I actually laughed. “I think going to the club and feeling your hands all over me and your dick in my ass is exactly what I need.”
Easton sucked my lower lip into his mouth. “Well, who am I to tell my sexy sub no?” He reached for my pants and groped me through them. “Let me get ready. I think I have a naughty CEO to punish.”
My head bobbed automatically. “Yes. So naughty.” Easton rolled out of bed, leaving the towel, and walked across the room to his closet, naked except for the ink covering much of his arms, back, and legs. Those tattoos alone were enough to have me thinking of all the ways I could be the naughtiest CEO for him.
As I’d listened to Lincoln’s conversation with his mom, I’d started to understand the turbulence his family tried to pass off as functional. It was so foreign compared to my own upbringing that I couldn’t begin to relate to it.
There wasn’t a world in which I could imagine struggling and my parents attempting to ship me off to a relative like an unwanted package. It was even harder to fathom any member of my family expecting me to take a relative in with no warning, regardless of my life or responsibilities. Thinking about the pain I’d experience being in either situation had thrown my mood into a tailspin. Even as I’d agreed to go to DASH, I hadn’t fully believed it was what he needed.
My fingers had itched for my favorite black cotton shirt and my leather boots, pants, and harness as I’d dressed. We’d talked about doing a scene in the office and that required a level of professional dress, but I was off-kilter enough that I longed for the comfort of my normal.
My normal wasn’t what Lincoln needed, though, so I’d settled for a compromise. Dark jeans, a dark dress shirt, my black leather harness over it, and a black suit coat to pull the look together. With the coat on, the harness was barely noticeable. The dress shirt was snug enough in the chest that it didn’t bunch around the harness. It still felt different, but I was mostly comfortable. And once I laced my boots closed, I felt much more like myself.
Though I still felt off-kilter thanks to Lincoln dressing himself. At some point over the last weeks, I’d become accustomed to helping him dress. The restlessness and the feeling of being off-balance had hit me like a punch to the gut. Sure, Brax and Trevor and I had talked about why I liked it, but now I didn’t understand why I didn’t like not doing it.
It had been a hell of a lot easier when my domination had stopped at paddles and floggers.
The thought pulled me right out of my confusion and turned my focus upstairs to the cabinet where my floggers were kept. “I’ll be right back.” I’d already been reaching for Lincoln’s hand, so the outburst and change in direction surprised him.
“Um, okay,” I heard him say as I ran for the door and took the steps two at a time. In just a few seconds, I was standing in front of the cabinet, out of breath from the unexpected run through the house. My hand found the flogger I was looking for by muscle memory. It was the oldest one I owned, bought at a time when its cost had made my eyes water, but it had been worth it for the look on Lincoln’s face the first time I’d used it on him back in a cramped dorm room. That had been a lifetime ago and I hadn’t used it since Lincoln left me, yet I’d never been able to bring myself to get rid of it.
I slid the flogger into a silk bag and cinched it shut before making my way back downstairs and into my bedroom where Lincoln was still standing, staring at the doorway in confusion. “You okay? You’ve been acting weird since I got off the phone.”
My smile was forced, I knew it was, but I nodded. “I’m going to be fine. Your mom just kind of threw me for a loop.”
Lincoln scoffed. “Welcome to the Barrington world. What’s in the bag?”
The pointed change in subject didn’t escape my notice, but it wasn’t worth dwelling on his family. “A surprise for the club.”
He studied me with narrowed eyes, like focusing on me would give it away. “Tell me now?”
“Nope. Good try, though. However, the sooner we get to DASH, the sooner you can find out.”
The mention of DASH had Lincoln’s face lighting up. Until that moment, I hadn’t been sure DASH was what he needed tonight. One look at the way he brightened and I knew it was. I barely had time to grab the bag I’d packed earlier in the evening before he tugged at my hand. “What are you waiting for? I have a date with a desk and your hand.” He turned and shot me a wink that went straight to my dick.
I’d never been so in trouble with a man in all my life. I had no idea what I was going to do with him long-term, but I knew exactly what to do with him tonight. There was a fifteen-minute car ride between the house and DASH, and I was going to take that time to plan the hell out of the night ahead.
* * *
“Mr. Lewis.” I paced slowly beside the heavy wood desk as I spoke. “We’ve had this conversation before. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that you understood what I told you.”
Lincoln lifted his head and looked at me with a practiced, cold stare I was sure had brought a number of clients to bend to his will. “I heard you before. I simply didn’t agree with you then, nor do I agree with you now.”
He’d fallen easily into the role play, probably because it wasn’t far from his actual job. I stopped and crossed my arms, my eyes falling to the table by the filing cabinet and the bag I’d brought with us. “You told me my employees' jobs were safe.”
“Numbers changed.”
I dropped my hand to the table. A loud crack filled the room and I was sure it would draw the attention of some of the people in the hallway. “That’s not good enough!”
Lincoln’s back stiffened and he lifted his chin in challenge. He was doing a fantastic job in his role, but I could see the need in his eyes and the arousal flaring inside him with every breath he took. “The decision has been made. Nothing in our previous conversation was compelling enough.”
I straightened and took two steps toward him in order to tower over him in the leather chair. Lincoln looked up at me. A hint of surprise at how close I was flashed in his eyes but it was quickly replaced with rapid breathing as his anticipation grew. “And what if I could give you something compelling enough now?” I leaned forward, running a finger along his chin, and felt him shiver at the contact.