“I remember you.” I turned my head and met her wide-eyed gaze.
She pushed up onto an elbow. “You do?”
“Not everything. Bits and pieces. I remember the cove. Seeing you come out of the water. Beads of it glistened off your skin. I wanted you more than my next breath.”
“Poetic.” Aspen grinned, pink staining her cheeks. “If you had said that to me before the accident, I think I would have fallen over.”
I kissed the base of her throat, and she sighed. When I cupped her breast, she arched for me. “You were so wet. So fucking gorgeous.” I wanted her all over again, but I needed to be in control this time. “When you touched me, I almost came right there. I’ve never wanted anyone that much in my life.”
She whimpered, and I flipped her underneath me. Her legs wrapped around me, and I settled against her entrance, still hard.
I wasn’t sure whether my body would hold out or give up and betray me, which meant I needed to make sure I imprinted myself in more than just her body. I wanted her mind and her heart too.
She tilted her hips, and I slid inside. There was nothing better than that—than her.
We moved together as if we were made for one another. Every kiss and caress sparked desire until we both breathed heavily and she writhed beneath me. I slipped my hand between us, careful of her stomach, and whispered, “Come for me, Surfer Girl.”
Her body squeezed mine, pulsing around me, and I pushed deeper, once, twice, and then followed her into oblivion.
Fully sated, I rolled onto my side, taking her with me. We let our breathing and heart rates regulate while I traced lazy circles along her back and arm. She splayed a hand on my chest, over my heart, and I felt the connection deep inside me.
“I know you’re doing amazing, and you’ll recover fully.” Her voice was quiet, and she tilted her head so our eyes met and held. “But what would you do if you couldn’t play football?”
“First of all, that’s never going to happen.”
She laughed. “Okay, not really what I meant. But let’s say later, when you’re old and can’t play. What then?”
I shrugged one shoulder. “I love the sport and can’t imagine not having football in my life in one way or another. I would probably go into sports commentary, where I could use my analytical and visionary skills.”
“I love that. You should also talk to your advisor about it to figure out if there is a major for that. I think you told me you were undecided once.”
It was a good idea. I would follow up on that when things got back to normal, which I hoped would be soon, but also, I loved the time I had with her now.
We lay there for a while longer until we both decided to get cleaned up. While Aspen was in the bathroom, I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled them on. I was going for my shirt when a knock sounded at the door. Rather than put it on, I took slow steps to the front door then opened it.
It was Grandad. I wanted to tell him to go away, but he wasn’t someone I could talk to like that.
“Phoenix,” he muttered gruffly as he entered. “I was worried. Your mom said you were home alone, and I wanted to check to see how you are or if you needed anything.”
“I’m good. Much better.” I grinned, locking the muscles in my legs so I didn’t sway or anything.
A small smile curved his face, softening the lines that bracketed his mouth. “I see you’re feeling better. That’s good.”
I nodded, hoping like crazy that Aspen stayed in the bathroom. I had no idea what he would say to her. He was a bit of a loose cannon. He had strong opinions, even though he meant well. But my relationship with Aspen was progressing, and I wanted a little more time before introducing them. He would love her, but the timing was off. “I’m just going to turn in early. No need to worry about me. And, ah, were you looking for Shane? He’s not home.” I stayed by the front door, and we faced each other in the foyer. There was no way I would let him go farther into the house if I could help it.
His bushy white eyebrows rose. “And why would I be looking for Shane?”
“Because he’s been working for you.”
“On the weekends, mostly.”
That fucker. I knew there had been something else that he was keeping from me, even beyond not telling me that I had gotten Aspen pregnant. “I’m kind of tired, and while I appreciate that you stopped by, do you mind if we talk another time?”
“Of course, but I did leave one of my suit jackets here when I came to take care of a few things for your mom while you were in the hospital. It won’t take long for me to grab it.” He moved around me and went into the family room, where Aspen’s shirt and bra lay on the coffee table. “I see you’re not alone.” His mouth pressed into a tight line, and I felt his disappointment. “I want to talk to you about your situation with that girl.”
“You mean Aspen?” He was acting weird, and my protective instincts roared to life. I crossed my arms over my chest, fighting the urge to tell him to leave. I sensed that nothing good was going to come of his visit.
“She’s targeting you for the family money. She’s like that bastard of a father you and Shane have.”