Page 27 of Home For Christmas

“Breathe, babe,” he purred in my ear. “Let me in.”

With those few simple words, my body relaxed and with it, Declan’s cock slid into me. It took me a moment to realize the guttural moan that had filled the bathroom came from my mouth. His cock entering me was so perfect I nearly cried. It had only been two days since we’d last had sex, but I would have believed it had been years. It was amazing how the perception of time had changed since we’d had kids and Declan had started a job where he was home every night. A few years before, six months apart had been difficult but just part of our life.

“Yes, yes please,” I begged. “Fill me, Dec.”

From the ragged breaths behind me, I knew Declan wasn’t going to last long. It sounded like he was biting his lip as he sank fully into me. We both moaned when his balls rested against my ass. “You want this fast and hard?” he confirmed.

I nodded so vigorously my head hit the tiles and I whimpered. “Don’t give yourself a concussion. I speak from experience—concussions and sex don’t mix.”

“Just fuck me. I need fast and hard.” I needed an orgasm, and this was going to be the last one for a while that I could moan, groan, and yell through.

Declan wrapped his hand around the base of my cock, right above the cock ring I always wore, his fingers still slick with lube. I thanked the lube gods for the invention of silicone lube because shower sex was amazing. I nearly laughed out loud when I began to question if there was a God of Lube.

The only warning I got before Declan slammed into me was a slow pull out of my body. When he pushed back into me, his entire body pressed me against the wall. I groaned and thrust against him as much as I could with his large body pinning me. My pleas for more and harder overpowered the sounds of the shower. “Doc, I’m not going to last.” Declan panted behind me, his hand finally beginning to work my dick. “Feels so good. So tight. So hot.” He murmured his broken sentences into my ear as he rammed into me.

Listening to Declan’s tight grip on control fall away had all of my remaining control unraveling. I pushed myself up on my tiptoes, then sank back into Declan’s thrust. The few inches changed the angle his cock thrust into me just enough that he brushed over that spot deep inside me that had me seeing stars.

“Oh fuck!” I called out as Declan’s hand ran over the head of my dick at the exact same time. I’d yelled loudly enough I wouldn’t have been shocked if the neighbors had heard, but I didn’t care at that point. What I cared about was the orgasm that had come out of nowhere. My head fell back on Declan’s shoulder, my ass clenched around his cock, and I painted the tiles with my cum as wave after wave of bliss rocked my body. My vision went dark and I knew the only thing holding me up was Declan’s strong arms.

Declan grunted behind me, trying hard to thrust through the vice-like grip my ass had on his erection. He managed to pull out halfway and slam back into my body, his movements short and jerky. Just as my orgasm began to fade, his dick swelled and pulsed in my ass as he released into me. He had more control over his vocal cords than I’d had a moment before because he managed to moan and gasp but held a scream back.

Declan didn’t pull back as his orgasm subsided, choosing to hold me closer, playing with the line of cum the shower hadn’t washed from the tiles. “Welcome home,” I finally managed when I thought my brain was working well enough to make a sentence again.

“Hell of a way to come home… not that I’m complaining.” His voice was deep and gravelly. His cock twitched inside me as it softened and I moaned again.

“I should be freaking out that I need to be getting more done before I go to bed, but I really can’t bring myself to care about it right now.” I yawned as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Declan softened enough that he slipped from my ass, and with that a trail of cum slid from my hole and down the back side of my legs.

“That’s a beautiful sight.” Declan ran his finger up through the cum trail. His thumb brushed my hole and I quivered. Maybe rough sex wasn’t the best idea the night before a long plane ride, but I wouldn’t change it for a second. “Was I too rough?” Declan asked, worry in his voice.

I shook my head vigorously. “Abso-fucking-lutely not. I needed that. It was perfect.”

The doubt in his eyes spoke to his disbelief. I tried to rub the worry away from his forehead. “I feel it, yes, but I like it. It was just what I needed after today.”

He didn’t look any less concerned, but at least he maneuvered us so that we were in the shower spray. Before my brain had even thought to grab the bodywash, soapy hands began to rub circles along my back. I had the best husband ever. “Love you.”

Chapter 4


December 17th

I’d cut out early in hopes of seeing the kids before they’d fallen asleep. Well, that and Oscar had threatened to send Cody to bodily remove me from the office after he’d found out I’d worked so late the night before. I needed to find out who had snitched on me, but whoever it was, I knew they’d had my best interests at heart.

Even cutting out early, I’d missed their bedtime thanks to Ty and the kids having a busy day, but thankfully I’d been in time to see my husband bent over the spare room bed in a beautiful nightie.

I’d also gotten to enjoy hours of uninterrupted time with him between shower sex and cuddling in bed before Mason decided to wake up and head on his midnight excursion. That night Ty slept straight through it, but I heard him on the steps before he’d even made it into the main room. If the monkey ever discovered the code to the alarm system, we were going to have a problem. For the time being, every door and window on the main level had an alarm attached to it, and it had become a ritual that Ty and I checked the alarm at least twice before bed.

“What’s up, monkey?” I asked as I came out of the bedroom.

“Daddy!” Little feet came rushing down the steps faster than I was really comfortable with. I made it to him before he got to the landing and ended up scooping him into my arms. “Eat,” he demanded, pointing to the kitchen. He was so much like me it was frightening at times, and a hungry Mason was not someone to mess with.

“Dada’s gonna have our heads.” Ty complained about us eating at midnight, but it was time that Mason and I got all alone. There was probably a reason he didn’t sleep through the night, and I wasn’t helping matters. Logically I knew that, but it didn’t change the fact that I loved the time we spent together. Alone time with my husband was hard enough to come by; alone time with just one of the kids was nearly unheard of.

Mason laughed at my comment despite not knowing what it meant. “Food!” His little chant had me smiling as I made two peanut butter sandwiches for us. “Tree, Daddy, tree.” For every ounce of me he had in him, he had just as much of Ty’s love for the holidays.

Growing up, holidays weren’t a big thing in our house. In the Scott home, they were entire productions. I’d gotten used to having lit trees in at least three rooms in our home, and I was getting used to Mason refusing to be in eyeshot of one of them without it being turned on. Mason was going to love being at the ranch for Christmas. Marla had been texting pictures of the decorations for weeks and had even done a video chat with Mason a few days earlier so he could see the decorations going up.