Page 42 of Mustang Valley

I race to the bottom of the steep slope, the one I knew how to get down safely but Molly didn’t. My bright head light reveals the scene. She fell and slid onto the steepest bit. She has a toe perched on a rock and hangs on to a sagebrush with white knuckles.

“Shit! Molly!” My heart immediately races, and my feet carry me without even thinking to the spot underneath her.

Memphis continues to bark.

Molly calls up, “It’s okay boy.” She tries to reassure him, even though her shaking voice tells me she’s scared shitless. Even in a moment like this, always thinking of someone else.

She’s not actually that far off the ground now, maybe seven feet, but she must have had a straight fall and a massive scare before hitting the only small ledge on that portion of the slope. What the hell is she doing out at this time of night? On her own? In the dark?The fuck?

There’s not time for thinking about that right now. I position myself under her. “Let go, I’ll catch you. I need you to look where I am and come off backward right at me.” I realize my headlamp is probably ruining her night vision. I place it on the ground so it lights me up and put my arms out to catch her. “See. I’m right here. I got you, Sunshine.”

“It’s too far.” Her voice wobbles like she’s about to cry.

And then, I’m pretty sure she does.

“I promise it’s not. I won’t let anything bad happen to you, just jump into my arms.”

“I’m too… heavy.”

“Even if you had a hundred more pieces of cake you wouldn’t be. I got you. Now let go, because you’ve been very unlucky and you’re in the one spot there’s no other way down than to jump.”

She grits her teeth and lets out a little whimper that makes me feel for her. She’s more scared now than she was in that haunted house.

“You can trust me.” I don’t want her falling by accident and me not being able to break her fall or have her scrape down the rest of the way and gouging something open. “Molly. Look at me.”

Her eyes meet mine.

“I got you. When I say I got you, I got you. Now come on. You count to three in your head and come to me.”

Three beats later, she’s incoming, and I have soft mounds of her flesh gripped in my hands, taking the fall. I get her feet on the ground, but she loses her balance and her grasp is so tight on my arm, she takes me down with her. When we hit the ground, she’s on top of me.

She’s breathing hard, sucking in ragged, strangled wind, her body taut with shock. Her fingers still dig into the sides of my arms. But then, she melts. The warm weight of her body sinks into me and she drops her head to my shoulder, chin tipped inward so her breath stutters against my neck. Molly is trying not to cry. I bet she barely ever cries.

And I don’t want her to now. She’s safe. We’ll sort the rest later.

I cup her head, nesting her closer, hoping to infuse her with some comfort. That would have been terrifying. Falling into the darkness like that. I know I shouldn’t, but it feels natural; I kiss her forehead.“I told you I got you. You’re safe now.”

She shakes her head almost imperceptibly though the tip of her nose flicks my earlobe sending sparks through my skin I really should be trying to put out.

“Jesus… I don’t fucking deserve…” She doesn’t finish. Her body releases everything she’s been trying to hold in and she cries quietly into my neck.

My skin is moist with her tears. Closing my eyes, I try not to enjoy the most human interaction I’ve had, possibly ever. Her emotion spilling onto my skin is like an explosion inside me. It’s shameful. Me, basking in her tears and this closeness. It’s fucking perverted. My mind knows this was nothing but an accident ending well, but my body screams this is intimacy.

I could say it to myself a thousand times but logic will never calm my rioting nerves. I concentrate to keep my hands from wandering up the sides of her coat. It takes every ounce of self-control to not tilt my head and line up our lips to see, see if when our mouths meet, if she wants mine as much as I want hers.

Her voice is muffled and puffs against my skin. “I actually thought it was fucking over, Dash. I’m so stupid. I was…” she sniffs, pulling back tears along with it but her voice is still thin. “I was creeping forward to get a look at you and didn’t even notice there was a ledge, and then I just…I thought I was going to die.”

“Don’t say that.”I really don’t want her saying that.Not ever. But definitely not here. I stroke her head, more to soothe myself than her. “I told you I got you.”

I caress her silky hair until her breathing steadies. But me? I tingle and throb fucking everywhere and at the same time am utterly paralyzed. I wish there was a way to crawl up inside this woman so I never have to disconnect from this indescribable feeling being so close to her.

The air thickens around us, pushing us closer. My body and every thought is so tightly connected to her now it’s like we’re the only things that exist in this world. Her luscious thighs wrap around one of my own; it’s hot between her legs. She wriggles, like she’s adjusting herself for a better connection down… there. I’m right where I’ve only ever imagined, and the real thing is a million times better than my own mind could have ever made it.

The smell of her strawberry hair has me thinking about all things pink and how close her pussy is to my body. Only two layers of blue jean between our skin. My mind races having her here in my arms like I thought of taking her many times before while pumping my thick shaft in a frenzy. I swallow hard, thick, and none of what I’m feeling or thinking goes down with it.

Her lips are featherlight on my skin. She traces the tip of her nose along the shell of my ear and everything ignites with wonder. I lay there unmoving, ready to get burned by the small fires she dots along my neck when her nose traces back down my lobe and along my stubble. I don’t have the willpower to extinguish this flame, even though I know if I don’t, a full-blown wildfire threatens to steal every ounce of logic, every scrap of self-control.

I fist the fabric of her coat at the small of her back. My other hand still lingers at the base of her skull.