Page 49 of Cruel Love

I pursed my lips. “I like the idea, but we need to get a stepladder. I can’t reach the high ones.”

“You have me.” He bent down and nuzzled my neck. “I don’t want you on a ladder. Just tell me anytime you need something, and I’ll do it. Besides, we can put the ones you’re waiting to sell up higher. I’ll help you ship them, so it makes sense.”

“Okay.” It was exciting. Sky and Damon had handled my new website design. It was up and running, and she was teaching me how to make changes to it, but I was grateful to have their help. Things were progressing smoothly. And Sky’s journalism background meant she had connections to photographers. I did, too, through the art department and my major, but it was fun to work with her to create the right look for the site and get the gallery organized in the best way.

Max’s idea about documenting my pregnancy by taking pictures of me surfing on our custom boards was genius. We had expecting moms calling and had done interviews with two parenting magazines. Riley posing in some of the pictures would only garner more attention because of her diving career. We had so much fun taking pictures and riding the waves one day that the guys had demanded to be included.

The website blew up, and orders were trickling in. There was a wait for anything commissioned because I had to have the time to complete the order while juggling life. But I wasn’t complaining.

Phoenix got to work with the wall mounts, and the surfboards were stacked to the side while Cole and Damon brought in the last of our stuff. After setting a box down, Damon entered the tiny kitchen area, wrapped his arms around Sky, and pulled her back against his chest. “Why does Shane get out of moving you guys in?”

I shrugged because I knew only what Phoenix and Max had told me. “He’s busy. Since their grandfather cut them off, he’s been working as a bodyguard for some girl’s family.”

Damon snorted. “Shane’s probably doing much more with her than guarding her body.”

“Who is she?” Sky asked.

“All I know is that this girl has a stalker, and her family hired Shane to keep her safe when she’s not in class or walking to her car.”

Sky’s frown was intense, her eyes taking on that hard determined glint they got when she got wind of a story. “Does this have anything to do with Jaxon’s sister? The one who came to the art exhibition but didn’t come near us? Because I got weird vibes there.”

“Maybe?” I racked my brain, trying to remember what Max had said about Jaxon’s foster sister. “I think she’ll be going to school here this year. There was some drama, so she’s starting late.”

“Hmm.” Sky tapped her bottom lip with her finger. “Could Jaxon’s family have hired Shane for her too?”

My mouth formed an O. I could definitely see Shane liking Jaxon’s sister—she was gorgeous. Or… helping out. Whatever, either way. “Possibly.” We were taking this a bit far, but I couldn’t shake the weird feeling I had.

“We may need to do some digging, especially since a stalker, that other girl, and possibly Jax’s sister could impact our group,” Sky said.

“Our family.” Riley’s jaw was clenched, and she flicked some of her long chestnut hair over her shoulder. “We’re so much more than a group. We stick together, and Max is one of us too.”

I blinked a few times, because goddam, how did I get so lucky to be considered part of their family? Max, Sky and Damon, Riley and Cole, and of course Phoenix had come to be people I counted on and loved fiercely. Shane was included, too, but we were still finding our footing because of his shit-tastic behavior toward me.

“I’ll see what I can learn from Max, since she’s his boyfriend’s sister.” They were right. We stood together, which meant more information was needed.

For the rest of the afternoon, we got everything situated. It was fun, and I laughed so much my face hurt from smiling. I really liked this group and felt very fortunate to have them in my life.

We ate pizza, they left, and Phoenix and I were alone for the first time in our new apartment.

I took a minute to check out the surfboards he’d hung in the small room off the kitchen.

Phoenix’s arms went around me as he pulled me against his chest. He rested his hands over my swollen belly, and I sighed in contentment. “The surfboards look good there. Even the corner near the window where you set up my easel makes me want to get my paints out.”

“Someday, I’ll have the most amazing studio built for you.”

“Oh, yeah?” I grinned and turned in his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. “What’ll it look like?”

“White walls, so your designs are highlighted and the only color in the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows will line one side with a spectacular view of our backyard, letting in amazing natural light. One wall will have cabinets with all your supplies and a marble counter. And sliding doors will open all the way so you can work outside on the patio if you want.”

“Sounds amazing.” I brushed his light hair from his forehead and shivered at the determined expression on his chiseled face. “But you know I don’t need a lot. This place is perfect because it has you and soon, our baby. What more could I ask for?”

“I want to give you the world, Aspen, like you’re giving me.” He took one of my hands and rested it on my belly with his, and tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Stop being so sweet.” Damned emotions.

He laughed then stepped back but kept my hand in his as he pulled me to the couch. I sat, and he went into the kitchen for a few minutes. I was happy to kick my feet up and rest. It’d been a long day.

Phoenix joined me on the couch with a plate of strawberries and whipped cream in the center.