“It reminded me of the day when you fucked me against the door.” I sigh, feeling like a knife just entered my stomach and twisted. That day was far from one of my best moments and I sure as hell don’t think of it that way.

“Fuck. Please don’t say that, like you liked that,” I say and run my fingers through my hair. Before I can grip it, she pulls my hand away, placing both our hands against my cheek.

Her hazel eyes grow wide. She’s surprised. “You didn’t?”

“What I did that day was so fucked up, so wrong, so uncalled for. I’m sorry, Outlaw, that day never should have happened.” I move to back away from her, but she won’t release me.

“Don’t. I don’t want to get into it, but I won’t forget about what happened that day. Yeah, sure, the rest sucked, and it hurt and we probably shouldn’t have done it, but you can’t tell me it wasn’t one of the hottest moments of your life.” The smile she’s trying to hide is devious, but also one of truth. She loved it. That sentiment hasn’t wormed its way into my mind yet. The smile she’s wearing, sitting here naked on the bed, glowing with the buzz of her orgasm, is helping me loosen up, but I still can’t help but remember that day as taking complete advantage of her and being disgusted with myself.

“I didn’t show you any respect.”

“Sometimes I don’t want to be respected.” I groan because as much as I don’t want it to, my dick stirs to life again, ready for round two with her words. It shouldn’t. I would never want to handle her again like I did that day. It was wrong on so many levels.

“You’re being naughty,” I say, groaning. She giggles, rolling off of the bed.

“What are we doing today?” I ask as I scoop my clothes up off the floor and toss them back on. We need to get back to our places to get some clean clothes but these will do for now.

“Would you be up for a hockey game? My treat.”

“I don’t need you to treat me to a hockey game, Outlaw. I can pay for my ticket.” Really, it isn’t something I should buy, but I won’t tell her that.

“I know, but I want to. I always buy a ticket for whoever joins me for the first season game. Don’t worry, you aren’t special.” Her voice grows closer as she speaks. When I look up in the mirror, she’s standing stark naked, her thin, toned body on display for me. Nipples hardened, tits heavy. Her skin is still flush from our rendezvous, the freckles in her cheeks popping. Long, raven hair drapes over her in messy waves. Freshly fucked. Damn, my girl looks good when I’m finished with her.

“Oh, I’m special.” I close the gap between us and press a kiss to her lips. “I’ll show you just how special.” She backs off, stopping us from going any further. Getting places on time lately has become somewhat hard for us because we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other.

“Are you coming to the game with me, or do I need to find another date?” she asks, cutting straight to the point.

“Don’t you dare,” I growl. Her laugh is mischievous and damn sexy, but the thought of her with another man watching something she loves so much makes my chest tighten. She very well could easily choose someone else and I won’t take my time with her for granted.



Outlaw is completelyin her element as the Hurricanes host the Bruins. I can’t say I’m not enjoying my first professional hockey game, but witnessing her get so pumped over a team that has nothing to do with her is honestly amazing. Jensen has always been into watching sports, admired teams and cheered like those athletes actually know who he is. I’ve never been one to see people as role models, to admire celebrities, or put anyone on a pedestal. I just don’t see the point.

They are simply people who have honed in their craft and perfected their talents. They put in the work and got what they deserved for it. Admiring people just rubs me the wrong way. However, after knowing Outlaw and how much work she puts into hockey, becoming the youngest captain the college has ever seen, I can appreciate the level at which they play.

Hockey really is an all-consuming sport that takes a massive amount of skill.

A Bruins defenseman hip checks one of the Hurricanes, sending him flying as the puck flies off in the other direction. Outlaw jumps to her feet, launching her arms in the air in a cheer as the rest of the crowd boos. She doesn’t care that she’s supporting the opposition in a crowd of home team supporters.

Eyes land on her, none of them friendly, but some of them do laugh as they point at her. I catalog each one of them, a foreign sensation crawling down my spine.Doom?Something certainly ominous.

I scan the crowd, not familiar with anyone in here, but I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being watched by someone other than disgruntled fans.

Outlaw drops back down in her seat, not caring one bit that the other fans now want her out of the arena. She turns to me with a wicked grin on her face that eases some of my turmoil. I’m just edgy because of everything that’s been going on. We’ve been doing our best not to leave her by herself, so Jonas can’t get to her at all.

Being out in the open like this with so many people around probably wasn’t the best idea. Not only has he continued to claim her and show up at random places to talk to her, but he has attacked me and my bike. Jonas has no problem getting physical, and it’s going to be so much harder to keep her safe.

If we even can. There are only so many of us and a ton of moments in a day when Jonas can make a move. After destroying my bike, carving those words into the tank, I want to know what his endgame is. Is he really set on getting her back? Would he hurt her, kidnap her? How far does he plan to take this if she doesn’t comply with what he wants?

Just needing to touch her, to feel that she’s real, I return her smile and prop an arm over her shoulders when she sits back. She’s crazy cheering for the away team in the middle of rabid hockey fans.

She doesn’t give a shit.

The first period ends with the Bruins up by one and there have already been three fights that I have to agree were pretty bad ass.

“I have to pee and I want some nachos.” On edge and not interested in moving around the place, I hesitate before agreeing. I can’t keep her from using the bathroom and participating in everyday life because I’m afraid I can’t keep her safe.