“Okay, spill,”Foxy mumbles around her toothbrush, a trail of foamy drool running down her chin.

“You’re gross.”

“Fuck you,” she says, but that isn’t even close to how it comes out. I know my bestie well enough to guess what she’s saying. I flip her the bird and flop down on my bed. Honestly, I’m surprised she’s sleeping in here. But then there is a knock on the door and Kai slips in, clutching his pillow close to his chest. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to separate them tonight.

Oh well. Kai has slept in my room before. Nothing wrong with it now.

“Do you mind if I crash in here tonight, sis?” I roll my eyes because even if I say no, he will stay anyway. Foxy squeals her approval of him joining us when she exits the bathroom. How can I say no to that?

“That’s fine, but if I catch you fucking, you’re out.” Kai pales, semi mortified I would say such a thing to him, let alone believe that is something he would do. A clear shiver runs down his body as he wiggles his shoulders with it.

“I would never…” He’s concerned.

Instead of letting him in on the fact that I’m joking, I say, “Good, keep it that way.” If he doesn’t understand I’m joking at this point, that’s his problem.

“Charles, shut up.” Foxy props her hands on her hips, locking her stare with mine after she catches wind of the conversation and Kai’s reaction.

“Hey, don’t give me shit. I’ve had a terrible fucking day, and it is my room, my rules.”

“Like I would fuck your brother in your bed while you’re sleeping.”

I give her a pointed look to which a mischievous grin flares her perfect lips. “It wouldn’t be the first time you have fucked someone while I’m sleeping. But I have to draw the line with my sibling.”

Kai stands stunned, his jaw gaping at his woman.

She doesn’t acknowledge my statement or his astonishment, simply smiles and tosses the covers back. The middle of the bed is where she lands, leaving the sides open for us to crawl in.

“You banged someone while she was sleeping?”

“That was in the past,” Foxy retorts, having the decency to look sort of remorseful.

When we are both tucked in beside her, she situates the blankets around all of us and snuggles in, more so on Kai’s side than mine, but whatever. Change is inevitable. At least she is here with me.

It’s here in the still of the night, two-thirty in the morning, sitting with my bestie and my brother, that I can’t hold in the sob that bursts from my body. I’m proud of myself for holding it in this long, but seeing Riggs at lunch really did me in.

“Oh, Charley,” Foxy coos, leaning more to my side now as Kai’s long arm crosses over both of us and his hand cups my outer shoulder. I roll my head onto Foxy’s shoulder and let everything out that I’ve been holding in, which is a lot.

“I’m sorry. I’m still a little drunk, but I miss him so much, Fox. The way he rejects me hurts. Why did I get involved with him?” She swipes a hand over my hair and kisses my head, then she turns and takes me in her arms. Kai situates us so he can wrap us in his embrace, Foxy’s back to his chest.

“Because you’re a good person, babe. That and you love him. The heart wants what it wants, you know that.” Kai grunts his agreement.

The past weeks have been hell, but I was getting better. Until today, that is. Our interaction at lunch sent me into a bit of a spiral that I can’t seem to get out of. Keeping my mind busy with my mom has helped, but now that night is here and it’s time to sleep, I can’t keep my emotions in check. It’s always the night that is the hardest, when I have time to think about him. There is only so much reading and studying I can take before I have to rest my eyes.

That’s when the thoughts creep in, and I can’t get them back out until sleep finally becomes merciful and takes me.

The alcohol isn’t helping matters, but my sobs finally quiet, turning to pitiful hiccups. Foxy and Kai both rub my back, soothing me. Once I’ve let the emotion out, I pull back, even though the pain in my cracked chest remains. However it is at a much more tolerable level than before.

“How is he? Is he okay?”

“Riggs is far from okay, honey. He honestly could use professional help. But he is as stubborn as they come. We have no clue what to do for him anymore. I’m not sure if J has limits, but I’m reaching mine.”

“No. We can’t give up on him.”

“I understand that, but you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped,” Foxy says, her voice soft, sad. I fight back the thoughts of giving up on him. We can’t.Ican’t.I won’t.I promised him I wouldn’t.

But how much more can I take?

“She’s right, sis. You can’t go on like this forever, having your heartbroken like this. It isn’t right. Riggs is a good dude, but his past has messed him up. If he doesn’t want our help, we can’t force him to take it,” Kai adds, and it feels like a knife to my heart to have him agree. They’re friends, aren’t they?