“What’s fucked up?” I stiffen when Jensen joins us. He was supposed to be here earlier but never showed. Said he had something to take care of, but he would be here later. Upon first glance, I’m guessing that something was Riggs, and it was rough.
His curly hair is as wild as I’ve ever seen it. Dark circles line his eyes, moving further out around his left one in the shape of a nice shiner. The whites are red like he’s been crying or hasn’t slept well in a few days. In no way does he look like he should spend the day at the gym exerting energy he doesn’t have.
The way he moves his gaze around the room ensures he purposefully misses mine. I sigh and it’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if Riggs is okay, but I don’t. Jensen won’t want to tell me anyway because he knows how much Riggs’ rejection has fucked me up.
Plus, I already know things aren’t okay.
“What the hell happened to your eye, J?” Foxy gasps and skips across the gym. As soon as she gets to him, she stands on her tiptoes and dabs the bruise. Jensen grabs her wrist, peeling it from his face. He pulls her in for a kiss instead. A kiss that has the guys in the gym howling and whistling at them.
I clear my throat. “What happened to your eye?”
Jensen’s freshly kissed glow disappears faster than Foxy formed it. Riggs put hands on him. I’ve heard they’re not above getting physical with J’s ways of tough love, but it hurts my heart to see. I wonder who started the altercation and why.
What is happening to him?
“It’s nothing. Riggs and I were fucking around, and he clocked me one. That’s all.” I squint my eyes at him and he stares at me imploringly. He’s telling the truth.
My stomach settles a little, but my bleeding heart is still barely beating. When it beats, it’s for him, the sweet man who has stolen my heart.
“However, I can’t say things are getting better,” Jensen admits, looking so disappointed with himself it’s hard to watch him. He has nothing to be disappointed over. He’s given Riggs everything, every opportunity to help himself. “The kid needs fucking professional help. I have no clue what else to do for him.”
They’re all right. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.
Concerned hazel eyes flick to me, and Kai catches me before my knees buckle. So much for working Riggs out of my system today. What do we do when J can’t help him?
J was the one that would never give up on him… How will I keep going if J stops?
It isn’t fair. Riggs doesn’t deserve this. Why won’t he let us help him? When will he believe he is worth it?
“I’ve got you,” Kai says as I work to fight back my tears.
I suck it up because crying will not help Riggs or anyone. I’ve cried enough as it is. “Nope, I’m good, Kai. I’m okay.” I lick my lips, taking a second to convince myself that I am indeed okay. It doesn’t feel like it, but the longer I fake it, surely it will become the truth. Right?
I can only hope.
I stand up a little taller, straighten my ponytail, and square my shoulders. There are classes to teach and women to defend.
“Let’s get these classes started.” The smile Kai gives me is unsure, and it doesn’t meet his eyes, but he nods anyway, then claps Jensen on the back.
“You up for this, man?” he asks his friend. Jensen doesn’t seem like he is up for eating, let alone physical activity and a gym full of women bound to hit on him. But he promises my brother he is and meanders over to the men’s locker room to get changed.
Foxy jingles his keys in my direction.Bitch.I should’ve known she would figure it out. She is the fox, after all.
I stick my tongue out at her and flip her the bird. She throws her head back, her jaw wide open in silent, evil laughter. Her shoulders bounce dramatically.
Despite my heavy heart and muddled confused thoughts, I spend most of the day in the gym covered in sweat. After the self-defense classes that Kai offers, we work with all the personal training clients that both he and J have. I bounce back and forth between them, helping where I can.
I stop a little while before closing to shower and change. Once thoroughly clean, I make some smoothies for all of us. The smoothies end up waiting on the counter while I restock the sports drinks and bars that Kai sells. He wants to do more retail but right now, with classes, he can barely be at the gym long enough to keep up with the clients he has, let alone be there to train and oversee someone until he can trust them enough to man the gym while he’s gone.
I’m not sure he will ever trust anyone enough.
Before Foxy, I had never seen Kai so passionate over something as he is his gym. He’s put a ton of blood, sweat, and tears into it.
“Thanks, sis,” Kai says across the gym to keep from startling me. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
I jump to my feet and dust my pants off. “I know, but I can use the distraction and you can use the help.”
He extends his arm, offering me a place at his side. I wrap my arm around his waist and lean my head on his shoulder to draw comfort from my big brother.