“I know for certain that Kai would love to train you. I can ask him if you’d like.” Riggs thinks on that option for a minute, but then he shakes his head.

“I’m good, Outlaw. I can ask him.” He runs his fingers through my hair and when he follows the strands where they land on my chest, the tips of his fingers brush the spot over my heart. I wonder if he can feel it pounding.

“You guys are getting closer?”

“Yeah, something like that.” He watches the rise and fall of my chest and rearranges my hair. When he’s satisfied, he meets my stare with a gleam in his eye. I like happiness on him. It’s not one hundred percent or even fifty, but it’s more than was there before. “If Jonas bothers you again, tell me, please.”

“Of course I will.” Satisfied with my response, Riggs smacks a kiss on my lips, and before I can deepen it, he backs away. I whimper, and he blows me another.

“I’ll see you in creative writing, Outlaw.” Happy as a peach grown on Georgia soil, I smile to myself and make my way to class. I’ll see him soon and that is enough for me.


Finally,Friday afternoon is upon us. Coach lets us have the night off from practice because he has a family thing to do, so I am going to get my bestie and we are going to go to dinner. I can’t remember the last time I had a Friday out with her.

Turning the corner, a locker slams, then I hear another noise that sounds like a fist pummeling the metal door. Following that is a slew of curses in a familiar voice. I pick up my pace and when I turn the next corner, Riggs is flying down the hallway toward the exit, the bill of his ball cap meeting the collar of his riding jacket. Where the hell is he going?

When I pass his locker, my eyes catch on dripping red writing. Someone spray painted the word “scum” across the door of his locker and not in the pretty way he paints.

Jonas. It had to be.

I run, not bothering to call after him because he will not stop and that will only bring more attention to the situation. There aren’t many students left in the hallway, but there are enough that are already staring at the offensive tag. If you could even call it a tag. Tags are usually works of art. This is bullshit.

The late day sun is a bright son-of-a-bitch. I squint, using a hand to block it out. Riggs is already across the parking lot getting ready to throw his leg over his bike. I bolt across the pavement, making it to him in record time. He’s expecting me to be at practice, so when I toss my leg over the bike instead, he blinks at me in surprise.

His hardened expression softens.

“Talk to me, Jester. Where’s your head?” I ask so breathlessly I question whether I’m in as good of shape as I think I am, and instead decide to blame my lack of breath on his presence.

“What are you doing here?” he questions, grumpy.

“Don’t change the subject, sir. I saw your locker.” I grab his ball cap and shove it on my head, backward like he wears it. Loving his messy hat hair, I run my fingers through it and he sighs, snagging my hand with his and kissing my palm.

“There’s nothing to say about it. It’s true, I am scum. He’s stating facts.”

“You’re not scum, Riggs,” I say, giving him a flat look. He is far from scum. Jonas is the scum at this school, the poison.

“Why do you insist on pursuing me? Tell me again, please.” He leans into me, pressing his forehead against mine. I hide my surprise. I can’t lie, I was expecting this to set us back. The fact that he is leaning on me, talking to me about it instead of arguing with me, is a win.

“Because I think I’m falling in love with you.” The words tumble from my mouth before I can stop them. I’m caught up in the moment, happy that he isn’t pushing me away.

“Say it again.”

“I’m falling in love with you.”


“Riggs, I’m in love with you.”

His lips meet mine, hesitant but searing all the same. “You can’t love me. This can’t work. I’m not good for you. Why don’t you understand that? My demons are too strong.”

I place my hand against his cheek, reminding him he isn’t getting away from me. He’s not letting me go, only stating what he believes is a deal breaker for me. I can tell by the way he whispers the words quietly.

Right now, Jonas’ gift is in his head and he’s doubting himself. “Let them be my demons. I want to help you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks because none of it is true. It’s me and you, babe.”

“I’m trying, but I don’t know if I can. Jonas will not stop, Outlaw. What if he hurts you? You might one day decide I am scum. What then?”

Okay, apparently this is more serious than I thought.Fuck that.Maybe it’s time I give him some tough love. He seems to respond to that the best.