My ass was tender as I pushed myself up. My eyes felt heavy and the world disjointed, like I’d been sleeping for hours. “What time is it?” If my voice was anything to go by, I had been asleep for hours.
“Just before nine. I was going to give you about ten more minutes before I tried to wake you up.” How was Easton so calm? My brain was working in overdrive, so many questions running through my head I couldn’t figure out where to start.
I pointed to the thumb he was drying on his shorts—though the shorts looked a lot like mine. “I, I was… Your thumb… It was in my mouth.” So much for making any intelligible sentences.
Easton glanced at his thumb and shrugged. “Yeah.”
Why was he so casual about it? “Why?” I wasn’t doing a very good job at sounding any more functional.
He shrugged again. “Truthfully? I don’t have a clue. I was rubbing your face, my thumb traced your lips, and you pulled it into your mouth. You were so peaceful I didn’t have the heart to pull it out and disturb you.”
“But I don’t suck my thumb!”
“Well, you weren’t sucking your thumb. You were sucking mine.”
He gave me a devilish grin and stood up. “I love that you’re more caught up on my thumb in your mouth than anything else from this morning.”
My mouth flapped open and closed, trying desperately to come up with a response and failing miserably.
“How are you feeling?”
He chuckled. “It’s almost nine. I was supposed to be at the arena an hour ago, and I’m guessing you have a busy day ahead of you. I wasn’t going to leave you until you were out of subspace, and I can absolutely stay longer if you need me.”
Subspace. It had been so long since I’d sunk that far into subspace, I’d forgotten what the resulting crash did to me. Actually, I had sunk that far in my hotel room, but I hadn't allowed him to give me the aftercare I needed to fall into a deep sleep like the one I was just in. Things were making more sense, especially the foggy feeling in my brain.
“I’m good. Swear.” And I was. Now that a bit of the fog and some of the questions were clearing from my brain, I was feeling better. Still confused about waking up with his thumb in my mouth but less groggy and mentally slow than I had been a few minutes earlier.
Easton raised a quizzical eyebrow in my direction. “You sure?”
I nodded. “Positive.” I was better than I’d been in a long time, actually. I was going to need some time to sit with my feelings about the morning, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t okay. “I’m good. And you need to get to work. Tell Tom it was my fault if he’s mad at you.”
I hadn’t expected a full belly laugh to escape Easton at my statement. “Don’t worry, he knows I’m with you. He said that he didn’t care how long I was here as long as we work our shit out and the sexual tension between us goes away.”
I gawped at him, my mouth and eyes refusing to work. Easton wasn’t as affected by the news as I had been. That or he’d had more time to process it than I had. He held his hand out, encouraging me to take it, which I did. Of course, I was focusing more on his wrinkled thumb than him pulling me to my feet.
“Let’s get you put back together.” He reached for my pants, unzipped the fly, and pulled them down far enough to tuck my shirt in. He worked silently yet efficiently, and I was too stunned to interrupt him. With my shirt tucked in, he secured my pants around my waist, then refastened my buckle. “There. You’re good to go.” He placed a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll be here at six to take you to dinner.”
Blinking after him was all I could manage and he made it to the door before I’d found words. His hand was already on the knob when he looked back and winked at me. “And thanks for letting me borrow your gym shorts.”
“See you at six!” He disappeared through the door, waving to my receptionist as the door shut in his wake.
“I never agreed to six,” I said to the closed door. Not that I was busy or didn’t want to go.
A contented smile was on my lips as I sat down at my desk. Sure, my ass was tender, but it was tender in all the right places. The most noticeable difference for me was that I was able to focus on the work in front of me better than I had since I’d arrived in Nashville. The pile of papers we’d argued over the top of earlier in the morning disappeared rapidly, and I responded to emails and made time to get lunch at a normal lunch hour.
By four, I was beginning to wonder how I was going to last another two hours. I’d been so efficient since Easton had left my office, I had very little left to do except think about what Easton and I had done in my office that morning.
I had no idea how to put into words the thoughts and feelings I’d had. Easton had been with me as we’d discovered BDSM together. He’d been with me the first time I’d fully embraced my submission and he’d been by my side as I’d come out of my very first subspace. We’d walked into a kink club for the first time together.
Eight years after I’d walked out on him, he still knew my cues. He knew my body better than I knew my own. The sexy scene from the book I’d been reading had come to life as he’d spanked me. He’d known exactly how to push me to get me out of my head and make me not think about everything from our past to how we shouldn’t have been doing anything sexual in my office, especially not him spanking me. I hadn’t given the possibility of being heard or caught a passing thought while he’d been there.
There had just been us and a crazy hot fantasy of me on display at a nameless club while he spanked me and made me come in a pair of panties. Fuck. That was hot. My dick had zero reservations about the panties, at least if the erection growing in my not-panties was to be believed. The more I let myself think about panties, the more I wanted them.