“Pissed a few people off in town.” I laughed.
Jasper nodded. “We did that too. But all in all, the response has been amazing. Even Old Man Jeffrey asks about you and Greg when I go to the feed store in town.”
“That’s because we’re sexy.”
Jasper laughed so hard he snorted. “You’re awful.”
I kissed his neck then nipped gently at the spot. Jasper’s back arched, then he smacked at my hand. “Dammit, Harrison, we’re already late.”
“Can you be late to your own wedding?” It was an honest question, and right then the erection I saw in the mirror straining at Jasper’s fly was a lot more tempting than freezing my ass off outside.
“You can if we leave our other third waiting.”
I sighed, frustrated that he was right and even more frustrated that I had to walk across the field with this giant plug up my ass. Tonight had better make this all worth the constant distraction for the next handful of hours. So far the only positive was that the muscles in my ass had stretched enough that the only real discomfort was coming from the persistent pressure on my prostate as I walked.
Jasper untangled himself from my arms and pressed a kiss against my lips. The kiss was chaste, but the way he ground his erection against mine was anything but. “Let’s go find our man,” he whispered as he pulled away, tucking the ring safely in his pocket.
“You’re evil,” I whined but followed him out of the room.
Derek was standing against the front door, long legs crossed in front of his body. “’Bout damn time. I was debating on if I should send search and rescue for you, but believe me, it wasn’t going to be me. I’d have called Greg. I don’t want to see any more of either of you.”
Jasper rolled his eyes and I couldn’t help but tease. “We’ve shared bedrooms, bathrooms, tour buses, and hotels. There’s nothing either of us could see that we haven’t already. And seriously, did you see Ty last night? The entire house saw all he has!”
Derek grinned. “I saw it—it would have been hard to miss the commotion—but I was pretty deep into little space. I can’t explain why, but things don’t process the same when I’m in that headspace versus adult.”
Jasper zipped his coat up and began searching for his gloves in the bucket we kept by the door. “You’re lucky. That was way more of Ty than I ever needed to see.”
Not even a minute later, we were leaving for the cabin to go find Greg before heading toward the barn. The snow was still a pristine white and it crunched under our boots as we walked. Along the path to the cabin, snowmen and snow angels dotted the landscape.
We hadn’t even made it all the way to the cabin’s front door when Greg appeared in the doorway looking way too sexy in his outfit. “Holy shit,” Jasper and I whispered.
“We’re fucking lucky,” Jasper muttered to me as we approached his open arms. And didn’t I know it. We were so fucking lucky to have found a man like Greg. He brought us together and made us whole. Jasper and I were good together, but with Greg we were perfect.
Greg gave us each a hug and a kiss as he pulled us into the cabin just long enough to get his own coat and gloves on.
“You guys look amazing,” Michelle mused as she snapped pictures with her phone. “Greg, you’re glowing.”
Greg’s cheeks heated with the most adorable blush, but he smiled. “Can’t help it around these two.” Jasper and I let out twin yelps as he pinched our asses, but unlike Jasper, I’d had to bite back a low moan when the clenching of my muscles caused the plug to press directly against my prostate. I’d been aroused in some form or another for so long it was extra sensitive.
“You okay, beautiful?” Greg asked when I clearly hadn’t hidden my gasp well enough.
I nodded and squeaked out a reply that I was pretty sure equated to a yes. At least it was good enough to satisfy Greg’s worry, and we were on our way to the barn a few minutes later.
“How long did it take to make all these snowmen?” Greg wondered aloud as we walked. They really had been placed everywhere. The kids must have been out for the last week making snowmen, and it was easy to tell who made which ones. Some were no more than blob-shaped mounds along the path, others were more elaborate. And I was pretty sure I saw the snowman we’d made in Marla’s side yard right before we entered the barn. How they’d managed to move it was beyond me, but there it was.
“Whoa,” Jasper whispered as we entered the barn. It looked like millions of tiny twinkle lights had been strung around the open space. Tables had been pushed together in one long row for everyone to sit at, and quiet music played.
“Where did the flowers come from?” I whispered to Jasper and Greg, but they both shrugged their shoulders. Bouquets of red and white roses with sprigs of pine and cinnamon sticks sat in the center of the table. We definitely hadn’t ordered flowers, and I had no idea where they’d come from, but they were absolutely beautiful.
Marla appeared behind us, pulling us into hugs and kissing our cheeks. “What do you think?”
“It’s perfect,” I responded.
“Magical,” Jasper said at the same time.
Greg hugged her a little tighter. “I have no idea how you did this, but it’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“It was no problem. You guys deserve it all.” She hugged Greg tightly. “Especially you.”