He allows me a few minutes to fixate on the image, searing it into my mind when he snatches the paper away. When he sends it back, under the image, it asks if he will see me this afternoon.
“I have practice,” I whisper instead of writing back. Then I fold the paper up and tuck it in my back pocket before he can take it back from me. I’m all for passing notes like we’re getting away with something, but I’m feeling sentimental and not wanting to let that paper go. It will get placed in my dresser for safe keeping. When things get rough, because we know it will, I can pull it out and cherish it. “Come watch, then we can get some dinner?”
Riggs fillsme in on his conversation with Jensen as we drive my Jeep to the diner to meet everyone and grab a bite to eat. Practice was brutal, to say the least, and I’m exhausted. So much so that I relinquished driving rights to Riggs. The way his body pours over every inch of the seat has me staring. He’s doing that one hand on the wheel, the other on the gearshift thing, all sprawled out like he always is.
Not a moron, or born yesterday, he knows I can’t look away because he doesn’t let many minutes pass before he’s finding me out of the corner of his eye. There is a subtle twitch of his lip, but he rebounds much better than I do. I also have to factor in that he’s driving and can’t keep his eyes glued to me.
“You’re drooling, Outlaw.” This time when he looks at me, a sprig of bronze hair whips in the wind over his forehead where it peeks out under the back of a new ball cap I might need to steal. He doesn’t wear it all the time, but when he does, I can’t get enough.
“Am not,” I say, but lick my lips just in case. It’s always a possibility when watching him. He swings his arm out and swipes at the corner of my mouth like a jackass. I swat him away, laughing. “Jerk.”
“Wanted to touch you.”
“I’m right here, touch me all you want.”
“Be careful what you wish for,” he warns. “We might have to pull over and take care of some things.” The smile that graces his lips is merciless.
“I would say that’s tempting and sign me up, but I’m starving.”
“Starving for me?”
“Always.” His gaze blazes and he isn’t close to subtle when he adjusts himself in his pants. Okay, we need a subject change. “So, you’re moving into the apartment?”
Not the swiftest change of topic there ever was.
“Yes, I think about our first night together often,” he says and moves his hand from the gearshift to my thigh, wrapping his long fingers around my leg and making it look tiny.
“That’s not what I was talking about,” I say dryly, ready to pounce on him. This earns me a hearty laugh. “When are you moving?”
“Probably by the end of the month.”
“That’s pretty soon,” I say, excited for him. Not that his apartment now isn’t fine enough for me, it’s just that I’m ready for him to have something new. Part of that change we spoke about.
“If Jensen had his way, I’d already be there,” he gripes.
“Yeah, that’s probably true, but it will be here soon enough,” I say as we finally turn into the diner. This ride could not end soon enough. Now I have to sit through a dinner where he will place his hand strategically on my thigh to drive me crazy with wanting him.
Dinner is yummy,but I’m so exhausted that I’m not much for conversation. Foxy makes note of it multiple times and tells me to go home, that I am no fun. I have to agree with her. Hating that I would be lying to my parents, I tell them that I’m staying at Foxy’s place. Which is ludicrous because I’m plenty old enough to be out for a night without a cover story, but I still live under their roof and I want to respect them. I’m not sure what they would say if I said I was staying with a guy, especially one they haven’t met. But I’m not ready for that conversation yet, so lying it is.
Riggs kisses me on the forehead, then pats my ass after we get back from grabbing some clothes from my house. “Go take a shower, Outlaw. You smell—”
“Rude,” I cut him off.
“I was going to say you smell like a hockey rink, and while I don’t mind the fresh icy smell, the scent of sweaty dude on the other hand, not so much.” We laugh because that scent is so familiar to me. I get exactly what he is saying.
“I’m so tired that I might need you to hold me up.” I yawn, stripping out of my shirt in the middle of the apartment. Riggs gives a deep, husky chuckle and watches me make my way to the bathroom.
“I’d do just that, but I’m afraid I’d only be holding those tits and that ass, Outlaw. I won’t be of much help.”
“That’s something at least, Jester.” He follows, picking up the clothes that I’ve tossed off and by the time I’m in the bathroom starting the shower, I’m naked. I bend over to start the water and a hand swipes over my pussy. A finger dips inside of me, earning him a sleepy groan, but before I can get anything started, he’s backing away from me, sucking his finger into his mouth. I watch his tongue glide over his long finger, hungry for him.
“Shower, then we can snuggle in bed.”
“Snuggles sound good,” I agree, clenching my thighs shut, but I’m pretty sure he means actually snuggling. And probably sleeping. Sleep is good because I’m delirious at this point.
I wakeup with arms banded tightly around me, backed up to a very naked, very hard Riggs. He shifts when I stir and his arm leaves for a moment. I hear some rustling, then the ripping of a package. My pulse springs to life as he enters me and pure bliss washes over me. A girl could get used to waking up to this.