Page 10 of Sean

“I did. I still do love traveling. My work takes me all over. I’ve been on several assignments overseas, too. I think the longest two years of my life was when I was trying to establish my credentials as a photographer and had to stay in one place, building my portfolio doing weddings and local events.” She’d enjoyed capturing those moments for people, but she was also glad to be free of that sort of schedule when her career took off. “What about you? I never asked what you do. I mean, I know you were a SEAL.”

“That’s what led to my current employment,” he said. “I’m a consultant for TV and film productions. I make sure they represent military matters accurately—or mostly accurately.” He quirked a smile her way. “They don’t always take my suggestions.”

“Do you travel to Hollywood?” This was sort of fascinating. Another layer to who Sean was.

“No, it’s all remote work. I review scripts, Zoom with actors to talk them through how to look, how to move. Sometimes, I help stunt coordinators plan out action sequences.”

“And you enjoy it?”

He shrugged. “It pays the bills and allows me to live like I want to.”

In other words—completely isolated. That had changed when she’d descended on him with two kids and was about to change again when they got to his family’s property.

Behind her, Amos whimpered in his sleep. She turned around to comfort him, but he never completely woke up.

“Poor kid. Rough day for him,” Sean said.

“Afraid so. Imagine being that little and having to be frightened of your father. Horrible.” She shuddered. “Glad you were there to stop Wilson.” More than rescuing Amos, Sean had also shown that a man could be patient and caring. Julia was glad that Lucy and Amos had seen that. The image of Sean kneeling in front of Amos and talking to him came to her again. That had been a special moment, so were the ones where he’d cooked breakfast for the kids. “You’re good with kids.”

“Huh?” He glanced at her before turning his attention back to the road. “I guess. I haven’t spent a lot of time with them.”

“Not at all? That’s hard to believe.” She knew he had said he didn’t see his nieces, but he’d been so great with the kids that she thought for sure he’d spent time with a kid somewhere.

“Well…” he said, a little reluctantly. “I guess there was this one boy I befriended while I was stationed overseas. He used to play soccer outside the base. Sometimes, I’d talk or kick a ball around with him. He was older than your kids, but he brought his little brother around sometimes.”

“What was his name?” In the dim glow of the dashboard lights, she saw Sean’s jaw harden and his grip tighten on the wheel. “Sean?”

“You should get some sleep while you can. We’ll be at the ranch early in the morning,” he said, making it clear he wasn’t going to share anymore. She felt a little stung, but then she reminded herself that he was already doing so much for them. She didn’t want to push him to speak about something that seemed to upset him.

“Okay, good night,” she whispered and pulled a blanket around her shoulders. Despite the events of the day, when she closed her eyes, sleep came almost instantly.


Sean made the last turn onto the road to his family’s home. He hadn’t been to Birch River Ranch in almost four years and returning was…daunting. He had no idea what to expect from his parents or sisters. All he knew for sure was that he and Julia and the kids wouldn’t get turned away. In fact, they were expected, thanks to a short exchange of texts with his father from late last night when he’d told Joe Miller that he needed a safe hiding place for a friend of Ethan’s that Sean was helping out.

His father knew some of what had been going on thanks to Ethan, so none of it came as a surprise to Joe. That had been the easy part. Seeing his father and his family, talking with them, living with them was going to be a lot more challenging. But it was the best option to keep Julia and the kids away from Wilson’s grasp. That meant he’d take it no matter how it might impact him personally.

As he pulled onto the long drive, he glanced at Julia. She’d been restless for a while in the night before dropping into a sound sleep a few hours earlier.

Now, she was dozing comfortably with her legs curled under her and her head resting against the seat back. She looked vulnerable, and he had to remind himself that she was far tougher than she appeared. She’d already been surviving on her own with the kids for weeks. But remembering that didn’t change the feeling of protectiveness rising in him for her. That surprised him. He’d kept his attachments to others to practically nothing for so long that having someone else in his life felt completely foreign, and at the same time, kind of right.

When he reached the house and barns, he squirmed a little in his seat, unsettled by the way everything seemed familiar and strange all at once. It was like he was entering a different life—one that he had deviated from and never planned to rejoin.

But here he was in the early morning hour.

He reached across the seat to touch Julia’s shoulder.

“We’re here,” he whispered, not wanting to frighten her. She came awake quickly with a sharp intake of breath before straightening in her seat and giving him a tentative smile. He gave it a few seconds, enjoying the connection between them before turning to the kids and waking them.

Amos grumbled and rubbed his eyes. The poor kid had to still be feeling the aftereffects of almost being kidnapped. Lucy’s reaction, on the other hand, totally surprised him.

“Look,” she squealed, the pitch almost enough to make Sean cover his ears. “Horses!” She was bouncing up and down in her seat.

“Whoa, there, young lady,” Sean said. “You can’t make that sound around the horses. You’ll scare them.”

“I won’t, I promise. Where are we?” Her eyes were wide as she tried to take it all in.

“My family’s horse ranch,” he responded as he opened his door and went to get the girl out. He kept a hand on her shoulder to prevent her from running toward the pasture where the horses grazed.