“If you don’t believe me when I tell you that you’re special, I’m going to make you see it. Even if I have to beat it into you.” And I would. I’d placed an order for a St. Andrew’s cross earlier in the week and had been slowly unpacking my floggers and conditioning the leather as needed. In a few weeks’ time, I’d have my playroom set up and I’d be ready to take all the time needed to show Lincoln just how special he was.
The dour mood was broken with my last words and Lincoln’s pupils dilated. “Oh yeah?”
I made a sharp, affirmative nod. “Count on it.” I winked. “Now, can we get back to your place? We’re running short on time.”
The color that had drained from his cheeks as my mom had ranted returned threefold. He was flushed in all the right ways and already wiggling in his seat. “Let’s get home.”
Easton parked in the garage at my condo and reached into the back seat to grab something before meeting me at the door, a small white bag swinging from his fingertips—the same bag he’d had in his hand the day we’d gotten carried away in my office and the same bag that had been sitting on his dresser since.
To say I’d been intensely curious about it would be an understatement and on more than one occasion, I’d been tempted to look in it. The closest I’d gotten to the bag was when I’d brushed my fingers against it before Easton’s super hearing had picked up the rustle and he’d stopped me. Of course, I’d earned a spanking from it, so I could hardly be disappointed in the outcome.
Now it was in his hand, and he had a swagger to his walk. He was strutting toward me with confidence and a grin that spoke volumes.
“Do I finally get to see what’s in that bag?”
“If you’re a good boy.” He leaned toward me, at first giving the sensitive skin at my neck a kiss, then grazing the spot with his teeth before latching on and sucking a mark just below where my dress shirt collar would rest. “Will you be good for Sir this evening?”
I might have whimpered, and my dick definitely tried to get hard in the cage. Instead of answering directly, I turned to give him my sternest look as we waited for the elevator. “I’m almost orange when it comes to this cage. I’m tired, I’m hungry, I’m horny, and I haven’t had a really satisfying orgasm since Tuesday evening. Do you really want to push our luck by sucking my neck in the hallway?”
It was freeing to be able to let my dramatic, sort of snarky and a bit bratty side out and know Easton wouldn’t be upset or turned off by it. Instead, he threw his head back and laughed. When we boarded the elevator, he crowded my space, carefully blocking the view of the camera, and reached between us, groping my caged cock. “Someone’s feisty.”
“Mmph.” Any response I might have had was lost to his grip. My cock continued to grow, filling until it was pushing uncomfortably at the cage. Wiggling proved futile and Easton’s chuckles only fueled my arousal. He didn’t back off until the elevator dinged on the tenth floor. Even then, he stayed close enough to me that I could feel him right behind me as we made our way to my door.
As I pushed my key into the lock, Easton laid his palm on my ass. “It’s been too long since I’ve had my hands on you.”
“Not helping.” My hand was struggling, not steady enough to turn the key in the deadbolt. Noticing my predicament, Easton didn’t step back, but he did reach around me and take my hand in his. With his help, the key turned and the door opened.
My condo wasn’t huge or well furnished, but it was familiar. And private. The door clicked behind us and Easton started undressing me without a word. My jacket was first. Then he sank to his knees to untie my shoes and slip them off my feet, followed by my socks. When he stood up, he focused on my pants. I’d removed my belt at the airport, knowing the flight would be uncomfortable if I wore it. The lack of a belt made removing my pants easier, and within a few minutes, I was standing in the entryway in only my shirt, a loosened tie, and my underwear, which was pulling across the cage.
Easton glanced at his watch and I could see him doing mental calculations. “Go to your room, get undressed, and do not touch that dick. Take this with you, but do not open it! Do not shut the door. If you can do that and wait patiently on the bed, I’ll take care of this when I get there.” He groped my erection for added emphasis. “And then you can see what’s in the bag.”
With the bag dangling between us, I hesitated. Could I be trusted to take the bag to my room and not look at it? I knew Easton could read the hesitation on my face, but patient as always, he gave me time to decide for myself. The conversation with his mom was fresh in my mind. Easton had never let on how much my leaving had hurt him. If he’d waited this long to give me the gift, I knew I could wait a few extra minutes to see what was in the bag.
“Yes, Sir.” I reached for the bag and Easton placed it in my hands.
“That’s a good boy.” I was rewarded with a kiss to my lips and a light swat to my ass cheek when I walked by him.
I had no idea what he was doing, but I followed directions, going as far as to set the bag on the chair across the room so I wasn’t tempted to look at it. Having clear instructions made it easier to focus on those than what was in the bag, and I set to work taking the rest of my clothes off. To shorten the time I had to sit on the bed and wait for Easton, I hung up my tie and made sure to put my shirt in the dry cleaning bag and my underwear in the hamper to be washed later that weekend.
Then I sat down and waited. My eyes fell on the folded quilt I’d left at the foot of my bed. It was a relic from childhood I’d never been able to get rid of. It had been on every bed I’d ever had, though I rarely held it or even thought of it after making my bed in the morning. I reached for it out of some long-forgotten instinct, the cool cotton refreshing against my heated skin.
Easton found me studying the old owl on the blanket. I had no idea who had made it, though I could tell it was handmade and not from a store. “It’s like it was a prophecy.” Easton’s words made me startle, and I blinked a few times before I understood he was talking about the Parliament.
“Yeah, I guess.”
He sat down next to me, holding a plate of sandwiches and cut fruit. “I remember that from your college dorm.”
I felt my cheeks flush. “It’s always here. I honestly don’t know why. I was just thinking about that as I looked at it. I can’t remember the last time I held it, though every time I make my bed, it gets placed at the bottom.” I opened for the sandwich Easton held to my mouth and took a bite, remembering just how hungry I was as I chewed.
Easton took a bite after me, chewed and swallowed, then held the sandwich out for me. “Did someone make it for you?”
I shrugged. “Probably.”
We took turns eating in comfortable silence. When the first half of the sandwich was gone, I looked at the blanket. “I should just pack it away. If anything, the thing is going to get ruined just lying on my bed. Dry rot or something.”