“You sure your reputation is only half-true?” Dani grinned as she got inside and started the engine. Jonah closed the door for her. “My aunt also said you’re a ladies’ man. Been with half the town.”
He grinned down at her, and Dani ignored the little flutter she felt. He winked at her. “Let me come by the cabin later and I’ll show you how much of a gentleman I can be. You know I’m itching to get underneath this hood.”
Her body grew warm, and was getting warmer the more they talked. She schooled her features so they were almost a glare. Or she was trying. “You better be talking about my car.”
“Of course.” That dimple was winking again at her. “What else would I be talking about? I’m a gentleman, remember?”
She groaned, but then she heard herself answering, “I’ll be around this evening.” What was she doing?
“Sounds good. See you around six, and I like my steak medium-rare.”
Steak? She had to cook for him now? He held a hand up and headed across the road. She was about to pull out into traffic when she heard the short warning signal of a cop’s sirens.
She looked over.
Jake had pulled up next to her.
Dani cut the engine and sat back to wait. Jake had a partner in the passenger seat, but when he climbed out, his partner stayed. And it wasn’t Jonah this time, but a woman. And judging by the glower on his face, he didn’t look like he wanted to have a few words. He looked ready to rip into her about something.
Before Jake could say anything, she nodded at his car. “Who’s your partner?”
“My partner.”
“Yeah. Got that. Who is it?” Dani craned her neck, trying to get a better look around him.
“Oh,” Jake remarked, a bit sheepish. “That’s Kate Daily.”
“Kate Daily’s a cop?!”
Kate Daily was the female version of Jonah, or her reputation claimed. She probably felt the counselor and principal’s office were second or third homes to her own. She’d been known for cutting class, smoking on school property. Thinking back, Dani knew the girl had been into more than just sex, cigarettes, and skipping school. The tracks on her arms announced it to the world.
Kate Daily was now a cop. Dani was stunned.
“I didn’t know small-town cops got partners.”
“It’s new. We’re trying it out.”
“Julia likes that you have a female partner?”
“Dani.” He shook his head. “Don’t start.”
There it was. The old Jake and Dani. He spoke to her, using his soft voice, how he used to when they dated. And like back then, she answered. The wall fell, and for a brief moment, they were eighteen again. Dani watched him, her head against her seat’s headrest, and a silence fell over them.
Jake began to drum his fingers on the door.
Dani grinned. That was his thing whenever he was anxious, but didn’t know what to say. His fingers would strum up and down on whatever surface they were resting on. Jake always prided himself on being a stellar poker player, but it just wasn’t true. She knew all his tells.
He cleared his throat. “You sleep good last night?”
“I slept alright.”
“I know that cabin is a good distance from civilization.” He tugged at his collar, hunching his shoulders forward. “If you’re ever scared, you know, just give me a call.”
“And wake Julia? And have her know that you’re running off to help me?” Julia would throw a fit, and they both knew it. “So the next time I wake up at three in the morning, I’m supposed to call you, and Julia will be okay with that?”