “you know how that went.”

Julia asked, “What do you want?”

Dani ignored the cutting tone from her sister. “You guys can sleep in Trenton’s office with whoever else he puts in there. I asked if Boone and Jenny could be in there, too.”

Julia looked ready with a sharp retort, but at Dani’s words, her eyes rounded. She swallowed, and then only murmured, “Oh.” Spying Jenny in the corner, she moved away from Jake. “I’m going to let them know.”

There was no thanks, nothing, as she left them. Dani knew not to expect any. She didn’t even feel any was warranted. It wasn’t her office.

“So,” Jake breathed out, “your ex-fiancé walked away from our game before.”

“I know.”

“I’m trying not to wonder what that was about.” Jake chuckled. “But, it’s not working.”

“It had nothing to do with you.”

“I’m aware of that.”

Dani stiffened. “What do you want?”

“That’s just like you. You immediately go on the defensive.”


“No, forget it. I was trying. Friends, right?”

Any guard she had up, thinking he was going in for another attack, lowered. Only halfway, though. She saw he meant what he said, and she rolled her eyes. “I hate you sometimes.”

“I know.” He lifted his arms in the air and motioned between them. “Can we hug it out?”