Page 51 of I'm Sorry

“Yeah, right,” I murmur, hating that I’m being chastised once again. I see Dad’s mocking smile when I give my attention back to Ilya. “Yes, sir.”

He claps his hand on my shoulder and leans his head down to find my gaze. “I’m proud of you.”

Those words strike a chord somewhere deep inside of me that has my inner child clawing to get out and hug this man. I’ve never heard those words before and hearing it now does something to me I’m not sure I like. I don’t need to trade searching for my dad’s attention to seeking our approval from Ilya. It’s nothing but a trap.

Thankfully, Ilya is a quiet man and his comment stands as his parting words because he leaves me right after to dwell in my past. I don’t hang there long, though, and follow after Spencer, finding him already in my car and waiting.

“You’ve got balls.” His voice isn’t filled with disdain over the situation, just a general annoyance. I realize tonight could have gone wrong and I could’ve gotten him into trouble as well, but I trust him to handle himself, so I’m not worried. Besides, we made it out with our target.

I chuckle, noticing my car is already running. “So do you. How did you get my keys?” He gives me a shrug.

“You may have gotten that car through the perfect opportunity, but you need to pay more attention to your surroundings. I lifted them off of you when you went running into the building to grab the Bugatti.” I try to think back to that moment and realize I could either get pissed about this, or I can take it as the lesson he is teaching. Spencer has been at this a lot longer than I have. “In case we got caught and they took my car. You’d owe me a ten second car.”

Another quote.I laugh.

“Gotcha.” He eyes me for a moment as if deciphering which angle I’m choosing to play and anticipating an argument that won’t come. I know well enough when I’m wrong and should just keep my mouth shut. Fighting will only make me look like a childish fool. He settles with an unpronounced nod of approval to himself. I smirk.

With the night winding down and an adrenaline crash upon me, I let my thoughts drift back to the meeting that took place earlier and those folders with pictures of young girls in them. I figure now would be an okay time to ask because I’ve shown that I’m not here to play around and have earned at least some respect. I shouldn’t be talking about that meeting as it was a test, but this is Spencer, and we have a budding trust. Plus, I just want to know. I don’t want to wait and see if the brothers come back with Knox in tow.

“Why didn’t you go with them to get the girls?” Navigating my car onto the main road, I flick on the lights and hit the gas, sailing through the gears until we’re cruising.

“That’s not my job.” Spencer fishes out a joint and a lighter from the breast pocket of his flannel shirt. He flicks the lighter and a mostly blue flame appears. Holding the joint away from his lips, he places the flame to the tip and watches it burn as it lights.

“Your job is what? My babysitter?” It’s no secret that he has orders to watch over me. As much as I hate it, there are worse things they could gift me. Spencer isn’t so bad. His weed habit is a tad cumbersome, but I can’t say much. I used to spend most my nights drunk off my ass. My hand twitches just thinking about it as I watch Spencer melt into his seat. He always has this harrowing look in his eye until he gets high. Then it all just goes away with an obvious relief.

Joint perched between two fingers, he runs his thumbnail over his bottom lip as he talks. “That’s what I do. Security. We all have our niches. This is mine. Trust me, I’m not the stealth person for that bit of business. That’s for the brothers. It’s sort of their thing. I’m more of the brute force.” That much is obvious. I’ve only been here a short time and I’ve witnessed his brutality.

“They’re loud teenagers,” I say as I try to imagine those fools doing anything with any stealth. He chuckles, his shoulders rolling as he takes a hit off his joint.

“Never underestimate their cuteness, Johnson.Never.”Noted. He rests his head back against the seat and lets his eyes fall shut.

“Cuteness…” I cringe.

“Oh c’mon, they’re fucking adorable. The way Kydd never shuts up. Pure entertainment, even if the prick gets on my last damn nerve.”

“Adorable isn’t exactly how I would describe them, but alright. They’re not bad.”

“Some of the most loyal sons-a-bitches you’ll ever meet, kid. They are my brothers. We’ve all been through hell in this life. Everyone has their own stories. Theirs is fucking chilling.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him what happened, but that’s their story to tell, so I won’t.

“I won’t do anything to fuck them over, if that’s what you’re getting at. Not that kind of dude.” I turn into the gravel lot that houses one of the gang’s haunts. It’s a booming bar that seems perpetually busy. Even when I drive by during the day, Hell on Earth is bustling with people. Mostly Hellions but it’s our turf, so it only makes sense.

“That’s not what I was getting at, but thanks for letting me know. We need more people we can trust.”

“I hear you loud and clear.” When the car stops and I pull up the e-brake, Spencer’s eyes peel open. He brings the joint to his lips and takes another puff as he studies the neon lights.

“I take it you’re trying to get shit faced.” I slap my hand to his shoulder and grin in response to his statement.

“I gotta catch up to what you’ve got going on, friend.” He offers me the joint, but I shake my head.

“Fine, destroy your liver.” I wince, remembering the last time I drank and Benny beat my ass. Sure, I’m trying to quit but there’s nothing wrong with moderation.

“As opposed to my lungs?”

“This shit heals, son. Don’t even try to start with me on that.” Lifting his ass out of the seat, he digs in his back pocket. He produces a baggie of white pills, then takes one out and crushes it up on the dash with the butt of his pocketknife. After scooping half of it up with what looks like a business card, he forms a thin line of it on the back of his hand, then snorts it. A contented sigh falls from him and he drops his head back once again on the seat. I had a feeling he did shit harder than weed, but I didn’t have any proof. Everyone has their poison. Maybe this is him showing me he trusts me? Not that Hellion drug use and sales have ever been a secret.

Silence forms around us as he takes a moment to enjoy the start of his high. Suddenly, he lifts his head, his eyes bloodshot and rimmed in red.

“Fuck, that feels good. Take that hit.” He lifts his chin in the direction of the powder left on the dash of my car. I ponder my wishes for a moment. Pills get you addicted. Alcohol has that power as well, though I wouldn’t say I’m addicted.Lies.I can live without it and suffer no real withdrawal. Alcohol is simply the way I choose to drown my sorrows. Spencer doesn’t pressure me like I expect him to. He watches me in that easy way of his that has been a comfort of mine lately. Spencer may be wild, but he’s grounded and confident that life will take him where it takes him, so he might as well enjoy it while he’s here.