“Happy for now. Then you interpret whether you believe that particular couple is going to last or not. That’s up to you, but don’t ruin it for everyone else with your nonsense, ‘kay?”

“You can be a real dick sometimes.”

“And you can’t?” I lift my head, offering her a raised brow. My dickishness doesn’t compare to hers at all. She’s the brutally honest one. I’m honest with better delivery. She looks away, a sarcastic smile on her lips. “That’s what I thought. As for your relationship, you gotta talk to my brother. Kai has never been the most confident guy, and you and Jensen are both forces to be reckoned with. He may need a little extra help.”

Her sigh is hefty.

“Shit, you’re right.” She coaxes my head back to her shoulder and rests hers once again. “Maybe I’m not doing enough. I’m going to fix it. I can’t lose either of them. And yes, I realize that’s really selfish of me, because two incredibly hot guys give me the best of both worlds.”

“I doubt you’ll ever be able to get rid of my brother. The kid is smitten—always has been. But I also can see where he needs to compete with J.” She smiles against my hair.

“There is no competition, not between those two. I want them both equally, which is so crazy.” For a quick second, her grip on my hand tightens, and she lifts her head as she sucks in a breath. “Can I tell you something? Something you promise you won’t share?”

This catches my attention for sure, who doesn’t love gossip? But I also hate that I ruined our relationship so much last year that she feels the need to clarify I won’t spill when she tells me something is on her mind. We used to share the sort of relationship where you come out and say it. I squash those feelings and keep the conversation as light as I can. “I don’t want to know about my brother’s dick. Let me draw the line in the sand right now.”

She scoffs, laughing as she slaps my shoulder. I turn so we’re facing each other, withdrawing one leg from the water and laying it bent between us. She does the same, mimicking my position so our knees touch. “It’s fucking huge. They both are.”

My eyes fall shut, and I exhale slowly through my nose. I walked right into that one. The more I make a big deal about things, Foxy will push back. It’s the nature of our friendship.

“Are you done?” I grumble.

“Yes, but only because I need to discuss this with you.”

“Okay, I’m all ears.” She worries over her lip, placing her eyes on everything but me. “Spit it out already, Foxy.”

“Jensen is bisexual.” Her words hang in the air. I don’t have a problem with him being bi-sexual at all, but I did not see that coming. After our prolonged silence of just not knowing how to approach that, she adds, “he doesn’t like to label it, but he wanted to be completely transparent and, well, we are in a relationship, so why shouldn’t I know? He was terrified to tell me because of our situation and he didn’t want me to have to choose if that’s what it came down to. He had this whole spiel about how he would back out if Kai wasn’t okay with it, and he also felt it wasn’t fair to Kai and that he should know. We do group things and…”

“I get it.” I place my hand back on hers to show I’m simply absorbing what she says and fully supporting her. “Whoa.”


“Not that straight guys aren’t caring, but has he ever had feelings for Riggs? With the way he cares for him and all?”

She shakes her head. “No. He definitely sees him as a brother and never ventured there.”

“Is Riggs aware?”

“Yes,” she confirms. Props to Riggs for saying nothing and also that just makes him sexier for being okay with it and never judging J.

“And what has Kai said?”

“Not much. You know Kai. But he confirmed it doesn’t bother him.”

“Does J have those sorts of feelings for Kai?” This question makes her swallow hard and a sliver of worry to twist her features. “Shit. That’s what you’re worried about. That Kai cannot handle it.”

“I mean, when this all started, I was dating both of them, almost separately. Then I fucked around and found out I couldn’t choose between them. Unbelievably, they were both okay, and I understand why J said nothing beforehand. That’s scary to think about having to share something like that with someone who you might lose because of it. I can’t blame him on that one and I can’t blame Kai for not being okay with it if he isn’t. I can’t live without either of them, though, but what do I do? Kai is straight and while he is okay with that, what if Jensen develops feelings for him? Honestly, it might be happening. I can see it, sense it. What if that freaks Kai out?”

“It might all blow up, babe.” Her shoulders sag at my truth and my heart breaks for her. That’s a lot to have on your mind on top of the pressure of dealing with outside factors that don’t want them together, like our parents. “J is going to have to be honest with you guys. In a perfect world and a world where Kai accepts these feelings, how does that work if he returns them? I mean, in a situation like that, is it possible he might?”

“I have no idea. We have sex together and spend most of our time all together. I don’t care if they’re together, if we’re in some sort of full on three-way relationship. I would never deny them their feelings for each other. But is that really even an option? Kai is great, but that might push him too far.”

“That’s for him to decide.Youjust have to decide if you’re okay with waiting to find out as things progress.”

“Fuck, that’s a lot, Charles. Of course, this would happen to me. The town harlot ends up with two guys in a love triangle that isn’t a love triangle but still somehow is. Karma is a bitch.”

“Karma has been great to you because you’ve done nothing wrong. This isn’t karma, only a hitch in your giddy-up.”

“A rock in my hard place.”