We should have brought a guard with us or something, called Jensen and Kai and told them to get their asses here. There are too many people here for me to keep her safe.

My knee bounces with nerves and anticipation. If I can’t do anything here, how the hell am I going to watch her back at her own games? Sweep the locker rooms, bathrooms… I can’t do that. I’ll just look like some pervert.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid and have watched too many movies. Jonas isn’t crazy enough to do something in such a public place and I have to believe that if he wants her, he won’t hurt her.

We stand and I link my hand with hers, loving how natural it feels to be with her. As rocky and tumultuous as our relationship has been, we haven’t had many of the awkward fumbles that most couples do. The nervousness was never there, at least for me. It’s like I’ve known Outlaw my entire life.

I push back my worry. “Alright, let’s get my girl fed with some greasy arena food and find her a bathroom.” She leans into me for warmth in this frigid arena. Our feet scuff on the steps as we climb to the exit behind other fans who are trying to refill their beers. The staff at the end of each aisle give us smiles and nods, knowing damn well that she’s the one cheering for the wrong team.

I pull her closer, still unable to let go of the fact that I’m terrified Jonas might be in here somewhere. I wouldn’t put it past him to follow her everywhere.

We’re dodging bodies in red, black, and white like we were made to do it, winding ourselves down the tunneled way that rounds the edges of the arena when a familiar head of fiery red hair bobs through the crowd, coming at us. Behind her, two pillars, sentinels keeping watch and standing well above the natural height of all the other fans.

“Fox, what the fuck are you doing here?” Outlaw asks, surprised to see her best friend. We pull off to the side and I greet the guys, then give Foxy a light kiss on her cheek.

“Beavis and Butthead over here convinced me to come.” Foxy rolls her eyes and the guys chuckle.

“Hey, there have already been a couple of fights. You know you’re enjoying yourself,” Jensen says, smiling as he watches his girl.

“I know, I’m not complaining.”

“For once,” Outlaw adds.

“Oh, fuck off. I’m sorry I’m not a brute and I don’t like to mow people over on ice in search of a little piece of plastic.” Foxy links arms with Outlaw. “C’mon, I have to pee then I want some nachos.”

“You read my mind.” I bend and give my girl a kiss, holding her tighter to me, hesitant to let her go. I don’t want her out of my fucking sight, but I also don’t want to ruin this time for her. Jonas won’t do anything like this and she knows how to fight. Foxy will let nothing happen to her, either. Besides, we will follow a little behind them and monitor them.

I fish out my wallet and hand her some money for food. To my surprise, she doesn’t argue. She takes the money and stuffs it in her pocket.

“You want anything?” she asks.

“An extra order of nachos and some Pepsi,” I say, leaning down to give her another kiss because I need to. Meanwhile, my eyes are scanning the crowd she’s about to walk into, the line of people waiting. I don’t see Jonas or anyone I know.

“Sure thing. Be back in a minute.” I pull her close to me and give her ass a squeeze before Foxy tugs her away. Halfway to the line, Outlaw flips her raven curls over her shoulder and seeks me out. Her smile is sexy and full of affection. I nod, returning it and hoping that my face isn’t betraying my thoughts. I don’t want to ruin her time here.

“Why are you out of the box?” I ask Jensen. Mr. Tucker shells out an assload of money each year to watch these games, and while I was sure Jensen was probably here, I’m surprised to see him roaming the halls.

“Just trying to give Foxy the entire experience. Plus, I pointed out that Charley was here because I heard her screaming above the rest of the fans when Bergeron scored,” Jensen explained.

“Foxy is convinced she’s going to get her to come to the box,” Kai added, eyes scanning the surrounding people. “Fat chance on that one. Charley only watches from the crowd.”

“Shame, I’d prefer her to be safe in the box.”

“Yeah, me too, but don’t worry, Jonas isn’t here today. His usual seats, rink-side, are empty. He sat this one out today.” Kai claps me on the shoulder, but I don’t feel reassured. There is just a feeling I can’t shake. Maybe it’s because I’m new to being in their world and don’t understand how crazy, rich pricks work.

“He could still be anywhere in the crowd,” I say.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I really don’t think he is going to do anything, especially not here. He might slash the tires on your car in the parking lot, run his keys down the side, but I think Charley is safe.”

“I wish I could believe you.”

“We’ve got her, man. Between the three of us, we will not let a damn thing happen to the girls. You have my word.” Jensen leans back against the wall, away from all the commotion of everyone else.


Students pack the hallway,rushing to get home Friday afternoon. I’m waiting outside of my last class for Jensen to show up. He is on Charley duty this afternoon because Riggs has to work and Kai left to get to his gym early to open up. The guy who usually starts classes called in from a stomach bug.

It bothers me so much that they have to do this for me, and I wonder if I should tell Chandler about everything that has happened. Giving in to having a guard follow me isn’t what I want, but I may not have a choice. My friends can’t be responsible for me, even if they are okay with it. I appreciate their dedication, but it’s not practical. Plus, I know Chandler won’t tell my parents what’s going on. He’s already well aware they aren’t acting like themselves over Jonas.