Daisy and I were standing in the owner’s box with a massive buffet of food behind us and surrounded by people I didn’t know and had never met. That hadn’t stopped every single one of them from coming up to me and congratulating me and the Parliament on our first official season. From beside me, Daisy had quietly fed me each person’s name and job title. Well, all but three. Those were Mr. Fuck If I Know from I Don’t Know Where, Mrs. I’ve Never Seen Her In My Life from Retirement Home Escapee. And last, and possibly my favorite, Mr. I Haven’t Pooped In A Week from Straight Outta The Proctologist’s Office.
I hadn’t been able to look the last man in the eye as we’d spoken and had promptly shot her a look of disbelief when he’d left.
She’d smiled sweetly, then dropped the bombshell about my being expected on ice for a ceremonial puck drop.
“Ten minutes,” Daisy said into my ear before turning away to greet another person I didn’t know, though I thought I should since they looked vaguely familiar.
I was still studying the stranger when a figure I knew well appeared behind him. “Easton? You shouldn’t be up here!” My voice had risen enough that a number of people in the room turned to look in our direction and I could feel my face heat with embarrassment.
Easton smiled at my outburst and sauntered over to me, unconcerned that every eye in the room was on us. “Just go with it,” he said as he leaned toward me. I had no idea what he meant and couldn’t bring myself to care when he pushed his lips against mine.
The people around us faded until I heard loud cheering and clapping from not just the box but behind me as well. Pulling back, I glanced over my shoulder to find Easton and me on the jumbotron, a giant heart around us and our names and titles listed on screen. I turned back around, burying my face in his shoulder. “You had something to do with that. Didn’t you?”
Easton chuckled and used his shoulder to push at my head. “Turn around and wave to the crowd.”
“I hate you,” I said as I lifted my head up and turned around again. Looking toward the screen in front of me, I could see I was absolutely as red as I felt. I gave an awkward wave as I looked at the people already in their seats. Pride flags and rainbow signs dotted the crowd. One in particular caught my eye and I felt my embarrassment fade as I waved.
The sign simply read Every Night Is Pride Night, and it had been written with rainbow markers. As I looked around more, I spotted countless other signs of support and pride. By the time the camera panned away from us, I was grinning and waving like Easton.
“Seriously,” I finally got to say. “What was that about?”
He lifted his shoulder. “Thought we should just get any remaining questions or doubts among fans and press out of the way before the season started. I know we’re out, I know we’re not hiding, but I didn’t want questions hanging over our heads.” Then he smirked. “And when Daisy texted me to tell me you were freaking out about puck drop, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and asked the cameraman for a favor.”
Easton used his head to gesture toward a corner of the room away from the window, then waited until we were there before crowding me into the corner. He used his body to block me from view so he could reach down and grope the front of my pants. The movement made my cock cage tug lightly, and the satin panties he’d put on me before leaving the house glided against my freshly waxed balls.
I’d seriously questioned Tory when he’d offered to wax the area for me. I’d then questioned my own sanity after he’d pulled the first strip from my skin. When the pain had subsided, the feeling of satin or lace rubbing against my dick, balls, and ass had been way more erotic than previously. I was willing to say there was some merit to Tory’s madness, but I wasn’t going to tell him that and risk it going to his head.
At Easton’s touch, my dick immediately tried to plump up, only to be quickly halted by the cage around it. Trying to muffle my gasp had my eyes rolling into the back of my head and my legs shaking. Easton’s laugh came out throaty. “It’s not hurting you, is it?”
I shook my head, not trusting my voice.
He dropped his hand and leveled me with a serious look. “What color are you?”
My eyes widened. Somehow, I was going to have to find words, and I had no idea how that would happen. It took clearing my throat twice, swallowing hard, and a stutter before I finally managed to get “G-g-gre-en” out.
“Good.” He stepped to the side enough that we were no longer sharing air and I could hear the sounds of the room again. Not having Easton as my sole focus made some of the arousal subside, and being able to breathe in something other than his aftershave made it feel like my libido had been given a tepid shower.
“And how is your ass?”
I wiggled as he rubbed it through my suit pants. “Tender.” That word hadn’t been as hard. “In all the best ways. Definitely green.” I winked, pleased at myself for the surprised look that crossed his face at my entirely formed thought.
Of course, my composure disappeared again when he nodded. “Good boy.”
Curse my overly sensitive libido.
“I’ve already been up here too long, but what are you so worried about when it comes to the puck drop?”
And there was the ice water I’d needed. “What do I do? Where do I stand? It’s so much pressure. Can’t someone else do it?”
Easton smiled at my panic. “Babe, you’re going to be fine. Daisy will be right beside you the entire time. I’ll make sure Tom and I get out there too. You’re making this way bigger than it needs to be. They’ve all seen us kissing already.”
I blinked at him. “I don’t know if you’ve made it better or worse.”
He laughed and kissed me again. “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. We gotta go, though!”
* * *
Ten minutes later, Daisy, Tom, Easton, the commissioner, and a few others were standing with me on the carpet Daisy had promised would be over the ice as the national anthem was sung. From ice level, the signs of acceptance and pride were brighter and my smile continued to grow.