Page 36 of Mustang Valley

She circles her finger around the rim of the wine glass. “And that would be fine except he has two red flags. You said he has tattoos.” She puts up her index finger. She puts up her middle one. “And he’s a lone wolf.”

“Most women don’t think tattoos are a red flag. Quite the opposite.”

“For you that combo is lethal…”

I know what she’s thinking. “He’s not like Donovan.”

“I just know how much you thrive on nurturing people.”

I want to argue, but she knows me better than anyone else.

She shakes her head. “You saw Don as some man in need of healing. Meanwhile, he treated you like absolute shit and cheated on you.”

“Worse than that,” I remember. “We were never even really together. I was just his fuck toy. He cheated on his fuck toy.”

“Exactly. And that sucked. You were devastated. I just don’t want you investing in another guy who’s some sexy bad boy not good enough for you.”

I scoff. “Dash is like, thirty or something.”

“Dude… are you serious right now?” My sister is already getting tipsy. She’s new-ish to drinking at only twenty-two, and I doubt, given her straight A’s, she does much going out.

“Yeah. I’m serious right now,” I joke and mock her. “All right. Straight shooting, I do find him intriguing. Yes, he is sexy, tattooed, and most definitely a lone wolf”—in fact, I’m not sure if he’ll even come back Monday, and his lack of communication irks me—“but he is really good to his family. He’s incredibly tender with the animals…”

She stares at the floor and shakes her head. “Billy the Kid… Jesse James…”

I laugh. “Dash isn’t robbing banks, Lily. And actually, yes, he is really gruff with everyone, me sometimes included, but he also stuck up for me recently. He’s empowered me. Trusted me to take the reins here…”

“Good pun.”

“And that makes me feel very, very good. I’ve never been a manager before or the one in charge, and he, well, he’s a great mentor and does make me feel like I can really succeed. So unlike Don, who made me feel lower than low, he’s nothing like that. He’s an amazing boss and helping me grow.”

She shrugs. “Fine. You’ve swayed me for now. I just want to make sure you feel comfortable staying here long term and don’t get involved in something you feel the need to run from. You’ve been happier these past months in Starlight Canyon than I’ve seen you in a long, long time. Maybe ever.”

I reflect on what she’s said. It’s true. I love it here. “Yeah, I really am.”

“And Jolie is so sweet.”

“Most of the workers are great, too. And at the hotel. The Hunters have a good thing going here.”

She leans back into me and puts her feet up. “I’m going to love it, too. I feel good about this, Molly.” She drops her head to my shoulder. “Change the story.”

“That’s what we do, baby sis. Change the story.”



I stayedat Bird’s Eye for a week, only seeing Molly from a distance once or twice. After that haunted house, I must have jerked my cock a thousand times and I still couldn’t look at the woman without getting half-hard. So, I mostly kept a distance, going back to my nighttime routine in the Valley and early morning checks on the stables a little earlier than usual as to not run into her.

But now, I need to check on the shelters outside, too, so the process takes longer than usual. Our Belgians and Romeo are doing just fine this morning, rustling to my presence as the sun rises over the mountain, sending slivers of daytime into their corral.

I pop a head collar over the black draft horse and lead the big boy to the crossties so I can look him over. I fold back Romeo’s horse blanket and throw it over a railing, give him a brush. His coat is already thickening, preparing him for the winter. I’m deep in the meditative state I often find myself in when brushing a horse. Just then, a voice comes from behind the horse’s flank.


I jerk slightly at the surprise.

It’s Molly.