Page 38 of Blindsided

“We aren’t going to keep debating this. I called because I’m worried about how you are doing, not what you think about Daisy.”

I groaned. “Honestly? I’m okay. Just a little raw. It stings thinking about having to give up my life because of his fuckups and knowing that at any point he could return and take it all away.”

Easton sighed. “I’m sorry, baby. That’s not fair. We’ll figure something out. For now, let me help you forget about it.”

The words had a grin forming on my lips. “Oh? And how do you plan on doing that from Tennessee?”

“Hmm. Let’s see here.” A video chat request came in and I accepted it immediately.

“Hey.” All thoughts of Daisy, the stressful week, and my brother faded away when I saw Easton’s face smiling back at me. From where his phone was propped, I could see his bare chest and abs and enough of his lower stomach to be fairly confident he was completely naked. All I wanted to do was be with him, kissing down his stomach and telling him how much it meant that he was willing to drop whatever it was he’d been doing to call me.

“Hey, yourself.” Easton’s smile widened. “It’s after nine. Why are you still in your suit?”

I groaned. If I hadn’t been lying down already, I would have flopped backward. “Because these meetings never end! You realize I killed the average age in the room, right? I swear there must be some unwritten rule that owners must be at least seventy-five.”

“That’s probably because it takes a fuck-ton of money to own an NHL team and the vast majority of AHL teams are owned by the NHL owners.”

“Yeah. Tell me about it. And all they want to do is talk about their grandkids, golf, and sometimes fucking women half their age. Even when I know most of those men are wearing wedding rings!” I shuddered. I might have been exaggerating some, but the truth was one guy really had been brazenly talking about his affairs during lunch, loudly enough I wouldn’t have been surprised if his wife had heard him. I’d stayed clear of him after that.

“Eww. We are not talking about that when I’m over here hard as a rock thinking about you. That shit will kill the mood.”

“Oh, are you now? And why are you thinking about me?” This was a much better topic than wrinkly billionaires’ sex lives.

Easton’s hand slid out of view and a light moan followed. The way the phone moved, I could easily imagine him working his dick. “Well, I started out reading that sexy book you’ve been talking about.”

My eyes went wide and I wanted to ask how he’d found it and why he was reading it, but he kept talking without giving me an opening. “I kept thinking about you in those sexy panties and nighties the guy liked wearing for his boyfriend. I have to admit, the idea of you in a pretty green nightie looking like a Christmas present ready to be ripped into is fucking hot.”

My breath caught in my throat, my brain challenging me to believe what I’d heard. Except he’d been talking about a scene near the end of the book. “How much time have you had on your hands today?”

His head fell back with his laughter, the long column of his seldom-seen neck exposed and gorgeous enough I wanted to crawl through the phone to lick at it. “I’ve been reading it since Sunday afternoon. I finished it tonight. Of course, I got pretty far Sunday while Brax and I waited for the dog to dry off after his swim.”

There were too many things to pick apart in his statement. I had no idea where to begin, so I settled on blinking in confusion. Easton didn’t miss a beat, though. “Let me just say I’ve already been asking Daisy for more book recs.”

I finally laughed. “I can’t imagine you reading those books.”

“Mmm, I could read a hell of a lot of naughty books if I can put you in place of the sexy sub.”

I definitely blushed at his words and a little sigh escaped my mouth.

“And you like that.” With my nod, Easton grinned wickedly. “I do too. First, though, we need to get you out of your suit. Prop your phone up so I can watch you undress. I want to see you completely naked.”

It took a few fumbled attempts to get the phone propped up and me in the frame before I could begin undressing. Easton’s watchful eye as I shed my coat and popped the buttons on my vest and dress shirt had my cock fully invested in whatever we were about to do. I tossed the shirt into the hamper and hung the other items on their hangers, then worked my socks off and my pants down my legs. I forced myself to hang the pants up and throw the socks in the laundry bag before peeling my underwear off and placing it in the bag as well.

Standing in front of the phone with nothing to hide my arousal, I had to fight to keep uncomfortable wiggles at bay. Easton’s face was a mixture of appreciation and desire, but there was a wicked smirk on his lips that had me questioning what he was planning.

I didn’t have to wait long. “Go to your suitcase. There’s a little box in the zipper pouch of the lining. Get it. You may not look inside it, but I want you to take it to the bed.”

My mind raced with what he could have put in there and I forgot all about being hard and naked as I turned to get my suitcase and find the package he’d left for me. Sure enough, the little compartment had a box in it. The box was as big as it could be and still fit in the space, a little bigger than my hand and slightly weighty. I wanted desperately to open it to find out what was inside. My fingers itched to pull the lid off, but I resisted the urge and hurried back to the phone.

Swiping it from where I’d propped it on the nightstand, I tried for my sternest expression as I spoke to Easton. “This is so not fair! I want to know what this is!”

“In due time. Have you touched yourself without permission today?”

I shook my head. He’d asked the night before as well, and when I’d told him I’d jerked off in the shower that morning, he’d said from then on I needed to ask permission.

“Words, Link.”

“No. No, Sir.” I silently cursed the way my voice shook with the effort the words took to form.