“Can it, old man.” Chandler chuckles in response and knuckles my shoulder.

“I just worry about you.”

Riggs releases me, then cups my cheeks, looking me all over. My vision warps, and I can’t stop a tear from falling. Riggs swipes it away with his thumb, drying it on his jeans. I have been holding so much in, and now that I’m here with him I finally feel comfortable enough to let it out. “Oh, Outlaw, don’t cry. You’re fine, you’re safe. I’ve got you.”

The kiss he gives me just to the right of the wound on my forehead is tender, sweet. When he pulls back to check me out again, he’s frowning. His eyes traverse my face, taking in every mark, as if cataloging them. He runs his fingers through my hair, then cups the back of my head.

“Can you guys make it into the apartment so I know you’re both safe for the night?” Chandler asks, averting his gaze to give us privacy. I’m surprised he doesn’t want to grill Riggs, or at the very least keep ribbing him for what happened. “Yes, sir,” we both say.

Chandler leans in and kisses my cheek, his hand on my shoulder.

“Please take good care of her. Call me if either of you need anything, anything at all. Okay?” His tone has changed to one of respect, though still wary. He’s worried for me, but I think he’s okay with Riggs.

“Will do,” Riggs says, looking him square in the eye as they shake hands. The act is firm and feels final. Then Riggs leads me up the stairs to his apartment.

He walks in, dragging me by the hand, and shuts the door behind me. I’m moving slowly, understandably so, but he doesn’t complain. As soon as we’re inside… my energy drops, along with my resolve. A sob wrenches my ribs, and I drop to my knees before he can catch me. I fall forward on my palms to keep from face planting.

I’m exhausted and in pain. I just want to curl up in my boyfriend’s arms and sleep for days, resurfacing only for food and sex.

Riggs follows me to the floor, scooping me up into his lap and holding me tightly while I cry it out. He strokes my hair and by the end, I’m hiccuping against his chest. My tears leave wet spots on his shirt, but he doesn’t care. He just holds me. The moment isn’t pretty and the sounds I’m making terrify even me, but I’ve held all of this in long enough.

I could have easily died tonight, and the thought is catching up with me.

“You’re beautiful when you cry. Did you know that?” Riggs murmurs. That isn’t the first time I’ve heard that. Still, I don’t know how anyone can be beautiful when they cry.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he says, rubbing my back. “Do you want to get up and sit on the couch? I’ll make you some hot chocolate and get the frozen Cool Whip. We can watch some T.V. until you fall asleep.” My response is weak, but Riggs hears it. He moves to get up and even though I just told him I want hot cocoa, I can’t get myself to let go of him. I cling to him, wanting to hold on tight and never let him go.

“I’ll be right back, baby. I’m just going to the kitchen. Chandler texted me to let me know there was a guard outside. We are safe,” he assures me and that settles me enough that he can get up.

I doze in and out while he’s in the kitchen and when he returns, he wakes me enough to slip underneath me on the couch. The sweet smell of chocolate rouses me, and I reach for my mug without opening my eyes. Riggs chuckles, nuzzling my hair. “You have to wake up a little more than that. It’s hot and your chunk of Cool Whip is melting fast.”

“I’m so tired. Feed it to me, please.” I can’t see him, but I can feel him shake his head as his chest vibrates with laughter. The spoon clinks against the side of the mug, and he tells me to open up. A foamy chunk of cold Cool Whip lands in the middle of my tongue, the outside is warm and chocolaty.

“Take a sip,” he orders gently, then presses the mug into my hands. The warmth radiates through my palms, traveling up my arms and soothing me. I sip the thick liquid down and settle back into his chest.

“Thank you.”

“Anyday.” He presses my cheek to his chest and runs his fingers through my hair, making me shiver. I’m content in our little bubble, just being here with him where I feel safe enough to give in to the sleepy bliss my head is begging me for. However, I’m not quite ready yet. It’s late and we both need sleep, but I really believed I was going to die tonight, that I would never see Riggs again, so I’m going to sit and enjoy being wrapped in him for a while. Plus, I have hot chocolate to finish.

“I thought I was going to die. I thought for sure they were going to kill me and if Jensen hadn’t shown up, there’s a good chance they would have. I could see it in their eyes.”

“Outlaw…” Riggs warns, but I need to get this off my chest. I don’t want to hold it in. That never bodes well for me.

“No, I’m serious. It scared me shitless.” I shudder, recalling the crazed look in Layla’s eyes. The pure psycho that rang through when she spoke of Riggs. I’m scared for him as well, if I’m honest with myself. Who knows what the hell she is capable of?

I scoop off another chunk of Cool Whip and drop it on my tongue to keep myself from letting the tears flow again—a good, yummy distraction.

“I’m sorry we weren’t there for you. I know Jensen is freaked the fuck out that it happened. It was so hard to listen to him on the phone. He was scared, pissed, worried for both of us and so afraid I was going to be upset with him because he was the one that was supposed to walk you to the rink. I never want to hear him in that state again.” Riggs holds me tighter, squeezing my shoulder. Guilt eats at me for putting J in such a shitty position.

“It’s not his fault at all. I need to call him and apologize. I left the classroom when I shouldn’t have.” Riggs doesn’t deny it, just stops me from reaching for my phone.

“You can call him tomorrow, or we’ll go see them. Right now, you need to get some sleep. It’s nearly four in the morning, and I know I’m about to pass out.” Without jarring us, he pries my empty mug from my hand and sets both cups on the table. Then, he opens up a blanket and drapes it over our bodies, scooting down so he is laying on the couch and I’m comfortably stacked on top of him. The steady, relieving beat of his heart and his warm, powerful arms wrapped around me lull me to sleep in no time.


The last weekhas been quiet on the Jonas front. He hasn’t said a word to me at school, but that hasn’t stopped him from following me around. I’ve kept my head down, constantly escorted by someone on campus, and really everywhere. Guards have been watching me when I go out, sitting outside of Riggs’ apartment when I stay over.