Page 50 of Mustang Valley

I’m big forher. This body of hers, the sweetness of her spirit, the way all her little things drive me wild, has the skin of my cock practically bursting open for her. “We’ll take it slow.”

She eases down on me, inch by inch. When I’m halfway, she moans, and her whimpers never stop. Sinking in further, I stretch her. Fill her.

It’s heaven between Molly’s legs. My cock throbs, my pulse still palpable. She clenches around me. Her pussy is a molten, silky heat like no other. She slides up and down my length as my biceps and arm muscles flex, hands gripping and controlling her ass up and down. I need to be in charge. I need to set the pace or I’ll release before she’s ready. And I can’t do that before this woman unravels all over me. I want her cum all over my lap, to hear the sound of her round ass slapping down on her own juices.

Her pussy clamps down on me; she’s bucking hard now, and her body collapses onto mine. Her swollen lips find my mouth and we kiss passionately, hard, wild. She mewls into my mouth. My fingers sink into her ass as I drive her hips down on me, at the same time thrusting and rising into her. She’s writhing now, her hips grinding around in circles. Her dancing on my body like this is enough to make a grown man cry. I’m fucking weak for her. I’m losing my will. My ability to hold back.

To my surprise, she takes my hands off her hips and forces them down to either side of my head, pinning me. She braces herself, using them as an anchor to take over the pace which is fast rising to a crescendo. I’m used to being in charge, but this woman rides me, setting a punishing pace, rocking her hips back and forth over me. The backs of her thighs and her ass smacks my skin, and dirty, wet slapping noises fill the room.

She pulls herself off then drives me deep, over and over again. I try to hold back, but she’s set to ruin me.

Not just now. For good. I’ll never want anyone but Molly after this.

I sink in deeper with every thrust. She’s growing slicker. She’s riding me like she’s close again. I want her insides to drip all over me. I don’t want her to wet the sheets. I want her to soak the mattress. “Come for me, Sunshine.”

She sits up with her eyes closed. Her breasts bounce as she grinds herself back and forth, up and down on my cock. I have to sink my teeth into my lip to stop myself from letting go before she does. I’ve never seen a woman like this. She’s glorious. A fucking goddess…

I reach up and with one hand grab her breast, and with the other I give her clit one last stroke…

“Oh God…” she pants.

Her walls squeeze me tight, and she gasps for air while a gush of her ecstasy wets me everywhere. I want to come with her. I brace her hips down hard against me, plunging in deep and forceful. My balls tighten, my cock spurts. Searing heat spasms out of me. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to hold myself together because I don’t think I’ve ever felt this level of ecstasy in my whole damn life. Every muscle in my body clenches and holds on so I don’t fucking float away.

I try to enjoy the moment, but my mind races immediately to how I’ll never ever feel that way again. When we stop panting, I brush hair off her face, admiring the beauty of her pink cheeks, the lazy, heavy eyelids of satisfaction, and somehow, I forget about tomorrow all over again.

She lifts herself off me. I wipe myself off a bit with the bedsheet and pull her back into my body, kissing her neck a million times before delivering her back onto the bed beside me. I want to stay with Molly. Ineedto lie with her. If I leave, I might die from the separation. It feels like she’s the only reason I’m still breathing.

We’re quiet. My cheek rests on one of her miraculous breasts, softer and more comfortable than the two-hundred-dollar pillow I splurged on in hopes of helping me sleep better. I could sleep but at the same time, I’m alert. Seems I’ve entered a world of opposites. I have never in my life felt so calm and so alive at the same time.

Molly strokes my arm with her fingertips. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Why is Mustang Valley your favorite place on earth?”

It was only a matter of time before she asked this. And even though I’ve been kidding myself about locking her out of my fortress, the moment I uttered those two words, I issued an invitation. Maybe being alone has gotten to me more than I think. Maybe it’sher.It is her. I never even noticed I was alone before she walked into my life.

I’ve kept everything inside for years. I held in tears at my dad’s funeral and have been gripping them ever since. “Well, that’s a bit misleading. It’s my favorite place on earth but at the same time, my least favorite.”

She stops stroking for a moment, considering my statement. “Will you tell me about it?”

I want to. Everyone knows the story because, well, it was obvious what happened without me ever saying a word. But me? I’ve never actually said what happened out loud. Not to my mom. Not to the therapist she forced me to see after I started skipping school sometimes and got my first tattoo. Not to my siblings. Not even to Memphis, though there were days when he and I sat together and I wondered if I told him, I could get this out of me and move on.

Molly has been through a lot. Her mom isn’t dead, but I’m sure she understands loss just the same. I know what people on drugs are like. Shells. Shells you wish were still filled with the people you love.

I don’t know what will happen when I tell her, but it doesn’t matter anymore because my mouth starts moving. “Dad and I used to go to Mustang Valley.” I pause for a moment, thinking I might be able to stop it all right there.

But my mouth keeps moving. Molly definitely has a way of chipping away at my self-control. Maybe I want to. Maybe I want to talk to her about it because my throat doesn’t harden the way it usually does when my dad enters a conversation.

Her touch is soothing. Encouraging.

And the words keep spilling out. “It won’t come as a surprise, but I was always a moody child and I’ve always been different from my siblings. They’re extroverted. All high achievers. If you haven’t noticed hanging out with Jolie and Colt, they’re… even Logan… I’m not like them.”

Molly’s fingers keep me relaxed.

“Anyway, Dad spent a lot of time with me because he used to say he and I were alike. We were practical, he said. Creative. Intuitive. Around the ranch, he’d teach me how to listen to the animals. He taught me how to play Elvis on the guitar, and eventually, he brought me under his wing on his most important project of all… looking after the wild horses. The mustangs.”

This is the part I’ve never said to anyone, and the words start forming that tell-tale stone in my throat I’ve felt a million times before. The one that stops me from saying out loud what happened. I clear it the best I can. But it’s not my courage that makes me say them, it’s Molly’s warmth. Her touch. The thing she makes me feel I can only describe as safety.