Page 28 of Mustang Valley

A strangled laugh erupts from my lips. She must be joking. What’s to like about a cowboy that can’t ranch? But the way she’s staring at me with those totally non-judgmental eyes seeps into my chest. I thought my heart would shatter even more if I ever admitted to not being areal man, but Molly’s gaze doesn’t break me, it feels more like I’m being put back together.

“Well.” I point the screwdriver at her. “It’s our secret.” I get back to grinding away at a screw.

Her drill whirrs, and a screw drops, clinking on the cement floor. “Well, if you’re going to do this thing, I say you do it. All in. I know the bottom line is better than the past couple years but I’m all ideas for making Starlight Ranch even more lucrative.”

“Oh yeah? Better than winter wonderland?”

Whirr. Clink.

“Maybe. My sister is graduating early, BA in events management. And I was telling her about the sleigh rides and the hotel. She told me we should get into weddings. Or get into being a honeymoon destination. It’s all about the networking…”

I flap my lips.

She throws a hand to her hip and gives me a completely undeterred toothy grin. “What? It’s a good idea!” She shakes her head then taps my arm. “You just don’t want more people around, but I’m afraid you just chose the lesser of two evils.” She’s joking, but when she focuses on her next screw and lines up the bit, she says more sincerely, “We all have to do that sometimes.”

I think about what Molly told me in the kitchen about her mom. I think about the stained sock and the hole I know is in her boot; and she never replaced them. She didn’t buy herself new ones because the money probably went elsewhere. I think about her thin winter coat. I’m pretty sure this woman knows all about making choices. And she rarely chooses herself.



Workingside by side with this inked-up cowboy is not easy. Hard as I try, as much as I will myself to stop thinking of him sexually, this man fucking fills out a pair of Wranglers and tight white tee like a woman created him. Lo and behold. Ariana Grande was right. God is a woman.

And beyond the sex candy I want to suck on as we tuck into this ungrateful task, Dash is being really nice to me. I never expected him to teach me what he knows, support me, hang out by Romeo’s bedside, or really be anything more than a grumpy boss to me.

And he. Is. My. Boss. A good one at that. Between Dash and Jolie, I’ve learned more in a few days here than I did in a few years at other ranches. He deserves to know this. I stare at a rusty screw in front of me and wonder how the hell I’m going to loosen it. “I really appreciate you being such a good mentor.”

He hums a laugh. “Is that what I am? I just want things done my way.”

I giggle. “I know that’s the truth, but at my other ranches, the managers would usually just give me a list of things to do. Or tell me what to do and never take the time to explain. You telling me why we groom or what I’m looking for when I pick a hoof makes it easier to remember. I’m going to train all our staff that way. Less lists, more explanations.”

He nods but stares at the screw he’s loosening. My God does this man have a gorgeous, thick, golden neck.

I reach into the depths of my mind, wondering what else we might talk about. What else I could say or do to make the most of this time. I glance at my watch and know Bobby will be back here to help with the sleigh soon. I told him to come by ten-thirty. I don’t want him here anymore, not only because he told a couple of the others I didn’t deserve the manager’s job, but also because it means Dash will probably leave.

In fact, Dash probably needs sleep at some point today. Maybe I’m selfish in not telling him Bobby’s coming but I really want to know more about him. Every time Dash peels away another layer, I see something worth admiring. He might not have the time of day for just anyone, but he’s loyal to his family, cares deeply about the ranch, and even though he adores his work with the horses, I get the feeling there’s so much more to his story.

To my surprise, he asks a question. “Are you warm enough in the apartment?”

“I’m okay.” I tap my hip. “I have plenty of insulation.”

He stops what he’s doing, and I have never seen Dash’s face so animated since knowing him. His eyebrows are pinched tightly together, and his eyes are wide like I just said something crazy.

His nostrils flare. “What did you just say?”

I’m used to making little jokes about my weight. I started doing it as a defensive thing in high school. The funny, bubbly big girl got more friends than the sad big girl on a diet who never seemed to lose weight. But now that Dash is staring at me like he wants to slap me silly and asks me to repeat what I said, I realize these are the kind of words I’ve been trying hard to eliminate from my vocabulary.

I try to shrug off the pink creeping into my cheeks, but more likely it’s turning to red. The tips of my ears burn now, too. “Why are you staring at me like I’m a nutjob?”

He shakes his head. “Can’t believe a woman who looks like you would put herself down.” Something between disbelief and a warning signal flashes across his eyes. “Thought I heard wrong.”

A woman who looks like me?His words enter me and explode through my body like a prism of rainbows. I’m not used to being complimented, not even indirectly, which is all Dash did. But having a man devastatingly gorgeous as him even suggest that I’m… attractive? Is that what he was saying? I’m sure I’m overthinking this and reading into it.

But then, he leans against the last panel left on the back of the sleigh and… smiles. Again. For the second time in thirty minutes. And damn is Dashiell Hunter smiling a sight to behold. It almost takes my breath away. And best yet, I’m not sure anyone else around here has seen it but me. In this moment, it feels like his smile belongs to both of us.

We’re standing there grinning at each other like goons when Bobby comes racing in, interrupting our moment, or the closest thing I’ll ever have to one with Dash.

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he announces, breaking the spell I’m under.