Fiesta Jalisco used to be their favorite place to eat whenever they drove up to Livingston for a Friday night movie date.
“Remember how you’d always ask for the extra-hot salsa?” she asked, her voice soft and wistful. “And you’d tease me for being a lightweight when I told you my tongue was on fire?”
“You are a chili pepper lightweight. Or, you were.” He studied Autumn’s profile in the soft porch light. She was still so beautiful, even with faint stress lines on her forehead and smudges under her eyes. He ached to see physical evidence of the toll Phillip’s harassment had taken.
Too bad you can’t just ride unwelcome strangers out of town on a rail anymore, he thought.
Autumn turned her head, meeting his gaze. “What?” she asked self-consciously.
“Nothing, just… I’ve missed this. Hanging out with you, I mean.” Matt reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “And you just reminded me I haven’t been to the Empire in at least five years.”
Back in their high school days, the historic Empire Theater in downtown Livingston had been the place to take a date.
She smiled softly. “Me neither.” She paused, thinking. “In fact, I haven’t been to the movies in years.” She sighed, her breath mingling with the cool night air. “After Jayden was born, Phillip insisted going out to the movies was a waste of time and money when we had a big-screen TV at home, with surround sound and a Netflix subscription.”
Matt felt a flare of anger toward Phillip. He tried to keep his voice light. “Well, that’s just crazy talk. Nothing beats the big screen experience.”
“I know! A box of popcorn drenched in butter, a big box of Junior Mints and a giant Diet Pepsi… and sitting in the dark with you. It was fun.” Autumn gave a small, sad smile.
Matt couldn’t understand how anyone lucky enough to have Autumn’s love would treat her so poorly. The woman he’d known in high school had been full of laughter and fire, always eager to explore new experiences. It pained him to see how unsure of herself she’d become under her ex-husband’s influence.
“Autumn,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady, “what the hell did you ever see in Phillip?”
She looked down at her iced tea, nervously wiping at the beads of condensation on her glass. “He swept me off my feet when we first met. Showered me with attention and gifts. Made me feel so beautiful, so special, so loved.” She shook her head ruefully. “It wasn’t until I got pregnant that his ugly side came out. He became extremely controlling and bugged me non-stop to close my marketing business. He said that since he traveled so much with his job, it would be better for Jayden if I were a stay-at-home mom.” Her voice caught. “My world kept getting smaller and smaller. And I didn’t even realize it until it was almost too late.”
The porch creaked beneath them as they sat in silence, the weight of Autumn’s words hanging heavy in the air. Matt’s mind raced, thoughts colliding and tangling together as he tried to find the right thing to say.
“Autumn,” he said finally, his voice rough with emotion, “you deserve so much more than what Phillip gave you. You’re strong, and talented, and capable. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel you’re not.”
She leaned back against the cushions, regarding Matt thoughtfully. “So, what about you? You’re a real catch, you know. How come you never got married?”
Her words caught him off guard. Matt shifted in his seat, suddenly self-conscious under her intent gaze. “Oh, I don’t know. Guess I never met the right one.”
“Now that just doesn’t make sense,” Autumn said. “You’re smart, kind, respected.” She smiled. “And let’s be honest, you grew up real nice, Matt Parker.”
Matt cleared his throat, avoiding her eyes. “Well, I, uh… I appreciate that, Autumn. But it just never found anyone who made me feel the way you did back then.”
Her eyes widened, her lips parting slightly. Matt realized what he’d just admitted.
Before he could think about it, he reached for her, threading his fingers through her soft hair.
He pulled her close, and his mouth descended on hers in a searing kiss.
Autumn stiffened in shock for only a second before wrapping her arms around him. Her lips were just as hot and soft as he remembered. He deepened the kiss, desire raging through him.
As the kiss grew more urgent, more passionate, Autumn drew up her legs and leaned into him.
Without breaking their kiss, she threw her leg over his thigh, straddling him, and wriggled onto his lap.
Matt groaned as her warmth ground against the aching bulge of his cock. He was drowning in desire, aware only of the need to get rid of the layers of fabric separating them.
When they finally broke apart, both gasping for air, Matt saw her cheeks were flushed and her eyes dilated with need.
“I want you so bad,” he said, his voice ragged. He caressed her cheek. “Stay with me tonight.”
Chapter Eleven
Playing with Fire