Chapter Ten
The Proposition
“Deputy Matt’s home!” Jayden called as Matt walked through the front door later that day.
The savory aroma of chicken pot pie baking in the oven enveloped Matt as he poked his head into the kitchen.
Autumn stood at the kitchen counter, tossing a salad, while Jayden sat at the breakfast nook table, hunched over a coloring book. A plate piled with golden, flaky apple turnovers sat on the counter, next to a bakery box labeled “Jenna’s Java & Bakery.”
For years now, Matt had dreamed about coming home to a loving family instead of cold beer and takeout, eaten alone in front of his TV. This cozy domestic scene felt like all his wishes had come true.
Except it was nothing more than a fantasy that would dissolve like Cinderella’s carriage once Autumn got her Order of Protection on Monday.
“Let me change out of my uniform and I’ll be right back to help set the table,” Matt said, suddenly depressed at the thought of returning to an empty house on Tuesday after work.
As he closed his bedroom door behind him, the thought struck him like a bolt of lightning: But what if it wasn’t temporary? What if I could convince Autumn and Jayden to stay here?
Over dinner, Matt marveled at the chicken pot pie’s buttery, flaky pastry and the delicious filling of rich cream gravy studded with tender bits of chicken, fresh peas, carrot slices, and celery crescents.
“This is even better than The Yummy Cowboy’s pot pie,” he said honestly, scooping himself another large serving from the deep baking dish on the table.
Despite her sisters’ teasing at yesterday’s dinner at the ranch, Autumn’s cooking had improved by miles since their high school days.
Back then, he’d choke down whatever horrible concoction she served him because he loved her. Right now, he’d sing with gratitude if he could come home to food like this after every long shift he worked.
She beamed at him. “Really?”
“Really,” he confirmed, returning her smile. Their gazes caught and held.
He decided he wanted to have dinner with Autumn and Jayden every night from now on for as long as she wanted to stay.
“It’s delicious!” Jayden chimed in. “Can you make it again tomorrow?”
Autumn laughed. “For tomorrow’s dinner, I was hoping to show Matt that my spaghetti game has improved. You like my meatballs, right?”
“Yay! Spaghetti and meatballs!” Jayden cheered. He turned to Matt. “Mom’s meatballs are the best. She puts cheese in them.”
“I’m looking forward to trying them,” Matt said, then added in a teasing tone, “As long as she promises to stay away from the honey mustard.”
“I swear my honey mustard days are long behind me,” Autumn said, laughing. “Cross my heart and hope to die.” She paused and added slyly, “Though I saw a recipe online for chicken glazed with honey mustard and coated with crushed pretzels that looked pretty good.”
“I’d be willing to try that,” Matt conceded.
“Me, too!” Jayden chimed in. “It sounds crunchy!”
Matt took another bite of the pot pie. “So, Autumn, what are you thinking about doing once you get the Order of Protection?”
She hesitated for a moment, her fork paused mid-air. “I’m hoping to move out as soon as possible. I know you probably want your peace and quiet back.” Her tone was apologetic. Almost meek.
No! he shouted silently. Stay as long as you want to!
Jayden slouched in his seat, suddenly looking unhappy.
“I’ve been thinking about finding a place in town,” Autumn continued. Her blue eyes met his, as if searching for something. “Mom and Dad have been incredibly generous to house me for the past eight-and-a-half months, and I love them for it, but…” She trailed off, a wistful smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “I’d really like to have a bedroom to myself again, you know?”
“Like the one you have here?” he asked.