I’m not sure why I expect Dash to get all awkward. I’ve never seen him awkward. But I have seen him go quiet, and that’s exactly what he does. I might have rather him confirm or deny… but that’s just not his style. He’s a private guy. I respect that so I change the subject.
“Logan, Colt mentioned at family drinks the other night you might retire soon. Is that true? Must be a weird thing to decide when you’ve given your whole life to something.” I figure talking about hockey will take the attention off…us.Whatever we are.
“Why does that old man always have to make out likeI’mold, too? Coltwantsme to retire.”
“Why would he want that?”
Jolie answers for him. And Colt by the sound of it. “Because a life of hockey takes its toll. ESPN rates it the toughest sport after only boxing. Lo, you’ve had a broken nose, jaw, separated shoulders…”
He interrupts. “Youbroke your wrist riding that devil horse of yours.” Logan laughs, not taking her seriously at all or coming across as defensive. “To be fair, Ted damn near broke my wrist, too. That horse isloco.”
She scoffs. “You’re lucky he didn’t break you, too, because you’re not supposed to be riding,” she says. Then, she also gazes at me. “Keep that to yourself because this dumbass was in breach of contract at the time.”
“Whatever. Ashton does it, too. We all have our vices.”
“Too bad being a cowboy isn’t your only one,” she teases him
Logan shrugs with an innocent expression and that sexy-cute dimple of his, and I know exactly what she’s on about.
“But unlike you, Ashton is sensible and goes on the predictable ones. You have a death wish or something.”
He leans back and laces his arms behind his head. “I do like living on the edge. Adrenaline is my only addiction, Molly.”
I can see why he’s in the headline as an NHL playboy. He’s scrumptious, so naughty he’s nice, and his playful nature makes it impossible not to smile around him. Even Jolie is shaking her head, grinning at how ridiculous her brother is, like he’s some lovable scamp.
Now that we’ve officially moved far enough away from the me-and-Dash-dating comment, I allow a glance over at my boss, roommate, and the complicated status blaring in my face like a blinking red light. I’m not sure what kind of expression I’ll get back, but he cocks the corner of his mouth in a half-smile, and I figure, we’re all right.
Just then, the tinkling bell goes on the door to CCs, and in walks an absolutely stunning woman with a big, square, white pastry box. She sets her eyes on Logan. “Logan?”
He swivels in his seat toward the sound of his name. “Shay! Hey, girl. Come on over…”
She bounces over, her beautiful long hair sweeping along with her and sets the cake box on the table. She gives Logan a big hug.
Shay rubs the sides of Logan’s arms, and boy, am I sure she’s enjoying it. I wonder how these two are so comfortable.
Jolie interrupts the moment. She’s forward like that. “Hey, Shana!”
Oh my gosh… wait… is this the celebrated carrot cake connoisseur, Shana?And please tell me there’s more cake in that box because when we ordered at the counter, I noticed they were all out.
“Jojo, my girl…” Shana bends down, wrapping an arm around Jolie. “We haven’t caught up in years. Can’t believe I haven’t made time to see you since you’ve been back in town.”
“Gosh, don’t worry about it. I know you have a kid.” She says it with enough volume for Logan to maybe hear it, in case he doesn’t already know, because when they hugged, well, it wasn’t an ordinary hug. “You must be super busy with the catering business.”
Shana picks the box back up. “Yeah. It’s going pretty well. I could probably do without the daily order from here, but I think the town would disown me if I stopped bringing my carrot cake to CCs. It’s the only one I bring here now.”
I put the tip of my finger on the box as if to stop her picking it all the way up. “You can just leave that with me.”
She laughs and has a beaming, broad smile like a movie star. “I wish I could, but you have to share.”
Dash introduces me. “This is Molly. She’s manager at the stables now.”
“Nice to meet you, Molly. Been in Starlight Canyon long? I don’t think I’ve seen you before?”
“Yeah, I don’t get away from the horses too much. Been here since the beginning of last high season. I love it and don’t plan on leaving.”
“I couldn’t leave either. Though I tried.”
She darts her eyes over to Logan again but so briefly I hardly notice before her gaze is back on me again.