“Was there anything else to this walk in the woods?” Sophie pressed. Her journalistic instincts must have told her that there was more to the story. “Come on, spill it, sister. Sean’s hot, right?”
“He is. And we’ve kind of gotten…close.” Physically, at least. Emotionally? The jury was still out.
“Did you sleep with him?” Helen lowered her voice.
Julia glanced around despite being in the room by herself. “I did. And it was—”
“Oh, my god!” Sophie jumped in before she could finish. “I’m so happy for you. As much as this whole mess with Wilson sucks, it seems to be bringing us together with amazing guys. Well, back together in Helen’s case.”
“Which I didn’t think was possible a few months ago. I’m so thankful that Ethan and I made it through our rough patch. Being in love is an amazing feeling.”
“Whoa, put the brakes on,” Julia said before they could get more carried away. “It’s not like that for me and Sean. I like him a lot, but it’s not love. It’s not anything that’s going to last.”
“Why not?” Sophie demanded.
“Because…well, for one thing, we’re way too different. And he’s…closed off.” She could be honest with her friends and admit what had concerned her since she and Sean left the cabin. He was quick to shut her out if she delved beneath the surface level.
“Work some magic on him. Get him to talk to you more,” Helen encouraged her. “You’re a great listener, Julia. That’s your superpower. You observe and listen.”
Julia shook her head. “That might be my superpower, but it’s never translated to a lasting relationship. And that’s okay. I’ve always been happy with the temporary.” She was the master of the short-term gig, and the few adult relationships she’d had were always limited to a time frame. She just didn’t see herself as the happily-ever-after sort. Sean didn’t seem to be looking for that either. “I’ll just enjoy whatever this is with Sean while it lasts.” The last thing she wanted to do was put expectations on him or on herself.
“At least consider the possibility of more,” Sophie said, making Julia marvel again at how her career-driven, anti-romance friend had changed since getting together with Owen. Looked like love really could work miracles. Good for her, but Julia didn’t see that in her future with Sean, especially not after the way he’d distanced himself.
“How are you feeling, Helen?” Julia asked to deflect attention from herself. “Any news on the baby?”
“My doctor assures me that the baby is right on track, and I’m starting to feel sort of round. See?” Helen stood up and turned sideways to show off her small baby bump. “I’ve been trying to research baby products. I want two sets of everything—one for home and one for my parents’ house. That’s going to get expensive, though.”
“Did you get that list of recommendations I sent you from my coworker?” Sophie asked.
“I did, and I combined it with the one from Ethan’s mom. They match pretty well, but it’s going to take a bazillion dollar trip to the baby superstore to acquire everything.”
“Hey,” Tara’s voice behind Julia made her jump. “Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help overhearing. You’re looking for baby gear?”
“I am…um.” Helen trailed off, a look of confusion on her face.
“Helen, Sophie,” Julia jumped in. “This is Sean’s sister, Tara. Tara, these are my friends—the other two women up against Wilson.”
“I’m so impressed with the three of you,” Tara said, sitting down next to Julia, so they were both in the frame. “You’re all tougher than I am. I can’t imagine having to deal with what you’ve been through.”
“At least we’re almost to the finish line,” Sophie said. “Just a little longer and Julia will be safe, too—thanks to your family.”
“Happy to help. I don’t want to hijack your conversation, but I have plenty of baby stuff that I’m not going to use again. I’ve got three girls already. My husband and I talked about going for number four, but he’s overseas as much as he’s home, so we decided we’re done. I’m happy to give you what I’ve got. It might help.”
“That’s really kind of you. I’m glad to take you up on that.” Helen smiled.
“Super,” Tara said. “I’ll send you a list of what I have through Julia, and we’ll figure out how to get what you want to you.”
“I’ve still got several months. I just like to be organized.”
“I get that.” Tara was hyper-organized, which made her the right person to run the ranch.
“I’ve got to go,” Sophie said. “I have an early morning deadline. Talk later.” She disconnected first followed by Helen, which left Julia sitting with Tara in the quiet, darkened living room.
“I didn’t bother you, did I? I thought everyone was in bed,” Julia said. She’d considered doing this video chat in her bedroom, but the Wi-Fi was so much better in the living room.
“I came down because I forgot to set up the coffeepot to auto brew. Everyone around here likes their morning coffee.” Tara seemed like she was settled in for a conversation.
“How much did you overhear?” It was awkward, but Julia had to ask.