“I have a plan.” Phoenix laced his fingers with mine as we walked into the empty football stadium and out by the field.
“Is it getting into trouble?” I scanned the sidelines, expecting someone to yell at us. “Because I’m not sure we’re supposed to be out here.”
“Coach knows about it.” He released my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding me to the seats the players used when they weren’t on the field during games.
As soon as my butt hit the chair, he pulled my legs over his lap so I could face him. I relaxed into the surprisingly comfortable seat, content to wait for Phoenix to tell me why we were there.
It was a gorgeous evening—a little chilly, so I wore leggings and a cardigan over a Thane University T-shirt. Phoenix soothingly ran his hand over my legs, lulling me into a relaxed state. It was after practice, and only a few groundskeepers were out and about. I imagined the coaching staff was either inside or on their way home.
“When we first hooked up, I was so into you.”
“Ah”—my shoulders tensed—“where are you going with this?”
His silver eyes locked on mine, and a shiver tore through me at the intensity I read in the stormy depths. “Give me a sec.” He winked. “You were so sexy, and you had this surfer vibe I was so into. But you also scared me because I knew from the first touch that one time with you would never be enough, and I didn’t see myself entering willingly into a relationship.”
“Unless it was a fake one.” I grinned because we’d done that.
He leaned back in the chair, a chilly wind flattening his dark-gray Henley to his stomach and giving me a glimpse of the ridges of his abs.
It never got old. I tucked my hair behind my ears, but a few wispy strands danced in the wind, tickling my face.
“It was needed. Fake dating you was the stepping stone to wanting something real. It scares me to think I could have pushed you away.”
“You tried.” I bit my bottom lip then released it. “But I did that with you too. It’s not like I had the best example of what a relationship should be from my parents.” They were still trying to work things out, trying to acknowledge and understand each other’s points of view and feelings—something they hadn’t done in the past.
“What was it you called me?”
“Mr. One and Done.”
His lips twitched at the corners. “It was accurate before you. There hasn’t been anyone since our time together at the cove, Aspen. And there won’t be anyone else. I never considered the possibility of wanting to be with the same person more than I want a football career.”
Oh. That was big. I sat up a little more, wondering where he was going. His wide shoulders eclipsed my view, but all I could see was him anyway.
“I never had any interest in becoming a father. Until you. I never wanted to marry anyone because of how my mom’s relationship had gone, and my aunt and uncle’s. Until you. And I’d never felt connected to another woman or wanted to do everything I could to provide for someone. Until you.”
My eyes misted. I wanted to tell him how I felt, too, but I could barely draw a full breath from the force of emotion his words evoked.
“There’s more I need to tell you, but I wanted to clarify a few things about my misconceptions about marriage.”
Marriage? My heart pounded against my ribs at an alarming rate.
“I know what I want with you. The accident, even though it was a fucking nightmare, stripped away some of my defenses.” His hand curled around my calf, grounding me in the moment. “When I woke up in the hospital, thinking I was a kid, and saw this insanely hot girl who I wanted to keep by my side no matter what, I couldn’t believe my luck, despite everything.”
“It was so hard. The coma. Seeing you lying there every day. I was scared you wouldn’t wake up.”
“I think it needed to happen. Many things came to light the night of the crash.” He leaned forward, cupping the side of my face with a palm. “And I’m so goddammed sorry I hit you.”
“Yeah, that sucked, but it wasn’t your fault.” If Shane hadn’t ducked, my face wouldn’t have kissed Phoenix’s fist.
“Then the accident. The only good thing that came out of that was that my ego was stripped away enough that I wasn’t guarded and defensive. I wanted to get to know you, and I couldn’t believe it, but you let me.”
“It was a second chance for us. I would have been a fool to let that slip by.” And he was so different after the accident. I couldn’t resist getting to know him.
“I talked to Coach and told him about the baby and us. He said there’s a way we can live in family housing, and my scholarship will cover it.”
“What?” I yanked my legs from his lap and sat up straight. “How is that possible?”
“If we got married.”