The first time I’d ever spanked him he’d been draped over my legs, much the same way he was now, and he’d exploded all over my lap after five relatively light swats. If his needy whimpers and pleas for more as I’d spanked him over the desk in his hotel had been any indication, Lincoln would be able to take a lot more than a handful of spanks.
He’d barely settled himself on my lap when I landed the first swat to his raised ass. It wasn’t hard, barely enough to be considered a warm-up, but Lincoln hissed before settling down once again.
“Maybe next time I’ll make you put on a pair of panties like the guy in your book.” My hand made contact with his ass twice more as I spoke. I knew he’d heard my words when a whimper escaped him. “Would you like that? Wearing a pair of pretty panties for me while I spanked you?”
Lincoln’s cock twitched between my thighs, his ass rising higher in a silent request for more. When he didn’t say anything, I spanked him harder. “Answer me.”
“I-if you would like that, Sir.”
I spanked the other side of his ass. “That isn’t what I asked, Link. I asked if you would like it.” I ran my finger along the side of his cheek, right about where a pair of panties would rest.
Lincoln squirmed, for a moment leaving me questioning what he was thinking. Eventually, he nodded and answered slowly. “Y-yes. I-I th-think so.” He nodded again, a little more convincingly. “It sounds hot. But I’ve never thought about wearing panties before.”
I rewarded his honesty with four light spanks to his cheeks, then rubbed gently at his warm skin. “You’d be beautiful in them. Your ass would be so pretty wrapped in satin or lace, like a Christmas package. I could spank you through them.” I swatted his crease and waited for Lincoln’s whimpered moan to quiet before continuing.
“Take you to the BDSM club in them, spank you in front of everyone.” Lincoln’s breath caught as he humped my leg between spanks. He liked the idea as much as I did, and Brax had talked about a BDSM club in Nashville that the parents of one of the Grizzlies players owned.
“Everyone would see how hard you were. Your panties wouldn’t hide a thing as I flogged you.” The more I talked about the fantasy, the more I wanted to make it happen.
Lincoln frantically ground his dick into my lap as I spoke, and I alternated the swats with gentle rubs on his skin. I was as hard as Lincoln, but where his dick was nestled comfortably between my legs, mine was cramped in my jock between his body and mine. It was maddening and I really wanted to pull my shorts down and fuck Lincoln on the couch, but the fantasy I was creating was too good to interrupt and we were both lost in the moment.
“Get you a pair of pretty, sheer panties. Everyone will be able to see just how red your cheeks are and know you were a naughty sub.”
Lincoln let out a quiet whimper as his body slowed. He was right on the edge of subspace but still horny and needy, and I remembered his body’s signs well. “P-p-please. That.” His voice came out ragged and quiet, every syllable strained.
I pressed my thumb against his hole and felt his entire body stiffen beneath me. My lap hadn’t gotten wet, but I couldn’t help pushing him a little more. “Did my naughty sub come?”
He shook his head. “No, no, Sir. Need.” He rocked against me again, his hard dick dragging against my thighs and making him struggle for breath.
“Good boy.” I spanked him again, the strikes coming sharp and rapid. I knew it was time to let him come when all he did was hum in pleasure and begin to settle into my lap. We hadn’t talked enough. I didn’t know if he’d had other Doms since we broke up, didn’t know whether he found subspace often or not. With him fading fast, I slowed the pace but not the intensity of the strikes.
“Can you come for me? Show me how much you enjoyed your spanking?” With the question, Lincoln’s thrusts picked up, but they weren’t as frantic as before. Pushing just a bit harder, I went back to the fantasy. “I bet you’d come in your panties like a naughty sub.”
The sentence had Lincoln bucking harder, though his head shook from side to side. “No, I’ll be good.”
I gave a laugh of pure disbelief. “I doubt that. You’d be so hard and desperate. The lace would feel so good on your dick and balls. You’d come in your panties. Then I’d make you wear them to show everyone how naughty you were.”
Lincoln’s bucks had turned frantic once again and this time his breathing had gone ragged as well. He was right there, right on the edge. “And when I finally decide to fuck you, I’d just pull your panties to the side and slide into you.”
That was what he’d needed. Lincoln came on a gasp that filled the room, his dick pulsing between my legs and his cum soaking my shorts and dripping onto the carpet below him. The cleanup was going to be daunting, and I realized I’d only come to check on him before heading to the arena, which meant I didn’t have my gym bag with me. I was going to be leaving the office in wet, cum-soaked shorts, but I wouldn’t change a thing about the morning so far.
By the time his cock stopped pulsing, Lincoln was lost in subspace. He let me sit him up and I poked my head out of the office to see who was around. The floor was still dark and no one was anywhere to be seen or heard, not surprising given the early hour. I thanked the stars no one had been around to hear what we’d just done.
I still needed to find something to clean Lincoln, and myself, up with and stepped back into his office and quietly shut the door before starting to look for something. In the second cabinet I opened, I found a gym bag with a change of shorts, a towel, and body wash. “Bingo!” I hoped Lincoln wasn’t going to be offended that I was borrowing his gym shorts as I slipped my ruined ones down my legs before stepping into his.
They were tighter than mine but not uncomfortable. Most importantly, they weren’t covered in cum.
Pocketing my phone, I glanced at Lincoln. His eyes were still closed and he looked as though he were sleeping. The odds were he wasn’t fully asleep and I didn’t dare leave without telling him where I was going. “I’ll be right back, Link. I need to get water to clean you up.” He hummed, telling me he’d heard.
I dashed to the bathroom, made sure the water was warm, lathered a corner of the towel with a small amount of soap, and rushed back. Just before ducking into his office, I spotted the water cooler and glasses beside it. I grabbed two, filling one and downing it as I filled the second for the man waiting for me on the other side of his office doors.
Three minutes later, I had Lincoln washed and dried, all evidence of what we’d done concealed in the towel in the bottom of the cabinet with his gym bag. It had taken effort, but I’d gotten his underwear up and put his pants back on, though I hadn’t buttoned them or secured his belt. The effort it had taken to pull his pants up made me thankful I’d decided to keep them around his ankles for the spanking and hadn’t taken them off completely.
I settled onto the couch and tugged Lincoln close to my side. “Drink for me, beautiful.” As I held the glass up to his lips, Lincoln took a few big gulps of water, then pushed it away. He didn’t say anything, but as he laid his head on my lap, I knew I was going to be there for the foreseeable future. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I texted Brax while using my left hand to gently caress Lincoln’s face.
Stopped by Lincoln’s office to check on him this morning. Things… happened. He’s deep in subspace and passed out on my lap. What do I tell your dad?