“A galaxy that we get to paint a fight scene on. There will be death, my morbid, dark friend. That is the part I need your help with. I don’t do scenes, only landscapes.”
I wouldn’t put it past her to be lying through her teeth on this one. She probably convinced the client to let her do something like that so she could get me out here. I can appreciate that, though. She is the only one that gets that I want to work for the help I receive.
The debacle with Sam and Charley brought us closer. I got involved when her best friend ditched her for fear of being caught with her, not wanting to be on the bad side of Jonas and his merry band of fuckheads.
I, of course, don’t give a shit. So while she stayed at the Academy, I helped her out as much as I could. When she switched schools, things dropped off, but she still calls me to tag shit with her. Nothing more than platonic considering she’d sworn off all guys since the incident.
“What are we doing out here in the middle of the night if someone commissioned you to do this?” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair. She snickers and I place my hand on my hip, expectant.
“Okay, stop. One, it’s way too hot during the day, and two, you would never have come if it was daytime, aware that it was a commissioned piece. You’re a miscreant, my friend. You like illegal shit and don't like assistance with your bills.”
“I don’t like shit because it’s illegal or seek it out. It just so happens that the shit I like is illegal.” She purses her lips and sprays me with the can of pink in her hands. It’s neon and fucking bright, right smack dab in the middle of my chest.
“Ass,” she mutters.
“Hey, that’s rude as fuck. My shirt supply is limited,” I argue, but the point is moot. She knows this is one of my painting shirts and adds a pink streak to cover a white one that is already there.
“So, in order to get you to help me, I have to fib a little. Are you in or out? If you’re out, then leave because I don’t have time to fuck with you. I have to be done with this by morning.”
“Basically, you’re leaving me no choice but to not be the shitty friend that leaves you high and dry.”
We spendhours planning and painting and by the time we finish, there is an entire galactic battle happening on the side of the wall. I’ve packed my shit up when Sam sits on the scaffolding with me and hands me a wad of cash. “Your half, my friend. Thank you for your help.”
I take it from her and stuff it in my pocket without counting it. I don’t care how much it is as long as I worked for it. “Thanks for the invite.”
“No problem.” She shrugs a shoulder. “So, how are you doing lately?”
“Jesus, how much has Jensen told you?”
“As long as it covers you not eating, you quitting Layla, your grandma, and Charlotte Miller, he’s told me everything.”
“That motherfucker. I’m going to kill him.”
“Shut up. That’s literally what he told me. His words verbatim. He doesn’t share shit, not like that. He’s worried about you, Riggs, as am I. This time of year sucks, and I hope you’re aware I’m here for you.”
I know what she’s referring to—the anniversary of my mother’s death. She doesn’t have the details ofwhathappened, just that she’s dead.
I give the thought a little time to bounce around my mind. That must be why my anxiety is going crazy.
With the start of college, I hadn’t thought about this time of the year at all. It snuck up on me, if I’m honest.
“Message received, Sam. Thank you. But I’m fine.”
“I figured you’d say that. That’s why I figured I’d help where I could. Money. Now what is this about you talking to Charley?” Her question isn’t accusatory; she’s genuinely interested in why.
“I’m not talking to her. More like she is stalking me.” She grimaces and I light up a joint, hoping all the paint fumes in the air don’t ignite and blow us up. “I can’t seem to shake her and it’s really pissing me off.”
“What does she want?” I jerk my shoulder up. Hell if I know.
“I don’t have the slightest fucking clue.” I take a hit and pass it to Sam. She’s been smoking with me for a while now, always happy to share. “She ends up everywhere. The other day, she tried to buy me lunch.”
“I would say that isn’t a terrible thing, but I know you, and I’m certain that chapped your ass. Maybe she has a thing for you.” Sam exhales a cloud of smoke, then takes another minor hit before passing it back to me.
I feel my high settling in and I’m getting a little drowsy, which is what keeps me from flying off the handle regarding Charley.
“No, sorry. Just no. Not interested in any of the—”