Relief washed over Matt. From now on, Phillip would be too busy trying to stay out of jail to use the court system to harass Autumn any further.
“Thanks for the heads-up, Gabe,” Matt said, and ended the call.
No matter what happened now, at least he’d kept his promise to protect Autumn and Jayden.
The front door opened, and Autumn walked in. She was alone, so Jayden must still be with his grandparents at the ranch.
It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her. His throat went dry.
“Hey,” he croaked.
“Hey yourself,” she replied as she entered the living room. Her gaze fell upon his tablet, which was still displaying the home page. “I just got off the phone with Theresa. She told me you were the one who called her and encouraged her to do the interview.”
“Autumn, there’s something I need to tell you—” Matt started, but she held up a hand to stop him.
“Theresa was furious about Phillip trying to take Jayden away from me,” she continued. “She said if I need her to testify on my behalf in court, she’d be happy to fly out here to do it.”
He sensed this was the right moment to tell her.
Matt took a deep breath and looked directly into Autumn’s blue eyes. “I called Theresa because I love you,” he blurted out, his voice thick with emotion.
“Matt,” she whispered, her eyes widening in surprise.
“I never stopped loving you during all the years we were apart. I’ve been so happy ever since you and Jayden came to stay with me,” he continued in a rush. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a girlfriend.”
“I came here to—” Autumn started, her cheeks flushed.
“Wait, let me finish,” Matt said quickly. “I can’t lose you again, Autumn.” To his horror, his voice cracked as he plowed on. “If you’re serious about moving to Seattle, I’ll quit the Park County Sheriff’s Department and apply for a law enforcement position in Washington State. I’d be happy working as a game warden or a regular police officer as long as it means being with you.”
Autumn went up on tiptoe and flung her arms around his neck.
“You don’t have to do that! That’s what I wanted to tell you! I’ve spent these past few days thinking really hard about what to do about the job offer. And no matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t imagine leaving you. Or Snowberry Springs.”
She paused for a moment as he reeled from the impact of her words. Her warm breath brushed his throat. Then she continued.
“I just finished a video interview with Karla and Lisa Maiffret at HomeRenoTV headquarters. I told Lisa I’d take the job on one condition—that I get to work remotely from here. Lisa agreed on the condition that I travel to Seattle once a month to meet with her and the rest of her management team in person.”
“Really?” Matt asked, holding her tight.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It felt too much like he was dreaming of a perfect world.
“Really,” Autumn declared, a hitch in her voice. “I love you too, Matt, and I love my hometown. I came to tell you I’m not going anywhere.”
Their lips met, tentatively at first. Then Matt’s hands slid into her hair as he deepened the kiss. She clung to him fiercely, mouth hot and seeking against his.
Her fingers fumbled at the buttons of his shirt, practically ripping them open.
When they finally broke for air, foreheads touching, he rasped, “I need you, Autumn. Right now.”
“Me, too,” she whispered.
He reached for the hem of her pretty floral summer dress, pulling it over her head in one smooth motion. She fumbled with his belt buckle as he trailed kisses down her throat, his hands roaming greedily over her velvety skin.
They left a trail of discarded clothes across his living room floor as they stumbled towards his sofa, frantically kissing and stroking every inch of exposed skin. He pushed her down against the cushions and drank in the sight of her flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and blue eyes dark with desire.
He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hungrily, tongues twining and hands exploring.
Then he kissed his way down her body, leaving a trail of warmth and pleasure. His hands explored each curve, teasing and stroking, before finding their way lower.